Dems, cut to the chase and show The People the data....prove that diversity and multiculturalism improves the nation for core Americans.

Your assertions that Democrats are "compartmentalizing the citizenry and creating fringe factions to pander to" directly contradicts your assertions that there people who are "core Americans" and "good real Americans." "Core Americans"appears to be the latest creation of some right-wing propaganda group. Is there any group that does not "who makeup the heart and soul of the nation"?
Your assertions that Democrats are "compartmentalizing the citizenry and creating fringe factions to pander to" directly contradicts your assertions that there people who are "core Americans" and "good real Americans." "Core Americans"appears to be the latest creation of some right-wing propaganda group. Is there any group that does not "who makeup the heart and soul of the nation"?

Think once...the Dem party is only relevant thanks to their engineered factions.....They must keep the citizenry divided or they die.
They will manifest, foster and encourage all things that stoke division....THEN the loons will cry "DIVISION"!
I've defined "core Americans" many times....In short, the core American belief system, behavior traits and ideals closely align with those responsible for our founding....This shit isn't all that trivial. I'm certain you can't fit within the "core American" class.....sorry.
Here we are again folks...the awesomeness of a MULTICULTURAL nation on full display.
Politicians have pitched the benefits of multiculturalism for decades yet NOBODY but the new recruits can identify or reconcile such a benefit...Weird huh?
Hmmm, I wonder if the citizenry has been sold-out for population / GDP. Tell me, has increased population and GDP improved the quality of life for CORE AMERICANS?
Diversity has once again improved American life a great deal.

Race riot... a part and parcel...
I find it very strange that Democrats use these fun shiny words....inclusive, diversity etc etc....They act as if there is great, positive meaning behind these cool words....yet they can’t show any data or proof that being inclusive and diverse benefits the core citizenry.
Can one of you who often pitch us on the value in said words break it down for us?

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