DemonRATS panic~Full Scale Probe into Smearing Kavanaugh ready to explode

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Polls show WRT hearing believability, it’s a wash. And, for Democrats, that is an absolute nightmare.

They connived like thieves.....had it all planned.

They’d lacerate Kav and Repubs ......and collect the votes at midterm.

Too fucking bad ...that aint happening.

Democrats set themselves up by screaming for an investigation. It just blew up in their faces as Sen. Graham says he’ll make sure there is a full-scale probe into Dems smear campaign efforts.

Senator Lindsey Graham has the Democrats in a virtual panic. Graham shredded Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings saying they used to be his friends and that all they care about now is hurting Trump, stalling Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the 2020 election. But if they thought that was a one-off for Lindsey, they were sadly mistaken.

Graham is now calling for an investigation into the Senate Judiciary Committee’s management of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations, accusing Democrats of handling her accusations so as to inflict maximum damage on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He’s right of course. This was politically choreographed to the hilt.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...l)11110
There will be fury in the street if he makes it in.

This entire system is so gawd dam crooked its' sickening.
today even dumbo donny is beginning to understand what is going on with BK! :eusa_clap:

Live updates: Brett Kavanaugh invesigation

"The FBI is working, they’re working very hard, and let’s see what happens."

He expressed optimism a vote on Kavanaugh could come by the end of the week, citing Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

"Hopefully as Mitch said they’ll have a vote by the end of the week and it will be a positive vote," he said.

Kavanaugh, he said, is "fighting very hard for his reputation, for his family."

Speaking to reporters on the South Lawn, Trump also drew a line on lying to Congress.

"I don’t think you should lie to Congress and there are a lot of people over the past year who have lied to Congress," he said. "For me, that would not be acceptable."
You knew this was going to happen.

Demoquacks are clowns

upholding high standards for SCOTUS nominees is the DUTY of congress.

naturally, this offends hopeless hacks everywhere...................... oh well! :itsok:
Polls show WRT hearing believability, it’s a wash. And, for Democrats, that is an absolute nightmare.

They connived like thieves.....had it all planned.

They’d lacerate Kav and Repubs ......and collect the votes at midterm.

Too fucking bad ...that aint happening.

Democrats set themselves up by screaming for an investigation. It just blew up in their faces as Sen. Graham says he’ll make sure there is a full-scale probe into Dems smear campaign efforts.

Senator Lindsey Graham has the Democrats in a virtual panic. Graham shredded Democrats during the Kavanaugh hearings saying they used to be his friends and that all they care about now is hurting Trump, stalling Kavanaugh’s confirmation and the 2020 election. But if they thought that was a one-off for Lindsey, they were sadly mistaken.

Graham is now calling for an investigation into the Senate Judiciary Committee’s management of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations, accusing Democrats of handling her accusations so as to inflict maximum damage on Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. He’s right of course. This was politically choreographed to the hilt.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...l)11110

When is your hoped for investigation going to start? Any day now?
Kavanaugh: 31 Lies and Counting

Jeff Flake told 60 Minutes that Kavanaugh would not be confirmed if the FBI probe showed that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. We already know that Kavanaugh has lied. Repeatedly.

From Brett Kavanaugh’s first confirmation hearing for the D.C. Circuit Court to his most recent hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, he has lied. It didn’t matter how small or big the issue. It didn’t matter that he was under oath.

Integrity matters, Kavanaugh’s character matters, and he has clearly shown that he is not fit for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Here are 31 times that Kavanaugh has lied.

Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium
It's all about the midterms and for Dems it's a disaster. They should've just opposed K and let it go.
sorry you don't grasp how the world works, s0n.

go ask some fox news reporter to explain it to you! :laugh2:
Kavanaugh: 31 Lies and Counting

Jeff Flake told 60 Minutes that Kavanaugh would not be confirmed if the FBI probe showed that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee. We already know that Kavanaugh has lied. Repeatedly.

From Brett Kavanaugh’s first confirmation hearing for the D.C. Circuit Court to his most recent hearing with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, he has lied. It didn’t matter how small or big the issue. It didn’t matter that he was under oath.

Integrity matters, Kavanaugh’s character matters, and he has clearly shown that he is not fit for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court. Here are 31 times that Kavanaugh has lied.

Kavanaugh: 29 Lies and Counting – Demand Justice – Medium

Lol Flake and some progressive hack site

Collins is getting a lot of heat, as she should...

Generally, we, like Collins, believe presidents have broad leeway in their appointments and initially we felt that Kavanaugh met this broad standard. No more.

Kavanaugh lied, under oath, about small things. He said he could legally drink during his senior year at Georgetown Prep, a Catholic all-boys school in Maryland. This is demonstrably false. He said he previously had no connection to Yale University, where he attended college and law school. Yet, his grandfather went there. His explanation for entries in his high school yearbook, which appear to be about drinking and denigrating women, stretched the bounds of credulity. If he’ll lie, under oath, about these things, he’ll lie about much bigger things. This is demonstrated by his earlier denials regarding his knowledge of documents taken from a Democratic Senate server in the 2000s during the judicial confirmation process in the George W. Bush administration. Or his denial of knowledge of sexually explicit emails frequently sent to a long list of recipients by Judge Alex Kozinski, who he called a mentor but who was forced to resign after allegation of sexual harrassment.

A telling visual representation of Kavanaugh’s evasiveness comes in the form of a chart created by Vox. It color codes the times, during Thursday’s hearing, that Ford and Kavanaugh did not answer questions. Light blue represents questions that were answered and deep pink shows when they were not. Ford’s chart is all blue. This doesn’t mean that all of her answers were always true, but she answered every question she was asked by senators and the Republicans’ hired female questioner.

Kavanaugh’s chart, on the other hand, is awash in pink. Evading questions or interrogating senators (about their drinking habits, in a couple instances) suggests a difficulty with honest answers.

Kavanaugh’s testimony last week also dispelled his notion that he’d be an impartial justice calling balls and strikes. He is extremely partisan. In his defense, he recited his conservative bona fides. He called the allegations against him “revenge on behalf of the Clintons” and he angrily warned Democrats that what “goes around comes around.”

He reminded senators that he has no concern for people outside his rarified social circle. This is reinforced by several of his rulings while on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, where he has sided with corporations (and even the government) over average Americans and he has stifled the rights of Americans with disabilities.

Kavanaugh’s confirmation process has been horribly mishandled. Republican leaders withheld thousands of documents and rushed the confirmation process, including scheduling a Judiciary Committee vote less than 24 hours after Thursday’s hearing concluded. Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein may have mishandled Ford’s letter about Kavanaugh and some other Democrats on the committee were more interested in grandstanding than having their questions answered. Those flaws, however, can’t obscure the fact that Kavanaugh doesn’t belong on the Supreme Court.

The American Bar Association, the “gold standard” of judicial review has walked back its support of Kavanaugh. A Catholic publication, The Jesuit Review, has withdrawn its endorsement.

Collins, who has spent hours listening to constituents and reviewing documents, is one of the few senators to put so much time and thoughtful deliberation into this momentous decision and one of an even smaller number of Republicans to push for further scrutiny of Kavanaugh and the claims against him. Like Collins, we believe strongly in the Senate’s advice and consent role, which gives presidents great latitude in their judicial nominations.

Kavanaugh fails this test. A no vote on his nomination is appropriate and necessary.

Kavanaugh is unfit for Supreme Court

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