Dems must realize...Trump's 'base' (30 states and 2,623 counties) have given him full carte blanche to destroy the Left by any means necessary


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.

Care to address the premise of thread?
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.

Care to address the premise of thread?
View attachment 316348

Don't know where that chance of winning is its irrelevant.

For my point see the election of 2018 and specifically Virginia.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.

Care to address the premise of thread?
View attachment 316348

Don't know where that chance of winning is its irrelevant.

For my point see the election of 2018 and specifically Virginia.

Nobody ever said Dems can't win local elections....What happen in mid term elections during the Kenyan's era?
For my point do some due diligence and look it up.
There was no Kenyan. There is no TDS. There is DTS=Deranged Trump Supporters. And dirt doesn't count as population.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.

Care to address the premise of thread?
View attachment 316348

Don't know where that chance of winning is its irrelevant.

For my point see the election of 2018 and specifically Virginia.

Nobody ever said Dems can't win local elections....What happen in mid term elections during the Kenyan's era?

What happened to trump and his midterm election? Large parts of red turned blue.

President Obama is retired, bringing him up is not germane to your argument.
The OP is so dead-on. Here's another angle. The pathetic left have dug a hole so deep Trump has
carte blanche to fuck up and fuck up often. Reason being all their criticism's past prove to be complete fabrications, so even if they had something objective their credibility is already lost.

Cry wolf. Show an old saying it's a saying tested and true.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

It shows how little you understand. The reason that Trump won was the fact that 25% of the electorate voted against Clinton rather than for Trump. Those voters do not hate anyone and they are turned off by the far right rhetoric that Trump espouses. Trump and the Republicans has sent turnout by minorities skyrocketing and suburban voters have left the party. Trump has destroyed the Reagan coalition.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

It shows how little you understand. The reason that Trump won was the fact that 25% of the electorate voted against Clinton rather than for Trump. Those voters do not hate anyone and they are turned off by the far right rhetoric that Trump espouses. Trump and the Republicans has sent turnout by minorities skyrocketing and suburban voters have left the party. Trump has destroyed the Reagan coalition.

Are we going with "because you said so" on this one?
The fake impeachment, russia russia russia, jussie, covington, - the GOP base is livid...

The marxist base is staring ambivalently at a drooling fucktard that can't put together a coherent sentence.... And should be in a hospice.

Trump is running unopposed in Nov.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

It shows how little you understand. The reason that Trump won was the fact that 25% of the electorate voted against Clinton rather than for Trump. Those voters do not hate anyone and they are turned off by the far right rhetoric that Trump espouses. Trump and the Republicans has sent turnout by minorities skyrocketing and suburban voters have left the party. Trump has destroyed the Reagan coalition.

Are we going with "because you said so" on this one?

Again, did trump's base expand or contract with the 2018 midterm election?
The fake impeachment, russia russia russia, jussie, covington, - the GOP base is livid...

The marxist base is staring ambivalently at a drooling fucktard that can't put together a coherent sentence.... And should be in a hospice.

Trump is running unopposed in Nov.

trump's still impeached, still singing the praises of Putin and idiot supporters are contracting the virus.

Even foxie news has Biden up 9%
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

It shows how little you understand. The reason that Trump won was the fact that 25% of the electorate voted against Clinton rather than for Trump. Those voters do not hate anyone and they are turned off by the far right rhetoric that Trump espouses. Trump and the Republicans has sent turnout by minorities skyrocketing and suburban voters have left the party. Trump has destroyed the Reagan coalition.

Are we going with "because you said so" on this one?

Again, did trump's base expand or contract with the 2018 midterm election?

I'm not sure...but this sticks out for me for some reason...
Under the Kenyan King, Democrats suffered the largest loss in power since Eisenhower
The Kenyan entered the White House with his party touting a 60 seat majority in the Senate and 257 seat majority in the House. Democrats fell to a 48 seat minority in the Senate and 194 seat minority in the House...a net loss of 12 and 64 seats respectively. He also lost 12 governorships, and 958 seats in state legislatures.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

He doesn't have the vote in thirty states anymore. He has turned the suburban vote blue.
We shall see but you'd better plan on screaming at the sky again then start shopping for a new party to replace the soon to be dead as a dodo democratic dumbass party you belong to now.
We expect him to display his extreme hatred for the Left in EVERYTHING he says and in everything he does...He will not be re-elected if he doesn't.
What I'm getting at here...we view TDS levels as a metric, the more TDS behavior we see/hear the happier we are...we know he's doing exactly what he was hired to do...NOTHING he says or does angers us if it angers the Left....NOTHING!
PLEASE NOTE: This thread is not intended to 'flame', I wanted to explain what I believe to be the dynamic between "Trumpsters" and Trump. So keep in mind; when Trump says or does something that we would normally view as stupid, immature or even destructive...we wait for your response, if you hate it we learn to love it.

It shows how little you understand. The reason that Trump won was the fact that 25% of the electorate voted against Clinton rather than for Trump. Those voters do not hate anyone and they are turned off by the far right rhetoric that Trump espouses. Trump and the Republicans has sent turnout by minorities skyrocketing and suburban voters have left the party. Trump has destroyed the Reagan coalition.

Are we going with "because you said so" on this one?

Again, did trump's base expand or contract with the 2018 midterm election?

I'm not sure...but this sticks out for me for some reason...
Under the Kenyan King, Democrats suffered the largest loss in power since Eisenhower
The Kenyan entered the White House with his party touting a 60 seat majority in the Senate and 257 seat majority in the House. Democrats fell to a 48 seat minority in the Senate and 194 seat minority in the House...a net loss of 12 and 64 seats respectively. He also lost 12 governorships, and 958 seats in state legislatures.

So, everything under trump....His level on senate seats (going to lose at least 4 in 2020), lost the majority in House as Democratic pols now number 241....lost 5 governorships and around 250 state seats.

So, your point is.

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