Dems propose national ID card.

All the while, pissing and moaning about arresting illegals:

"Democratic leaders have proposed requiring every worker in the nation to carry a national identification card with biometric information, such as a fingerprint, within the next six years, according to a draft of the measure.

The proposal is one of the biggest differences between the newest immigration reform proposal and legislation crafted by late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The national ID program would be titled the Believe System, an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment.

It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases.

“The cardholder’s identity will be verified by matching the biometric identifier stored within the microprocessing chip on the card to the identifier provided by the cardholder that shall be read by the scanner used by the employer,” states the Democratic legislative proposal.

The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties defender often aligned with the Democratic Party, wasted no time in blasting the plan.

“Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives. Every worker in America will need a government permission slip in order to work. And all of this will come with a new federal bureaucracy — one that combines the worst elements of the DMV and the TSA,” said Christopher Calabrese, ACLU legislative counsel."

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card -

You are blaming a dead guy for this?:lol::lol::lol:

THATS what you got out of the OP?

It's amazing that you have enough brain function to allow breathing...
I've carried a Federal ID card since I was 18 years old. I have never had a problem with a National ID. Fact is If it will send some illegals packing I'll be first in line to get it.

I'm with you on this Ollie

What is wrong with carrying a card that can't be faked?

Prevents illegals from getting jobs, stops ID theft, can be used instead of a passport and drivers license
All the while, pissing and moaning about arresting illegals:

"Democratic leaders have proposed requiring every worker in the nation to carry a national identification card with biometric information, such as a fingerprint, within the next six years, according to a draft of the measure.

The proposal is one of the biggest differences between the newest immigration reform proposal and legislation crafted by late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The national ID program would be titled the Believe System, an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment.

It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases.

“The cardholder’s identity will be verified by matching the biometric identifier stored within the microprocessing chip on the card to the identifier provided by the cardholder that shall be read by the scanner used by the employer,” states the Democratic legislative proposal.

The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties defender often aligned with the Democratic Party, wasted no time in blasting the plan.

“Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives. Every worker in America will need a government permission slip in order to work. And all of this will come with a new federal bureaucracy — one that combines the worst elements of the DMV and the TSA,” said Christopher Calabrese, ACLU legislative counsel."

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card -

You are blaming a dead guy for this?:lol::lol::lol:

THATS what you got out of the OP?

It's amazing that you have enough brain function to allow breathing...

As in "me" you mean a real live human with a real picture of himself displayed for all and by "you" I am supposed to take a picture of a hack "B" actors picture as a representative of someone? Christ are probably a fat little kid that hides in the basement and gorges himself on twinkies.

Thanks for the opinion of some elses picture.

I'll try and take you seriously when you stop hiding like a scared little girl.

Sean Corey
The Roosevelt administration said that social security numbers would be used strictly for that program and never expanded to be used an individual identifier. Well, look how that turned out. If this national ID comes to fruition we may as well be microchipped because it won't be much different. Eventually it will be used to run and monitor every aspect of our lives.

I do find it interesting that the Democrats and some Republicans are against illegal immigrants having to prove they can be here, but they have no problem forcing every legal American born and raised here to prove we do.
You are blaming a dead guy for this?:lol::lol::lol:

THATS what you got out of the OP?

It's amazing that you have enough brain function to allow breathing...

As in "me" you mean a real live human with a real picture of himself displayed for all and by "you" I am supposed to take a picture of a hack "B" actors picture as a representative of someone? Christ are probably a fat little kid that hides in the basement and gorges himself on twinkies.

Thanks for the opinion of some elses picture.

I'll try and take you seriously when you stop hiding like a scared little girl.

Sean Corey

Diaper Boy...

Nobody here believes a word you type...

You are a fucking joke to everyone except your lover GayBikerSailor... I'm sure he respects you and believes you...

Now go back to your thread and cry for attention some more...
All the while, pissing and moaning about arresting illegals:

"Democratic leaders have proposed requiring every worker in the nation to carry a national identification card with biometric information, such as a fingerprint, within the next six years, according to a draft of the measure.

The proposal is one of the biggest differences between the newest immigration reform proposal and legislation crafted by late Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.).

The national ID program would be titled the Believe System, an acronym for Biometric Enrollment, Locally stored Information and Electronic Verification of Employment.

It would require all workers across the nation to carry a card with a digital encryption key that would have to match work authorization databases.

“The cardholder’s identity will be verified by matching the biometric identifier stored within the microprocessing chip on the card to the identifier provided by the cardholder that shall be read by the scanner used by the employer,” states the Democratic legislative proposal.

The American Civil Liberties Union, a civil liberties defender often aligned with the Democratic Party, wasted no time in blasting the plan.

“Creating a biometric national ID will not only be astronomically expensive, it will usher government into the very center of our lives. Every worker in America will need a government permission slip in order to work. And all of this will come with a new federal bureaucracy — one that combines the worst elements of the DMV and the TSA,” said Christopher Calabrese, ACLU legislative counsel."

Dems spark alarm with call for national ID card -

I'm all for a national id card, but I do not believe it should be chipped so that the government knows where we are at all times.
You already have a nearly national ID card. Driver's License. One day, some bureaucrat is going to decide we need to have a National Driver's License. I'm just waiting to get that number tattooed on my forehead and with Owe Bama in charge that may come at any day...

Naw, you can't you a driver's license as a national id card. Too many states give them to illegals, mine included.
Enforce the LAWS we already have, secure the border and kick out the illegals. LIKE they promised in 86.

well the first two are doable RGS.....kicking them out might not....some have been here too long.....i dont see giving long termers the boot....newer arrivals yes....

Forgive them because they stayed longer than others? I don't think so. Illegal is still illegal.
Enforce the LAWS we already have, secure the border and kick out the illegals. LIKE they promised in 86.

well the first two are doable RGS.....kicking them out might not....some have been here too long.....i dont see giving long termers the boot....newer arrivals yes....

Forgive them because they stayed longer than others? I don't think so. Illegal is still illegal.

im not saying forgive them Ollie....they will have to do some monetary penance....but i dont think your going to be able to kick out the LONG timers without some massive resistance.....sorry i just dont see it happening.......
Bullshit. We have done everything we can to make it easy to become naturalized, or at least legal.

They're breaking the law. The ones who have been here for a long time have been breaking the law for a long time.
You already have a nearly national ID card. Driver's License. One day, some bureaucrat is going to decide we need to have a National Driver's License. I'm just waiting to get that number tattooed on my forehead and with Owe Bama in charge that may come at any day...

Or worse yet, someday some police officer may haul you off to jail because you didn't have proof on you that you're legally in the US.

You already have a nearly national ID card. Driver's License. One day, some bureaucrat is going to decide we need to have a National Driver's License. I'm just waiting to get that number tattooed on my forehead and with Owe Bama in charge that may come at any day...

Drivers licenses are hardly a national ID. That social security card is though.

The IRS can find you no matter where you try to hide. Well, unless you're an illegal working for cash.

You'll have to wait for Owe Bama to get to you dude. He's too busy taking over the private sector and sticking pacifiers in the mouths of pussies who can't fend for themselves.
Go for a your card

Not the same as pulling you over and demanding your papers

Actually, the government intrusion is waaaaay more similar than it is different.

You're a hypocrite for supporting this while opposing the Arizona law.

And likewise, the douchers that support the Arizona law while opposing this are just as hypocritical.

Both ideas suck in the worst way imaginable.

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