Dems Bring Back Surrender Bill

And what evidence do you have to support this assertion? Please provide links to independent, unbiased sources. Freeper blogs don't count.

And lets not foget how the Dems took on North Korea

I bet it really pisses RSR off that the vast majority of Americans agree with the democrats regarding the Iraq mess.

congressional republicans are abandoning this stupid war like rats from a sinking ship.

but pompom wavers like RSR keep drinking the koolaid and waving the pompoms for their boy Georgie.
I bet it really pisses RSR off that the vast majority of Americans agree with the democrats regarding the Iraq mess.

congressional republicans are abandoning this stupid war like rats from a sinking ship.

but pompom wavers like RSR keep drinking the koolaid and waving the pompoms for their boy Georgie.

Most of America wants the US to win in Iraq - not to surrender as Dems want

Dems have no desire to listen to the troops who say they want to finish the job.
Most of America wants the US to win in Iraq - not to surrender as Dems want

Dems have no desire to listen to the troops who say they want to finish the job.

funny. you mischaracterize the democrat's position..but the American people don't. A significant majority of them were supportive of the democrat's troops funding bill with troop withdrawal deadlines. That is a FACT.... another one of those nasty facts you have to ignore.

keep spewing rhetoric and avoiding facts all day is what you do best.
Most of America wants the US to win in Iraq - not to surrender as Dems want

Dems have no desire to listen to the troops who say they want to finish the job.

So the Republicans in Congress are becoming anti-war all of a sudden...why exactly?
Dems have no desire to listen to the troops who say they want to finish the job.

and I have absolutely no desire to run our country's foreign policy on the basis of what "the troops" do or do not want to do.

The fact that you would abdicate foreign policy decisions to opinion polls of uniformed servicemembers is really laughable.
and I have absolutely no desire to run our country's foreign policy on the basis of what "the troops" do or do not want to do.

The fact that you would abdicate foreign policy decisions to opinion polls of uniformed servicemembers is really laughable.

Yea, since when do libs care about what the troops say? Perhaps because they disagree with the Dems surrender plan?
Yea, since when do libs care about what the troops say? Perhaps because they disagree with the Dems surrender plan?
1. I didn't say that I did not care what the troops say. Learn to read. I said that I did not care to ever have their opinion to have any weight as to the nation's foreign policy.

2. We do not have a surrender plan. We have a troop withdrawal plan and most Americans, when asked, specifically stated that they supported that legislation.
1. I didn't say that I did not care what the troops say. Learn to read. I said that I did not care to ever have their opinion to have any weight as to the nation's foreign policy.

2. We do not have a surrender plan. We have a troop withdrawal plan and most Americans, when asked, specifically stated that they supported that legislation.

But libs love to put the troops that disagree with Pres Bush and the war in front of the camera and call them heros

The Dems do want to surrender to the terrorists and hand them a victory on a silver platter
you are wrong on all counts...and the american people support the democrats troop funding bill. FACT
Yes, they support funding the troops - not surrender

they suppport the democrats bill as written: fully fund the troops and set deadlines for their withdrawal.

I know you hate to admit it but it is.... A FACT.

sucks to be a Bush cheerleader, don't it?
they suppport the democrats bill as written: fully fund the troops and set deadlines for their withdrawal.

I know you hate to admit it but it is.... A FACT.

sucks to be a Bush cheerleader, don't it?

Folks do not have a problem with gunding the troops - they do not want the US to surrender to the terrorists


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Another attempt by Dems to assume CIC powers was defeated yesterday

GOP foils minimum leave
By Sean Lengell
July 12, 2007

Senate Republicans yesterday thwarted Democrats" effort to set a minimum length for rest time for troops between deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan — saying it was another attempt to "micromanage" military operations.

The measure — the first of several votes expected in the coming days to challenge President Bush's Iraq war plan — was defeated in a procedural vote, garnering only a 56-41 majority, four votes shy of the needed 60.

"This is another example of how Congress over the years has periodically decided that we're going to micromanage a situation for our military," said Senate Minority Whip Trent Lott, Mississippi Republican. "We cannot and should not do that."

The amendment to the Senate defense authorization bill, authored by Sen. James H. Webb Jr., Virginia Democrat, attracted support from seven Republicans, 48 Democrats and one independent for the measure. No Democrats voted no.

for the complete article
ABC: 'Petraeus Very Optimistic About Military Battle, If Politicians Give Him Enough Time'
Posted by Brent Baker on July 11, 2007 - 21:27.
On ABC's World News on Wednesday night, reporter Terry McCarthy gave time to how moves in Washington, DC to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq will undermine progress against al Qaeda. Reporter Terry McCarthy, who traveled with General David Petraeus in the Sunni Triangle's al Qaeda stronghold south of Baghdad, highlighted how the commander of all forces in Iraq “is still very optimistic about the military battle, if the politicians give him enough time.” McCarthy asked him: “Are you concerned that the U.S. political clock could start ticking too fast and undermine security here? Undermine confidence here?” Petraeus replied that “obviously, that's in the back of our minds. And there is not a great deal we can do about it, other than to continue to press forward.” McCarthy concluded: “The fields south of Baghdad are still a major battlefield in the fight against al Qaeda. But increasingly, Petraeus knows the most important battle in the Iraq war is being fought out in Washington.”
Folks do not have a problem with gunding the troops - they do not want the US to surrender to the terrorists

denial ain't no river in Egypt, RSR.

Of course no one wants to surrender to the terrorists...that has always been nothing more than inaccurate flatulent rhetoric from you....

You can run away all day long from the FACT that Americans overwhelmingly supported the democrat's troop funding bill WITH TROOP WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES...but you cannot hide from it. It IS a fact.

and as I said, it must be getting pretty fucking lonely in the 101st fighting keyboardist's brigade shilling for a failed president and his failed policies.

Most republicans are jumping ship....
denial ain't no river in Egypt, RSR.

Of course no one wants to surrender to the terrorists...that has always been nothing more than inaccurate flatulent rhetoric from you....

You can run away all day long from the FACT that Americans overwhelmingly supported the democrat's troop funding bill WITH TROOP WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES...but you cannot hide from it. It IS a fact.

and as I said, it must be getting pretty fucking lonely in the 101st fighting keyboardist's brigade shilling for a failed president and his failed policies.

Most republicans are jumping ship....

and the terrorists are hoping you keep pushing for surrender. They can't get the job done - so they need your help


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I am sure there is no political motivation behind those Republican's decisions. Just like there is no political motivation for the Democrats actions (or lack of it).

Any of those pushing for surrender are spitting in the face of the troops, as they are in harms way and tryting to finish the mission
Any of those pushing for surrender are spitting in the face of the troops, as they are in harms way and tryting to finish the mission

because you have never spent a day in uniform, let me clue you in on one big thing:

the military's mission TODAY is what the civilian command structure says it is TODAY. That mission can change from day to day and the military must be adaptable. Whether they want to "finish" a former mission is of no consequence. They need to want to perform their current mission, and be ready to have that mission change. If their mission went away from policing hte streets of Baghdad to border interdiction and targeted attacks on terrorist encampments... or redeployment to Afghanistan... that is what they had better be willing and able and excited to do. Anything else is whining.

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