Dems Dump Blacks for Illegal Aliens in Massachusetts

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019

Dems Dump Blacks for Illegal Aliens in Massachusetts

Make a deal with the devil and you will get burned. Sure itā€™s great to belong to an identity group upon which our moonbat rulers bestow favors at everyone elseā€™s expense ā€” until they find it expedient to dump your group for another deemed more ā€œoppressed.ā€ Feminists have been dumped for transsexuals; now, despite their borg-like devotion to the Democratic Party, blacks are getting dumped for illegal aliens:
A deprived [Liberalese for ā€œblackā€] Boston community has been left ā€˜on fireā€™ after the governor of Massachusetts requisitioned a vital rec center to house the surge of migrants [Liberalese for ā€œillegal aliensā€] arriving in the city.
Democrat Maura Healey was accused of treating the Roxbury neighborhood ā€˜like garbageā€™ after she locked residents out of the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex with less than 48 hours notice.

She insisted it was needed to house the new arrivals, dozens of whom have been sleeping rough in the cityā€™s airport for months.
But residents in the majority-black neighborhood demanded she explain why their cherished facilities had been chosen to take the hit.
Since Healy wonā€™t explain, allow me. Blacks do not comprise as many Democrat voters in Massachusetts as can be produced by importing numberless hordes of illegal aliens and then paying them ever more of our money to reproduce explosively.
The neglected facility will receive a makeover worth $500,000 to make it fit for the 125 families that are expected to move in State Senator Liz Miranda told the Boston Globe. ā€¦
State officials have predicted the migrant crisis could cost Massachusetts $915 million this year and Healey has asked for an additional $250 million in Federal funds.
Live it up while you can, illegal aliens. Eventually another group will emerge that is regarded as having interests even more opposed to the hated core population of regular Americans, and you will be dumped in turn. Thatā€™s how Cultural Marxism works.
On a tip from WDS 2.0.

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Don't say we didn't warn yas ........word

If a political party divides a nation by their race, gender or sexuality in order to tap into often articial grievances for.votes they will simply exchange focus from one group to another whenever it is politicaly advantageous or most convenient to do so.
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Democrats get away with conning Blacks because there are so many influential Black leaders who care about money more than they care about Blacks. Al Sharpton and Patrice Cullers are just a few of the Blacks who are willing to sell their people out to the Democrat party for personal gain. Back to MAGA

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