Democrats Will No Longer Allow GOP Lawmakers to View Transcripts from Impeachment Hearings

Here's Trey Gowdy, talking about why closed hearings are so totally awesome.

At the time, every Republican here agreed. TheParty told them to. Now, TheParty says the exact opposite, so they believe the exact opposite.

And they don['t thik of themselves as hypocrites. That's because most Trump cultists don't even understand what hypocrisy is. They think that, like themselves, everyone just blindly obeys TheParty, and that there's nothing wrong with that.

Fake news.

Minority party Republicans can't call witnesses because of the rules they made in 2015. Now they're crying victim of their own rules.

And yes, Rescumlicans on inquiry committees can access transcripts. It's all the other ones who can't. And neither can Democrats also not serving on those committees. Do you really need "closed door" to be explained to you?
Fri. Oct. 25, and still no Big Giant Impeachment Vote. You're laughable frauds, and a running joke.
According to the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, there is no time table for completion of depositions and deliberations of the committee because new witness have been stepping forward. However, several members expect the decision on impeachment by the committee will be reach around the 1st of the year. Congressmen on both sides of the aisle are anxious to wrap this up so it won't interfere with their campaigning.

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