Dems Demand 10 Years of Trump's Financials

And yet the Democrats have let this slide? Nah. If this so called evidence actually does exist this would have been so much easier for the Democrats use than the whole Russian Collusion load of crap they tried to feed the American people. I don't think they have what you think they have or the impeachment would be a done deal by now.

"Congress wants to reveal Donald Trumps tax returns" Sure they want to reveal them so they can look for something to get him on. It doesn't mean they have it already. They are fishing. Considering the link is from CNN which has already been proven to take rumor and raise it to a level of hysteria that people actually think it's fact, the source has lost it's credibility with me. I have their feed on my social media account and their reporting has be laughable and on the level of the Daily Mail. They had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
Nevertheless let them take it to court and let a Judge decide the same way Mueller investigated the whole faux Russian collusion. If nothing is found again or if any attempt on Trumps taxes turns out to be another Democratic fueled witch hunt they will make Trump look like a victim and he will win in 2020.

Speaking about above the law,why is it that nothing has been done about Hillary's Emails? How about the meeting of Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch which smacks of obstruction of Justice. How about the rigging of the DNC? Then there's Obama and Iran. Benghazi? The list goes on and on. This is clearly a witch hunt and not about justice. The Left is simply butt hurt that a non politician stole their thunder and won after they poured millions of dollars into the Clinton Campaign. We don't elect our politician's, they buy our vote... that is until Trump came along. Now that a non politician has proven how worthless Washington is and has instead let the people see they have the ultimate power,the Washington elitists are all bent our of shape. This is nothing but sour grapes by Democrats and some RINO's.
hey had democrats everywhere believing in Russian Collusion to the point that when the Mueller found nothing they were almost in tears and having a melt down.
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."

Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Gangster for Capitalism

Speaking of twats, how's that triangle headed fetal alcohol kid doing?
Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest
Yeah.....that must be why the Deep State is trying to destroy his reputation, if not his entire family.
Because he's supposedly a member of their club.
However Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members of that organization.
eah.....that must be why the Deep State is trying to destroy his reputation, if not his entire family.
Because he's supposedly a member of their club.
However Bill Clinton and the Bush family are members of that organization
It's the same club

If they are turning on Trump, perhaps they feel his incompetence and greed are threats to their survival?
Or perhaps he's trying to stop them from getting away with their plans.
The Clintons have murdered Americans on American soil.
I don't think they're good people.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
and you were just shown 3 connections
When, exactly, did Mueller find nothing?

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"Ater the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary'"

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred pages."

Perhaps you've forgotten the contribution Bill Barr made to Truth, Justice, and the American Way in 1992?
AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."

Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Lawrence Walsh was a twat. Daniel Ortega still is.
Gangster for Capitalism

Speaking of twats, how's that triangle headed fetal alcohol kid doing?
Speaking of twats, how's that triangle headed fetal alcohol kid doing?
Which one?
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."

Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Those pardons were awesome!!
Those pardons were awesome!!
By Republican scumbag standards...

AP wipes Iran-Contra pardons from Bill Barr's record: Another win for conventional wisdom

"A president facing a major scandal, just as the highest-profile trial is about to begin, pardons the indicted or convicted officials around him to effectively stop the investigation that’s closing in on his own illegal conduct.

"Donald Trump soon? We’ll see. But this actually describes what President George H.W. Bush did in 1992.

"The Iran-Contra scandal revealed, among other things, that the Reagan-Bush White House had secretly sold missiles to Iran in exchange for hostages held in Lebanon, using the proceeds to fund right-wing forces fighting the leftist Nicaraguan government in violation of U.S. law.

"On Christmas Eve 1992, just as the indicted former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger was about to face trial, Bush pardoned him and five others, including former Assistant Secretary of State Elliott Abrams and and former National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane."
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
You forget that Bush is as much a part of the Global Establishment conspiracy as the Clintons are.
Throwing their evil deeds up in our faces only proves you're a stupid as anyone else it to believe that the Deep State isn't leading you around by the nose.
Did you forget Trump is a charter member of the billionaire globalist fraternity, and the Deep State exists only to preserve their dominion?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest

lol.....that's info that's really going to sway voters!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
lol.....that's info that's really going to sway voters!
When did voters become indifferent to national security conflicts of interest in the White House?

Tracking Trump’s National-Security Conflicts of Interest

"Keeping track of Trump’s national-security conflicts of interest is no simple matter.

"Though some potentially profit-inflected decisions have already attracted critical scrutiny, others have surfaced only in the international press, and still others may remain hidden by the Trump Organization’s opaque operating style.

"Other potential conflicts have emerged from the circle of advisors and extended family orbiting the White House, including Trump’s eldest son, his daughter, and his son-in-law Jared Kushner."

lol....we heard the same shit on the run up to 2016! That was real effective!:113:
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

"The end is near?"'ve been saying that for 2 years and all you have to show for it is a gigantic bumpy cucumber from Mueller!!:2up:

Have you been following the news by chance?
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."

Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Superfluous is more likely, Kulak

The Origins of Totalitarianism
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

"The end is near?"'ve been saying that for 2 years and all you have to show for it is a gigantic bumpy cucumber from Mueller!!:2up:

Have you been following the news by chance?'ve been saying that for 2 years and all you have to show for it is a gigantic bumpy cucumber from Mueller!!:2up:
When are you expecting Trump's latest "deep state" fixer to release Mueller's cucumber?

What Has Bill Barr Done to Earn the Benefit of the Doubt?
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."
This from the same source that hatched Russian Collusion.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
and you were just shown 3 connections
There is no truth to political correctness
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."
The GOP establishment deserves to die, It’s been decades since they been conservative. So shut the fuck up you fucking retard
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."

Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Superfluous is more likely, Kulak

The Origins of Totalitarianism

He's right, no talent assclowns like you are superfluous.
You thought two career Republican hacks had just put an end to investigating the most corrupt POTUS in history?

Wrong Again, Cons.

Democrats request 10 years of Trump's finances from tax firm

"WASHINGTON – House Democrats are pushing to gain access to President Donald Trump's finances and asked a tax firm for documents stemming back 10 years.

"The request came from House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who asked for copies of Trump's financial documents stemming from 2009 to 2019 from tax firm Mazars USA.

"The request follows testimony from Trump's former attorney and fixer Michael Cohen, who alleged that the president had inflated and deflated his worth...."

"In his request, Cummings asked Mazars' CEO Victor Wahba for all financial documents relating to Trump's wealth that was in the firm's possession, any audits done, all communications with Trump and those representing him, along with internal communications related to any concerns over Trump's finances.

"More: 'I am not protecting Mr. Trump anymore.' Michael Cohen ties the president to ongoing criminal probes

"The company was noted in documents Cohen gave to the committee before his February appearance, where he offered Congress a damning portrait of his former boss, saying the president encouraged him to lie to Congress and the public for Trump's protection.

"During his appearance, Cohen cast Trump as a 'racist,' a 'con man' and a 'cheat.'"
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
and you were just shown 3 connections
There is no truth to political correctness
There is no truth to political correctness
Bill Barr's CIA Resume: Cover-Ups, Covert Operations, and Pardons > The Deep State Blog

"'I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,' recalled William Barr in a 2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.

"The new Attorney General, approved by the Senate on Thursday, has what Trump might call 'deep state' credentials.

"Barr comes to the job as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer at a pressure-packed moment. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has begun to disclose 'the heart' of his case against President Trump’s campaign entourage: the interactions of his campaign manager Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian trained as a translator the Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU."
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
..and still no Russian connection
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."
The GOP establishment deserves to die, It’s been decades since they been conservative. So shut the fuck up you fucking retard
The GOP establishment deserves to die, It’s been decades since they been conservative. So shut the fuck up you fucking retard
Make America Conservative Again?
What decade are you referring to?

Donald Trump Names Deep State FIXER William Barr as AG

"In the 1980’s, Vice President George WH Bush and Bill Clinton were partners in crime.

"As a former CIA Director, Bush needed Ollie North to coordinated illegal, clandestine operations on American soil.

"They decided to do so in Mena, Arkansas – where Clinton was Governor at the time.

"When things started to go south in Mena (both literally and figuratively), Bush needed a high level fixer. Coincidentally, that person was William P. Barr, who went by the CIA codename Robert Johnson.

"Perhaps most noteworthy is that despite President Donald Trump’s biggest failure being his choice for Attorney General the first time, this one is many, many times worse."
The End is Near

The “Reputational Interests” of William Barr

"After the Attorney General, William Barr, sent a four-page letter to Congress, on March 24th, in which he quoted just one and a half sentences—seventy-four words—from the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election, he complained about 'some media reports and other public statements mischaracterizing my . . . "summary.’ ”

"Subsequently, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Jerrold Nadler, had a telephone conversation with Barr, and later disclosed that the Attorney General told him that Mueller’s report runs at least three hundred page."

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."

Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Superfluous is more likely, Kulak

The Origins of Totalitarianism

He's right, no talent assclowns like you are superfluous.
He's right, no talent assclowns like you are superfluous.
What about useless eaters, like you and Trump?

"The hallmark of an economic Ponzi scheme is that the operation of the economy relies on the constant creation of low-grade debt in order to finance consumption and income shortfalls among some members of the economy, using the massive surpluses earned by other members of the economy."

Hallmark of an Economic Ponzi Scheme - Hussman Funds

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

"By age 3, Mr. Trump was earning $200,000 a year in today’s dollars from his father’s empire.

"He was a millionaire by age 8.

"By the time he was 17, his father had given him part ownership of a 52-unit apartment building.

"Soon after Mr. Trump graduated from college, he was receiving the equivalent of $1 million a year from his father.

"The money increased with the years, to more than $5 million annually in his 40s and 50s.

"Fred Trump’s real estate empire was not just scores of apartment buildings.

"It was also a mountain of cash, tens of millions of dollars in profits building up inside his businesses, banking records show. In one six-year span, from 1988 through 1993, Fred Trump reported $109.7 million in total income, now equivalent to $210.7 million.

"It was not unusual for tens of millions in Treasury bills and certificates of deposit to flow through his personal bank accounts each month."

Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Profit is theft, eh comrade?
Superfluous is more likely, Kulak

The Origins of Totalitarianism

He's right, no talent assclowns like you are superfluous.
He's right, no talent assclowns like you are superfluous.
What about useless eaters, like you and Trump?

"The hallmark of an economic Ponzi scheme is that the operation of the economy relies on the constant creation of low-grade debt in order to finance consumption and income shortfalls among some members of the economy, using the massive surpluses earned by other members of the economy."

Hallmark of an Economic Ponzi Scheme - Hussman Funds

What does that chart look like for Venezuela? Or Cuba?
For Christ F*kn Sakes how about you get a life and get a clue. The Mueller Collusion Delusion was a sham and yes, hold onto something now, the tax return Delusion is just another one.

Stop taking the bait off of the same hook. You are not a dumb fish, use your brain.
1) The business opportunity for Trump: The Trump Organization was secretly in talks for a potentially very lucrative Moscow real estate deal during the campaign, and Russian government officials were involved. Trump and members of his family were briefed several times on the project.

2) A key figure with shady Russia connections: Trump’s former campaign chair Paul Manafort had a history of illegal work for pro-Russian interests and was in debt to a Russian oligarch. Then, during the campaign, he allegedly handed over Trump polling data to a Russian intelligence-tied associate.

3) The hacked — and leaked — emails: Russian intelligence officers hacked leading Democrats’ emails, and WikiLeaks eventually posted many of those stolen emails publicly. Trump associates like George Papadopoulos and Roger Stone seem to have had at least some advance knowledge of this.
...and still no Russian connection
and you were just shown 3 connections
There is no truth to political correctness
There is no truth to political correctness
Bill Barr's CIA Resume: Cover-Ups, Covert Operations, and Pardons > The Deep State Blog

"'I started off in Washington at the Central Intelligence Agency and went to law school at night while I was working at CIA,' recalled William Barr in a 2001 oral history for the University of Virginia.

"The new Attorney General, approved by the Senate on Thursday, has what Trump might call 'deep state' credentials.

"Barr comes to the job as the nation’s chief law enforcement officer at a pressure-packed moment. Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller has begun to disclose 'the heart' of his case against President Trump’s campaign entourage: the interactions of his campaign manager Paul Manafort and Konstantin Kilimnik, a Russian trained as a translator the Russia’s military intelligence agency, the GRU."
A smart person needs to recognize that they have been played and that it is time to move on. The Democratic leadership hatched the Russian Collusion nonsense days after their SOUL CRUSHING DEFEAT in 2016. It was hatched out of complete desperation and the only reason it ever saw the light of day was the Democrats control the DOJ. It has been a two year waste of time, money and energy. Now the Democrats want to hatch another open ended scavenger hunt pouring through thousands of pages of Donald Trump's tax returns. This is beyond pathetic.

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