Denver Mayor Hancock flies for Thanksgiving after urging others to avoid travel


Gold Member
Dec 19, 2011

Denver mayor flies for Thanksgiving after urging others to avoid travel
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveled by air Wednesday to see family for Thanksgiving, after making recent public statements urging people to avoid gathering with others outside their households.
Watch: Denver mayor urged people to avoid Thanksgiving travel, before flying himself
And after the meal, as we’re going to do, Zoom with your extended family, all your friends, everyone that you meet, and tell them that you look forward to seeing them real soon and that maybe next year, maybe next year we can all be together again.
I know this is hard. I know you hate this. I hate this. But we are doing our best to avoid a complete shutdown of our economy.”

What an asswipe of a mayor.

Denver mayor flies for Thanksgiving after urging others to avoid travel
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveled by air Wednesday to see family for Thanksgiving, after making recent public statements urging people to avoid gathering with others outside their households.
Watch: Denver mayor urged people to avoid Thanksgiving travel, before flying himself
And after the meal, as we’re going to do, Zoom with your extended family, all your friends, everyone that you meet, and tell them that you look forward to seeing them real soon and that maybe next year, maybe next year we can all be together again.
I know this is hard. I know you hate this. I hate this. But we are doing our best to avoid a complete shutdown of our economy.”

What an asswipe of a mayor.

Yup. This is what progressives are. Complete and total hypocrites. They truly believe they are better than everyone else.

1st Amendment says I have the right to assemble.


If Mr. Hancock was flying his private plane, it was probably very safe in comparison to the Hoi Polloi in Denver who wanted to get onto commercial airlines.

Denver mayor flies for Thanksgiving after urging others to avoid travel
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveled by air Wednesday to see family for Thanksgiving, after making recent public statements urging people to avoid gathering with others outside their households.
Watch: Denver mayor urged people to avoid Thanksgiving travel, before flying himself
And after the meal, as we’re going to do, Zoom with your extended family, all your friends, everyone that you meet, and tell them that you look forward to seeing them real soon and that maybe next year, maybe next year we can all be together again.
I know this is hard. I know you hate this. I hate this. But we are doing our best to avoid a complete shutdown of our economy.”

What an asswipe of a mayor.
Shame on him.
Mayor Hancock knows that the covid hoopla is phony. All the democrat politicos know. This is about controlling the proles.
As people perish everyday, sometimes around 1500 with dead with covid.
And no one dies of anything but covid. Right? The opiod epidemic killed how many? None anymore. They die of covid. No more cancer or heart attacks. All cured. They die of covid.

Gavin Newsom has dinner out with his family and medical supply lobbyists. No masks. No social distancing. He knows its a fake. Aunt Nancy Pelosi has her hair done. She knows its a fake. Governor Cuomo has a big family bash. He knows it's a fake. Governor Hancock hops on a plane to family. He knows it's a fake. Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot gets her hair done. She knows its a fake.

How much more do you need?
Mayor Hancock knows that the covid hoopla is phony. All the democrat politicos know. This is about controlling the proles.
As people perish everyday, sometimes around 1500 with dead with covid.

I was listening to the radio this morning, a substitute for Dr. Glenn Beck was on the air, and it turns out that the overall death rate has not risen at all.

A friend of mine died last weekend of the 'rona. The gentleman was afflicted by diabetes , stage IV liver cancer and emphysema and was advised of his need for leg amputations. But then he caught the Corona Virus and croaked pretty quickly.
Mayor Hancock knows that the covid hoopla is phony. All the democrat politicos know. This is about controlling the proles.
As people perish everyday, sometimes around 1500 with dead with covid.
And no one dies of anything but covid. Right? The opiod epidemic killed how many? None anymore. They die of covid. No more cancer or heart attacks. All cured. They die of covid.

Gavin Newsom has dinner out with his family and medical supply lobbyists. No masks. No social distancing. He knows its a fake. Aunt Nancy Pelosi has her hair done. She knows its a fake. Governor Cuomo has a big family bash. He knows it's a fake. Governor Hancock hops on a plane to family. He knows it's a fake. Mayor of Chicago Lori Lightfoot gets her hair done. She knows its a fake.

How much more do you need?
All your doing is bitching.
Mayor Hancock knows that the covid hoopla is phony. All the democrat politicos know. This is about controlling the proles.
As people perish everyday, sometimes around 1500 with dead with covid.

I was listening to the radio this morning, a substitute for Dr. Glenn Beck was on the air, and it turns out that the overall death rate has not risen at all.

A friend of mine died last weekend of the 'rona. The gentleman was afflicted by diabetes , stage IV liver cancer and emphysema and was advised of his need for leg amputations. But then he caught the Corona Virus and croaked pretty quickly.

You too, all you want to do is bitch.

Do you want to catch it, then go right ahead. Don't let me stop yous, one can't anyway. Go and catch it and hope your not one of the one that gets dead.
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveled by air Wednesday to see family for Thanksgiving, after making recent public statements urging people to avoid gathering with others outside their households.

Yesbut, you're missing the point! It was perfectly safe for Mike to fly for Thanksgiving because EVERYONE ELSE WAS HOME OBSERVING THE COVID CAUTIONS HE SET FORTH, so there was nothing but an empty plane left just for him to use. :smoke:

Ain't it just dandy how that all worked out?! :SMILEW~130:
Watch: Denver mayor urged people to avoid Thanksgiving travel, before flying himself
This is what progressives are. Complete and total hypocrites. They truly believe they are better than everyone else.

Yet amazingly, they continually prove themselves to be less educated and not better than (or even as good as) anyone.
I don't know if this is about small minded politicians in general, or liberal democrats in particular, small turkeys? Gobble gobble, Mikey!
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Hand cock is a member of the same Democratic party bullshit. Gay marriage. How about dog/cat marriage? Hickenlooper is from Indiana, we natives didn't vote for, like Hichenlooper /Pena. No, Californians driving up housing prices. Lets see, we get arbitrarily:
A) Light rail we never wanted.
B) Moving the airport even though it was unnecessary and we locals didn't want it. Drives property values and creates urban sprawl.

Denver mayor flies for Thanksgiving after urging others to avoid travel
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock traveled by air Wednesday to see family for Thanksgiving, after making recent public statements urging people to avoid gathering with others outside their households.
Watch: Denver mayor urged people to avoid Thanksgiving travel, before flying himself
And after the meal, as we’re going to do, Zoom with your extended family, all your friends, everyone that you meet, and tell them that you look forward to seeing them real soon and that maybe next year, maybe next year we can all be together again.
I know this is hard. I know you hate this. I hate this. But we are doing our best to avoid a complete shutdown of our economy.”

What an asswipe of a mayor.

Unbelievable.....the as I say not as I do.

God, what scum the Rats are.
Hancock, like Pelosi, like Cuomo, like Newsom, like Feinstein, like Garcetti, like 90% of big time politicians
( I would guess) live in their own way and really don't want to live under the rules they enforce on others.

It's all part of our schizophrenic society We are evolving into an extremely powerful version of Italy or Brazil
where a double standard is accepted as normal and natural and cheating the government is seen as
something aspires to.

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