Democrats- You should support Donald Trump here’s why


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Because President Trump is perhaps the most powerful politician right now who is talking about working against the military industrial complex, talking about working against the establishment. And under Donald Trump we had a much better economy, the unemployment rate for minorities was lower.

And if people claim to stand up for the great men and women of American history then understand it was Dwight D Eisenhower who warned us about the military industrial complex.

And we could have the most powerful military in the world but we can also for example not give billions of dollars away to the militaries of other countries… $110, billion to one country. Do we realize how many schools could be built with that money, do we realize how many hospitals could be built with that money.

I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something. That really got us nowhere in 2016 when Trump became president. And back in those days I voted for Hillary Clinton …. now here we are in the lead up to the 2024 election once again we are getting the same thing from Democrats they’re either laughing at Trump or saying he’s a criminal …. Many democrats believe in one of the biggest propaganda lies in American history that Donald Trump is somehow working with the Russians or that he tried to overthrow the country on January 6. The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history. It’s really incredible how some Democrats continue to go on with that while supporting BLM while just handwaving the hundreds of different riots and attacks committed by BLM in the summer of 2020. All compared to one event January 6. And there’s no more excuses for this because BLM and antifa attacked government institutions on a much larger basis than any Trump supporters ever did.

People who vote Democrat and who claim to be intelligent they are college educated supposedly, they claim to stand for equal rights that’s the biggest thing of all. They claim to stand against bigotry yet how in the world can they say this when they vote for candidates who believe that white people are born privileged. And even the candidates they vote for don’t even do what they want just take a look at the squad ….oh yeah they claim to be antiwar yet guess what they vote in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile defense system and they fund the Russia Ukraine war. And I understand people who are pro Israel and they often vote for candidates who are pro Israel. A lot of Democrats are pro Israel.

At least with Republicans they follow through on their pros israeli policies even if either others might disagree with it. But you see with Democrats like AOC and “ the squad” they claim to be for the Palestinians yet they turn around and vote in favor of funding the Israeli missile defense system.

Donald Trump brought us the Abraham accords he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries… anyway anyone looks at that …that right there is diplomacy so he should get a Nobel peace prize. Donald Trump‘s done more for peace in the Middle East than anyone in a long time.

The gas prices were very low under President Trump. The home mortgage rates were something like 2.2%. Now Americans can’t afford to buy a home.

All of the statistics and the facts on the side of Donald Trump. Racism innuendo just making things up that is what Democratic politicians are doing to try and get your vote ….don’t go for it brothers and sisters. So my fellow Democrats support Donald Trump look at what he was doing out there in Palestine Ohio. And that’s just gonna be the start of it.
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We currently have a lower unemployment rate than we did under Trump. I wonder why no Trumpies have started any topics to crow about that? Hmmmm...

I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something.

The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history.

You say stupid shit like this and then wonder why people laugh? Seriously?
I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something.
It's actually pretty simple to understand if you know how to identify tribalism and the goal of media in spreading their message. The corporate media is going to cause this nation to collapse or even slide into civil war. THEY ARE CULPABLE and their role should be remembered if violence spreads.
Because President Trump is perhaps the most powerful politician right now who is talking about working against the military industrial complex, talking about working against the establishment. And under Donald Trump we had a much better economy, the unemployment rate for minorities was lower.

And if people claim to stand up for the great men and women of American history then understand it was Dwight D Eisenhower who warned us about the military industrial complex.

And we could have the most powerful military in the world but we can also for example not give billions of dollars away to the militaries of other countries… $110, billion to one country. Do we realize how many schools could be built with that money, do we realize how many hospitals could be built with that money.

I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something. That really got us nowhere in 2016 when Trump became president. And back in those days I voted for Hillary Clinton …. now here we are in the lead up to the 2024 election once again we are getting the same thing from Democrats they’re either laughing at Trump or saying he’s a criminal …. Many democrats believe in one of the biggest propaganda lies in American history that Donald Trump is somehow working with the Russians or that he tried to overthrow the country on January 6. The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history. It’s really incredible how some Democrats continue to go on with that while supporting BLM while just handwaving the hundreds of different riots and attacks committed by BLM in the summer of 2020. All compared to one event January 6. And there’s no more excuses for this because BLM and antifa attacked government institutions on a much larger basis than any Trump supporters ever did.

People who vote Democrat and who claim to be intelligent they are college educated supposedly, they claim to stand for equal rights that’s the biggest thing of all. They claim to stand against bigotry yet how in the world can they say this when they vote for candidates who believe that white people are born privileged. And even the candidates they vote for don’t even do what they want just take a look at the squad ….oh yeah they claim to be antiwar yet guess what they vote in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile defense system and they fund the Russia Ukraine war. And I understand people who are pro Israel and they often vote for candidates who are pro Israel. A lot of Democrats are pro Israel.

At least with Republicans they follow through on their pros israeli policies even if either others might disagree with it. But you see with Democrats like AOC and “ the squad” they claim to be for the Palestinians yet they turn around and vote in favor of funding the Israeli missile defense system.

Donald Trump brought us the Abraham accords he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries… anyway anyone looks at that …that right there is diplomacy so he should get a Nobel peace prize. Donald Trump‘s done more for peace in the Middle East than anyone in a long time.

The gas prices were very low under President Trump. The home mortgage rates were something like 2.2%. Now Americans can’t afford to buy a home.

All of the statistics and the facts on the side of Donald Trump. Racism innuendo just making things up that is what Democratic politicians are doing to try and get your vote ….don’t go for it brothers and sisters. So my fellow Democrats support Donald Trump look at what he was doing out there in Palestine Ohio. And that’s just gonna be the start of it.
There's tens of millions of LBGT people that the republicans are gunning for our rights, our ability to be who we're and foaming at the mouth to remove our basic ability to live our lives. why should we vote for a man that controls a movement that wants to do this to us?

We only ask to be able to marry, treated as equals and to get the treatment we deserve just like everyone else.
Because President Trump is perhaps the most powerful politician right now who is talking about working against the military industrial complex, talking about working against the establishment. And under Donald Trump we had a much better economy, the unemployment rate for minorities was lower.

And if people claim to stand up for the great men and women of American history then understand it was Dwight D Eisenhower who warned us about the military industrial complex.

And we could have the most powerful military in the world but we can also for example not give billions of dollars away to the militaries of other countries… $110, billion to one country. Do we realize how many schools could be built with that money, do we realize how many hospitals could be built with that money.

I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something. That really got us nowhere in 2016 when Trump became president. And back in those days I voted for Hillary Clinton …. now here we are in the lead up to the 2024 election once again we are getting the same thing from Democrats they’re either laughing at Trump or saying he’s a criminal …. Many democrats believe in one of the biggest propaganda lies in American history that Donald Trump is somehow working with the Russians or that he tried to overthrow the country on January 6. The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history. It’s really incredible how some Democrats continue to go on with that while supporting BLM while just handwaving the hundreds of different riots and attacks committed by BLM in the summer of 2020. All compared to one event January 6. And there’s no more excuses for this because BLM and antifa attacked government institutions on a much larger basis than any Trump supporters ever did.

People who vote Democrat and who claim to be intelligent they are college educated supposedly, they claim to stand for equal rights that’s the biggest thing of all. They claim to stand against bigotry yet how in the world can they say this when they vote for candidates who believe that white people are born privileged. And even the candidates they vote for don’t even do what they want just take a look at the squad ….oh yeah they claim to be antiwar yet guess what they vote in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile defense system and they fund the Russia Ukraine war. And I understand people who are pro Israel and they often vote for candidates who are pro Israel. A lot of Democrats are pro Israel.

At least with Republicans they follow through on their pros israeli policies even if either others might disagree with it. But you see with Democrats like AOC and “ the squad” they claim to be for the Palestinians yet they turn around and vote in favor of funding the Israeli missile defense system.

Donald Trump brought us the Abraham accords he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries… anyway anyone looks at that …that right there is diplomacy so he should get a Nobel peace prize. Donald Trump‘s done more for peace in the Middle East than anyone in a long time.

The gas prices were very low under President Trump. The home mortgage rates were something like 2.2%. Now Americans can’t afford to buy a home.

All of the statistics and the facts on the side of Donald Trump. Racism innuendo just making things up that is what Democratic politicians are doing to try and get your vote ….don’t go for it brothers and sisters. So my fellow Democrats support Donald Trump look at what he was doing out there in Palestine Ohio. And that’s just gonna be the start of it.

Trump will say anything, as long as his supporters like it, he'll say it.
Because President Trump is perhaps the most powerful politician right now who is talking about working against the military industrial complex, talking about working against the establishment. And under Donald Trump we had a much better economy, the unemployment rate for minorities was lower.

Uh, why do you trump suckers keep trying to pretend that 2020 didn't happen? And please change your name, you are not a Democrat and you have nothing to do with FDR, you lying douchebag.

Trump is the first president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Also, there is no "military-industrial complex". That's just bullshit. Let's see what other crazy you come up with.

I don’t understand why some Democrats laugh at Trump or every time they hear about him they take it as a joke or something. That really got us nowhere in 2016 when Trump became president. And back in those days I voted for Hillary Clinton …. now here we are in the lead up to the 2024 election once again we are getting the same thing from Democrats they’re either laughing at Trump or saying he’s a criminal ….

Trump is a criminal. He's under investigation in Georgia, New York and DC. 2016 was an accident because too many people believed Hillary had it in the bag and voted third party. That's simply not going to happen again. If anything, the likelihood is that the GOP establishment will deny Trump the nomination and his ego will have him run as a third party candidate, just to spite them.

People who vote Democrat and who claim to be intelligent they are college educated supposedly, they claim to stand for equal rights that’s the biggest thing of all. They claim to stand against bigotry yet how in the world can they say this when they vote for candidates who believe that white people are born privileged. And even the candidates they vote for don’t even do what they want just take a look at the squad ….

Uh, get fucking real. WHITE PEOPLE ARE PRIVILEGED! We have been since this country has been founded.

Now when you are privileged, equality can seem like oppression. So I can see how a white trash loser like yourself cold feel "oppressed" when minorities are given equal consideration. But if you are white and you fail, that's on you. The game was rigged in your favor and you still lost.

The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history. It’s really incredible how some Democrats continue to go on with that while supporting BLM while just handwaving the hundreds of different riots and attacks committed by BLM in the summer of 2020. All compared to one event January 6. And there’s no more excuses for this because BLM and antifa attacked government institutions on a much larger basis than any Trump supporters ever did.

BLM never went out with the intent of overthrowing an election. Most of the BLM demonstration were peaceful. if they really wanted to burn down the country or just start shooting white people at random, then we'd have had real problems.

oh yeah they claim to be antiwar yet guess what they vote in favor of the Israeli iron dome missile defense system and they fund the Russia Ukraine war. And I understand people who are pro Israel and they often vote for candidates who are pro Israel. A lot of Democrats are pro Israel. At least with Republicans they follow through on their pros israeli policies even if either others might disagree with it. But you see with Democrats like AOC and “ the squad” they claim to be for the Palestinians yet they turn around and vote in favor of funding the Israeli missile defense system.

Except the squad never votes for that. Let's be blunt, BOTH parties are beholden to the Zionist Lobby, because if you even mildly criticize Israel, you get called an anti-Semite and people start comparing you to Hitler. The rest of the world, however, sees Israel for what it is, an apartheid state.

Donald Trump brought us the Abraham accords he brought together Israel and a number of Muslim majority countries… anyway anyone looks at that …that right there is diplomacy so he should get a Nobel peace prize. Donald Trump‘s done more for peace in the Middle East than anyone in a long time.

No, actually, the Abraham Accords are Bullshit. The nations that signed them were never at war with Israel, and they aren't democracies, so they don't reflect the will of their people. (All of whom hate the Zionists with a passion.) Unlike the Camp David Accords, which were meaningful because Egypt had gone to war with Israel several times, and Israel has not faced an external attack since.

The gas prices were very low under President Trump. The home mortgage rates were something like 2.2%. Now Americans can’t afford to buy a home.

Uh, buddy, if you can't afford a 6% mortgage, you probably don't need to own a home because you aren't ready for it. This is how we got into trouble in 2008, a lot of people got mortgages who had no business having mortgages because they couldn't afford them.

All of the statistics and the facts on the side of Donald Trump. Racism innuendo just making things up that is what Democratic politicians are doing to try and get your vote ….don’t go for it brothers and sisters. So my fellow Democrats support Donald Trump look at what he was doing out there in Palestine Ohio. And that’s just gonna be the start of it.

He walked into someone else's tragedy and made it about himself?

Uh, nobody died at Palestine and those white trash losers are going to end up with a lot of money when all is said and done. Jesus fucking Christ talk about white privilege at work.
We currently have a lower unemployment rate than we did under Trump. I wonder why no Trumpies have started any topics to crow about that? Hmmmm...

You say stupid shit like this and then wonder why people laugh? Seriously?
Yes, however, we can't ignore how big this alternate universe is. The stuff they say and believe is as clear as 1+1=2 for them.

And worse, it's a large portion of this country, and it's reinforced and fed 24/7/365 by voices they trust.

This boulder is still rolling downhill, with nothing in its way to stop it.
Many democrats believe in one of the biggest propaganda lies in American history that Donald Trump is somehow working with the Russians or that he tried to overthrow the country on January 6. The January 6 lie is one of the most damaging propaganda pieces of American history. It’s really incredible how some Democrats continue to go on with that while supporting BLM while just handwaving the hundreds of different riots and attacks committed by BLM in the summer of 2020. All compared to one event January 6. And there’s no more excuses for this because BLM and antifa attacked government institutions on a much larger basis than any Trump supporters ever did.
Whatever you may think of BLM, their goal was to stop what they perceived as attacks by police on Black people. The goal of Jan 6 was the reinstatement of ONE person.
There's tens of millions of LBGT people that the republicans are gunning for our rights, our ability to be who we're and foaming at the mouth to remove our basic ability to live our lives. why should we vote for a man that controls a movement that wants to do this to us?

We only ask to be able to marry, treated as equals and to get the treatment we deserve just like everyone else.
I suggest you try to insure LBGT people stay far away from other peoples’ children. No grooming. That’s the only problem I have with LGBT people and I am straight but have worked with a good number of LGBTs. All were good workers. .
You people and your dreams of having a dictator in office that will refuse to leave. No thanks. Trump had a lousy economy all together he never did manage to beat Oblama's economy.
I suggest you try to insure LBGT people stay far away from other peoples’ children. No grooming. That’s the only problem I have with LGBT people and I am straight but have worked with a good number of LGBTs. All were good workers. .
You better tell yer non-LGBTs to stay away from the children also because thewy have a problem piddling kids.
We currently have a lower unemployment rate than we did under Trump. I wonder why no Trumpies have started any topics to crow about that? Hmmmm...

You say stupid shit like this and then wonder why people laugh? Seriously?
I think he wants the guy in charge who was spreading false information while over a million Americans died...

I still can get how Trump can show his face in public... In any other coutry if you would be shunned...

US has 5% of the population but had 18% of the COVID deaths and the excess deaths would suggest that number has been under reported..
You people and your dreams of having a dictator in office that will refuse to leave. No thanks. Trump had a lousy economy all together he never did manage to beat Oblama's economy.
Trump did what I said he would do... He spent like a drunken sailor and borrowed...
It is how he ran his businesses..
Then I suggest you go after the ones that do and leave the ones who do not alone even if you don't like their sexual orientation.
As I said, I worked with a number of LGBTs and never had any problems with any of them. They all were good workers and nice people. I don’t believe any I knew were grooming children.

I couldn’t care less what a person’s sexual orientation is as long as he respects the fact that I am straight. I ask the same respect for my sexual orientation that I give to a member of the LGBT community.

Admittedly the gay life style does not appeal to me. The lifestyle of promiscuous straight people also doesn’t appeal to me either.

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