Dems say; *Sniff....Sniff.....Republicans Won't Give Water To Voters Dying Of Thirst (In November....Cuz It's So Hot)......Sniff....Sniff*

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats made up a story about thirsty voters standing in line.....claiming the Georgia GOP wants them to suffer from lack of water.
At first they said that the new voter laws are just horrible 'Jim Crow' laws. Now they're resorting to making up stories about a mini humanitarian crisis in the voting lines.

Man......they must have some really good stuff in those laws. Stuff that will keep Democrats from stealing more elections. And that is precisely the reason they're calling it racist. What else do they have.

Here's the deal......if Democrats don't like can bet your ass that it's gonna be good for Americans.

First they called it they're claiming it has a partition that says you cannot drink water while waiting in line to vote. What the law really says is you're not allowed to buy drinks, food, booze, cigarettes, or anything for voters standing in line. Democrats claim this is racist because it effects urban districts more than other's.....because black people can't figure out something simple like bringing their own water to drink while waiting in line.

Rachel Maddow made this silly claim on MSNBC the other day. Lying Joe Biden says the Justice Department is looking at the law. Florida wants a law like Georgia's, so they're preparing to vote on a similar bill. They should have done this before the election. If they had...maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today with commie Democrats spending trillions to take over our country and turn it into a 3rd world Shithole.

A state lawmaker in Georgia has been arrested and charged amid protests over a new election bill.
Democrat Park Cannon was handcuffed and removed from the state capitol for banging on Governor Brian Kemp's office door as he signed the bill.​
Republicans say the new voting laws are "common sense", but Democrats slammed the measures as "sick" and say they will suppress the vote. (Suppress cheating more like)​

Republicans introduced the Election Integrity Act of 2021, and it hurtled through both chambers of the state's Republican-controlled legislature within the space of a few hours on Thursday.​
It makes Georgia the first presidential battleground state and the second overall to pass laws that restrict ballot access in the aftermath of the 2020 election.​

View attachment 474986

Democrats made up story about thirsty voters standing in line.....claiming the Georgia GOP wants them to suffer from lack of water.
At first they said that the new voter laws are just horrible 'Jim Crow' laws. Now they're resorting to making up stories about a mini humanitarian crisis in the voting lines.

Man......they must have some really good stuff in those laws. Stuff that will keep Democrats from stealing more elections. And that is precisely the reason they're calling it racist. What else do they have.

Here's the deal......if Democrats don't like can bet your ass that it's gonna be good for Americans.

First they called it they're claiming it has a partition that says you cannot drink water while waiting in line to vote. What the law really says is you're not allowed to buy drinks, food, booze, cigarettes, or anything for voters standing in line. Democrats claim this is racist because it effects urban districts more than other's.....because black people can't figure out something simple like bringing their own water to drink while waiting in line.

Rachel Maddow made this silly claim on MSNBC the other day. Lying Joe Biden says the Justice Department is looking at the law. Florida wants a law like Georgia's, so they're preparing to vote on a similar bill. They should have done this before the election. If they had...maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today with commie Democrats spending trillions to take over our country and turn it into a 3rd world Shithole.

A state lawmaker in Georgia has been arrested and charged amid protests over a new election bill.
Democrat Park Cannon was handcuffed and removed from the state capitol for banging on Governor Brian Kemp's office door as he signed the bill.​
Republicans say the new voting laws are "common sense", but Democrats slammed the measures as "sick" and say they will suppress the vote. (Suppress cheating more like)​

Republicans introduced the Election Integrity Act of 2021, and it hurtled through both chambers of the state's Republican-controlled legislature within the space of a few hours on Thursday.​
It makes Georgia the first presidential battleground state and the second overall to pass laws that restrict ballot access in the aftermath of the 2020 election.​

Dims don't stand in line to vote anyway so what do they care?
View attachment 474986

Democrats made up story about thirsty voters standing in line.....claiming the Georgia GOP wants them to suffer from lack of water.
At first they said that the new voter laws are just horrible 'Jim Crow' laws. Now they're resorting to making up stories about a mini humanitarian crisis in the voting lines.

Man......they must have some really good stuff in those laws. Stuff that will keep Democrats from stealing more elections. And that is precisely the reason they're calling it racist. What else do they have.

Here's the deal......if Democrats don't like can bet your ass that it's gonna be good for Americans.

First they called it they're claiming it has a partition that says you cannot drink water while waiting in line to vote. What the law really says is you're not allowed to buy drinks, food, booze, cigarettes, or anything for voters standing in line. Democrats claim this is racist because it effects urban districts more than other's.....because black people can't figure out something simple like bringing their own water to drink while waiting in line.

Rachel Maddow made this silly claim on MSNBC the other day. Lying Joe Biden says the Justice Department is looking at the law. Florida wants a law like Georgia's, so they're preparing to vote on a similar bill. They should have done this before the election. If they had...maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today with commie Democrats spending trillions to take over our country and turn it into a 3rd world Shithole.

A state lawmaker in Georgia has been arrested and charged amid protests over a new election bill.
Democrat Park Cannon was handcuffed and removed from the state capitol for banging on Governor Brian Kemp's office door as he signed the bill.​
Republicans say the new voting laws are "common sense", but Democrats slammed the measures as "sick" and say they will suppress the vote. (Suppress cheating more like)​

Republicans introduced the Election Integrity Act of 2021, and it hurtled through both chambers of the state's Republican-controlled legislature within the space of a few hours on Thursday.​
It makes Georgia the first presidential battleground state and the second overall to pass laws that restrict ballot access in the aftermath of the 2020 election.​

Dims don't stand in line to vote anyway so what do they care?
They might have to produce proper I.D. if they did.
Don't pretend that there isn't a good chance it will be hot in November in Georgia.

Also, last year the primaries in Georgia were held on June 9th. I remember sweating my ass off waiting in line. And the line wasn't that long.
View attachment 474986

Democrats made up a story about thirsty voters standing in line.....claiming the Georgia GOP wants them to suffer from lack of water.
At first they said that the new voter laws are just horrible 'Jim Crow' laws. Now they're resorting to making up stories about a mini humanitarian crisis in the voting lines.

Man......they must have some really good stuff in those laws. Stuff that will keep Democrats from stealing more elections. And that is precisely the reason they're calling it racist. What else do they have.

Here's the deal......if Democrats don't like can bet your ass that it's gonna be good for Americans.

First they called it they're claiming it has a partition that says you cannot drink water while waiting in line to vote. What the law really says is you're not allowed to buy drinks, food, booze, cigarettes, or anything for voters standing in line. Democrats claim this is racist because it effects urban districts more than other's.....because black people can't figure out something simple like bringing their own water to drink while waiting in line.

Rachel Maddow made this silly claim on MSNBC the other day. Lying Joe Biden says the Justice Department is looking at the law. Florida wants a law like Georgia's, so they're preparing to vote on a similar bill. They should have done this before the election. If they had...maybe we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today with commie Democrats spending trillions to take over our country and turn it into a 3rd world Shithole.

A state lawmaker in Georgia has been arrested and charged amid protests over a new election bill.
Democrat Park Cannon was handcuffed and removed from the state capitol for banging on Governor Brian Kemp's office door as he signed the bill.​
Republicans say the new voting laws are "common sense", but Democrats slammed the measures as "sick" and say they will suppress the vote. (Suppress cheating more like)​

Republicans introduced the Election Integrity Act of 2021, and it hurtled through both chambers of the state's Republican-controlled legislature within the space of a few hours on Thursday.​
It makes Georgia the first presidential battleground state and the second overall to pass laws that restrict ballot access in the aftermath of the 2020 election.​

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