Dems: No unwarr eavesdropping, except against Republicans


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
Democrats oppose unwarranted eavesdropping, except against Republicans

Oct. 3, 2006

WASHINGTON,DC (AP) - Democrats have been protesting stridently for months against the arrogance of the Bush administration for their actions of listening in on international calls between phone numbers of known terrorists, and for the "data mining" of information in supposedly-private communications on the internet.

These same Democrats are now calling for House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL) to step down. He has stated that he had never seen the supposedly-private emails and instant-message posts of Florida rep Mark Foley (R-FL) to a 16-year-old male page, and only knew that communications had taken place, until ABC News published their contents.

Democrats apparently believe that Hastert should have somehow known their contents long ago, though no evidence of a crime has surfaced and a warrant would be impossible to get to authorize such eavesdropping. Undeterred by the facts, however, Democrats now want Hastert's head.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is expected to announce at any time now, her plans for calling for a Special Prosecutor such as Patrick Fitzgerald, to investigate ABC's exposure of confidential information from the Foley emails and messages. Though the information does not involve any covert agent, just as information about Valerie Plame's did not, impartial observers see no reason why Democrats should show any less outrage over its release than they did over the release of Plame's identity. Only rank partisans could fail to treat both matters identically, they said.

Observers were surprised to find Pelosi unavailable for comment on the matter.

Copyright (c) AP (Acorn Press)

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