Dems Losing Senate ??

While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

We've tried welched. You're not trustworthy.
I pray to God they do. Maybe that miserable little fuck Harry will quit - goddamn obstructionist. We'll see how mighty Obama's pen, and phone is if they do. The less power he has the better.
While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

I have mixed emotions.

Since 2010 the media has insisted that the moonbat messiah would have ushered in a 1000 year utopia if not for "the party of no".

%35 of our voters are solidly retarded, no doubt about that. Another %30 aren't much smarter, but at least vote a straight republicrat ticket. The remaining %35 are either disenfranchised independents ad libertarians, or sheep that swing to what seems trendy.

If the republicrats take the senate, the mantra of the media will suddenly revert back to how bad everything is, and how is spite of obozo's herculean efforts and utter genius, the republicrats are responsible for the reversal of the recovery that was clearly taking place.

Everything depends on the public perception of reality, and who ges to manipulate it.

It's not just elections that need to be won, it's leftist propaganda that needs to be countered.
Both far right and far left propaganda need to be deconstructed.

The nice thing with the GOP mainstream firmly in control in the House and the Senate the party of stupid on the far right will wither away quickly.
Dems Losing Senate ??

Probably rather than possibly considering the Texas GOP mainstream kicked the TPM's candidates in the ass yesterday.

I feel better about our chances to take over the senate.

All of cruz tparty endorsements won. TP kicked the ass.

The tea parties plan for America
1. bomb iran
2. nation build
3. Slash America's ability to compete in science, r&d and allow our infrastructure to turn to crap.

Sounds really good!

That's your mccains, grahams, and other old guard types.
While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

We've tried welched. You're not trustworthy.

On another note, 95% the GOP takes the Senate. He'll be known as Veet-O-Bama
Both far right and far left propaganda need to be deconstructed.

The nice thing with the GOP mainstream firmly in control in the House and the Senate the party of stupid on the far right will wither away quickly.


Oh...that was good. I'm still giggling....thanks.

Mainstream ??? ROTFLMAO

BTW: Without the Tea Party....there would be no GOP majority in the house.
Sounds like premature celebration.

LBT got brushed off for saying correctly that of 5 endorsements made by Cruz 4 won outright and 1 is in a run off.

Matthew seems not to know that in purchasing power parity India is the world's third largest economy. Demonstrating two things:

Bureaucratic Inertia is sufficient to overcome any talent pool regardless of size and natural resource endowment.

The only way India and China ever took off was by becoming less bureaucratic while still remaining stifling by US standards despite the massive pollution created.

There are no moderate Democrats that is why they are in trouble.

No one with a brain will vote for D-lite AKA establishment Rs because they do not stand for anything the TEA party is often over the top but people do vote for them and the Ds.
Sick of extremist whining about going back to the 19th century and slashing our lead in this world to shit.

You mean like what the warmists want to do to this country? Go back to failed 19th century technology o try and run this country? Get a clue.

I want nuclear, fusion and research into other viable sources of energy. How is that going back to the 19th century?

Hey, if we can run our economy on alternate forms of energy, I am all for it. But, as you noted, we are in a research mode at the moment and the current economy runs on fossil fuels, not research and the ephemeral. Wanna take out fossil fuels, Innovation in alternate energy will take out fossil fuel driven economy. If it is not proven or mature, why hurt the economy and our leadership position in the world with increased legislation and regulation? I am not in favor of sacrificing the economy suffer because we shift to unproven, not mature energy sources while punishing the current energy sources. Change must be Free Market driven.
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While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

Hopefully, Republicans have learned they can't win on social issues. IE: abortion--gay rights--family value talk, etc. Any Republican that tries to campaign on these issues is a sure loser.

Be assured that Democrats will go after them--using the "war on women campagin again"--it worked in 2012--and really that's their only hope of retaining Senate control.

Now if we can get Republicans to stop talking about social issues and stay focused on things they can do--economy--Obamacare--cutting deficits, etc.--and the Knuckle dragging Neanderthols are kept off of Huckabee and other programs making outrageous statement's about rape--abortion and birth control pills--Republicans stand to gain a lot in this midterm.
While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

We've tried welched. You're not trustworthy.

On another note, 95% the GOP takes the Senate. He'll be known as Veet-O-Bama

At this point it really doesn't even matter. Nothing is going to get done that is positive regardless of who has control of the Senate. I almost hope the Republicans do win back the Senate, because it will be short lived. So long as Hillary runs, 2016 is going to be very big for Dems as they will pick up seats in the Senate and may even take back the House as Democratic candidates ride Hillary's coattails to victory. In 2016, Texas may even turn blue.
We've tried welched. You're not trustworthy.

On another note, 95% the GOP takes the Senate. He'll be known as Veet-O-Bama

At this point it really doesn't even matter. Nothing is going to get done that is positive regardless of who has control of the Senate. I almost hope the Republicans do win back the Senate, because it will be short lived. So long as Hillary runs, 2016 is going to be very big for Dems as they will pick up seats in the Senate and may even take back the House as Democratic candidates ride Hillary's coattails to victory. In 2016, Texas may even turn blue.

I can assure you Texas will not be turning blue in 2016. It'll take a lot longer for more illegals to cross the border and pump out enough welfare rats before that happens.
While I don't see myself cheering for anything the libs accume me of...I am cheering for this and hope it really happens. Nothing would be better than to see Obama slapped in the face for all his taking the senate away from him.

At this point, eight months before the Nov. 4 election, it’s hard to see a lot of good news for congressional Democrats.

No matter how you look at it, the House seems out of reach. Today, Republicans appear a bit more likely to gain than to lose seats; it would take a cataclysmic event for Democrats to score the net gain of the 17 seats they need to take the majority.

What’s changed is that Democrats’ chances of holding onto their majority in the Senate is looking increasingly tenuous. There are now at least 10, and potentially as many as 13, Democratic-held seats in jeopardy.

Congressional Democrats Face Uphill Battle in Midterms -

You bet.....I can hear it already....won't happen.

That was people were saying when Robert Gibbs and Evan Bahy first floated the notion the demos would lose the house in 2010. They were rolling on the floor.

Then they got crushed.

The great thing is that it isn't the GOP that will beat the will be Obamacare.

You know...the law that keeps on changing and getting delayed....even though it is still so great.

Hopefully, Republicans have learned they can't win on social issues. IE: abortion--gay rights--family value talk, etc. Any Republican that tries to campaign on these issues is a sure loser.

Be assured that Democrats will go after them--using the "war on women campagin again"--it worked in 2012--and really that's their only hope of retaining Senate control.

Now if we can get Republicans to stop talking about social issues and stay focused on things they can do--economy--Obamacare--cutting deficits, etc.--and the Knuckle dragging Neanderthols are kept off of Huckabee and other programs making outrageous statement's about rape--abortion and birth control pills--Republicans stand to gain a lot in this midterm.
Economy (or lack of) and ObamaCare and how many millions are being hurt by it...and the fact that Obama keeps changing the law (pushing back compliance dates JUST to take it off the table). REAL issues. The social crap is just a nasty distraction that belongs with the States anyway.
Dems Losing Senate ??

Probably rather than possibly considering the Texas GOP mainstream kicked the TPM's candidates in the ass yesterday.

I feel better about our chances to take over the senate.

JakeStarkey, you remind me of Tonto of Lone Ranger fame.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WE"? (Or 'us' or 'our').

You haven't said one single word which would make anyone, even the most gullible believe that you have Republican affiliations, in the last several years.

But I have to hand it to you. Now that it seems that Republicans might take the Senate and increase their majority in the House, you felt it was time for you to crawl on board.

If you are a Republican, you are the type of Republican that was responsible for losses in the number of the last elections.

You define the expression: "two faced".
Dems Losing Senate ??

Probably rather than possibly considering the Texas GOP mainstream kicked the TPM's candidates in the ass yesterday.

I feel better about our chances to take over the senate.

JakeStarkey, you remind me of Tonto of Lone Ranger fame.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WE"? (Or 'us' or 'our').

You haven't said one single word which would make anyone, even the most gullible believe that you have Republican affiliations, in the last several years.

But I have to hand it to you. Now that it seems that Republicans might take the Senate and increase their majority in the House, you felt it was time for you to crawl on board.

If you are a Republican, you are the type of Republican that was responsible for losses in the number of the last elections.

You define the expression: "two faced".

He's a plant.

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