Deportations Next BIG Job Market?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Could well be and those would be FEDERAL jobs with good pay and vacations plus retirement and health benefits just like the post office.

So let's say you are stuck with 15 million ILLEGALS and you need to ship them out. FedEx and UPS is not designed for that BUT you just happen to have Amtrak which is under used and over funded. So you use it.

Now you need people say 150,000 more or less to capture and do the paper work and ship the ILLEGALS. So now you have taken 150k in people OFF unemployment right? And on average every mid level job creates three additional jobs OUTSIDE the original 150K.

Now yu don't ship them back with their stuff, just the clothes on their back and a pair of zip cuffs. Whatever they bought was with ill gotten gains from a crime and that crime being illegal entry.

Now while the first look at the sticker price may scare you some of the other results should make you happy.
150 NEW middle class TAX PAYERS
150 NEW entry level or better TAX PAYERS
Reduced crime.
Reduced cost of social budget

So you raise the tax base {income} at the same time you cut social programs {costs}. Deporting ILLEGALS could make more jobs then the Keystone pipeline OR the fence. Once the fence is built you can cut staff from those jobs but you are looking at a decade of mass deportations.

Deporting ILLEGALS from this country could be one of the best fiscal and economic rebuilds in the shortest time in this country.

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