Democrats: Therapy...For Free!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.

2. It is well past time to investigate how so many have been persuaded to give up ratiocination, and, instead, embrace a willingness to accept, and support, lies.

"As a psychotherapist, I have learned that it is not unusual for people to believe someone, even when they have substantial proof that the are being lied to. Examples include parents who believe that their children are not taking drugs, even after finding a stash in the child's sock drawer; lovers who insist that their partner is faithful despite unfamiliar underpants in the laundry; and business partners who believe that financial losses are for some unexplained reason other than that their best friend is stealing from them.

Why do we continue to believe someone, even when we have rational and substantial evidence that they are lying to us?
According to literature put out by the Mayo Clinic, “Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.” With denial we can reassure ourselves that everything is okay, even when it is not."

Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

3. "...denial also has negative consequences: If we don’t recognize a problem, we cannot solve it. When parents find clear proof that a pre-adolescent child is drinking alcohol or doing drugs, for example, denying the evidence can be highly destructive. (Of course, it is important not to make unfounded or untrue accusations, but it is equally important that a child know that you will not simply hide from painful truths.) A young person who is drinking or doing drugs needs parental guidance and a failure to acknowledge this need might make everyone feel better in the short term but create difficulties in the long term. "
Op. Cit.

4. "We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, we sometimes continue lying to ourselves long after reality seems unavoidable. "

5. For reference:

I've always viewed it as the herd mentality. People usually do what the rest of the herd does on the premise that the herd must know better than they. And there is some logic to this as this often is the case. So what democrats have done is take over the media and academia so the herd becomes them.
I've always viewed it as the herd mentality. People usually do what the rest of the herd does on the premise that the herd must know better than they. And there is some logic to this as this often is the case. So what democrats have done is take over the media and academia so the herd becomes them.

And via the schools and the media they have been able to keep their, voters, infantilized.

They retain the childlike willing suspension of disbelief.

The smartest Democrat ever, one of the last of the honorable Democrats, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said...
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Moynihan passed on on this day in 2003.

Best that he didn't see what has happened to his party.
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1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.
Every time you post this lie on USMB, Dems give you lists of policies of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for. Yet you recycle the same lie over and over. I don't know who you work for but I don't think they are getting their money's worth.
I've always viewed it as the herd mentality. People usually do what the rest of the herd does on the premise that the herd must know better than they. And there is some logic to this as this often is the case. So what democrats have done is take over the media and academia so the herd becomes them.

And via the schools and the media they have been able to keep their, voters, infantilized.

They retain the childlike willing suspension of disbelief.

The smartest Democrat ever, one of the last of the honorable Democrats, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said...
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Of course it is also possible that the Left actually has more rational and popular policies so people, who are not so stupid as you condescend, do know what is best for them.
1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.
Every time you post this lie on USMB, Dems give you lists of policies of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for. Yet you recycle the same lie over and over. I don't know who you work for but I don't think they are getting their money's worth.

Yet you couldn't list any.
I've always viewed it as the herd mentality. People usually do what the rest of the herd does on the premise that the herd must know better than they. And there is some logic to this as this often is the case. So what democrats have done is take over the media and academia so the herd becomes them.

And via the schools and the media they have been able to keep their, voters, infantilized.

They retain the childlike willing suspension of disbelief.

The smartest Democrat ever, one of the last of the honorable Democrats, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, said...
"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan
Of course it is also possible that the Left actually has more rational and popular policies so people, who are not so stupid as you condescend, do know what is best for them.

Yet you list.....none.

Just between the two of us......who is more stupid, you or Joe Biden?
The problem is the liberals(Democrats) are no worse than the conservatives(Republicans) they are both equally repugnant.
For once in your life your not babbling.this is what paid troll for the RNC committe pc does everytime when I take her to school that Obama was only contiuning the policys that her hero Bush started and bush was much as a mass murderer of women and children as Obama was and that bush and Clinton were Both in favor of NAFTA,she can’t stand toe to to toe in a debate on that and like clockwork,does this everytime I take her to school on that.:scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1:

what you ignore though is that trump is a RINO,he only ran on the Republican ticket but he is not part of that corrupt two party system the bush’s obamas and clintons are.he is not a globalist as them,that is how pc is an embarrassment to trump supporters because she will not accept reality that is why bush hates trump and like the idiot she is,she lumps trump in there with bush. :cuckoo:
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I've always viewed it as the herd mentality. People usually do what the rest of the herd does on the premise that the herd must know better than they. And there is some logic to this as this often is the case. So what democrats have done is take over the media and academia so the herd becomes them.
6. "If you think that you are accepting someone's lies instead of facing them, talk to someone who will not judge you, like a mental health provider or a mentor who can be neutral and unbiased. They can help you start to feel safe enough to take a step toward a better balance."

And, with that thought, remember, Democrats....I'm here to help you.

You can always count on me for insight, and most importantly.....

......the truth.
Yet you couldn't list any.
You mean I didn't RELIST any.
Still, exactly like your
You could have gone to the last post where you accused Dems of not knowing why they voted, I gave you an extensive list there. Of course it could have been the time before where you posted the same lie. Or the time before that. Or the time before that...

As I recall healthcare was on the list. Trump promised a plan but never delivered, Biden said he would defend and fix Obamacare. Like the majority of the country, I liked many parts of Obamacare.
1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.

2. It is well past time to investigate how so many have been persuaded to give up ratiocination, and, instead, embrace a willingness to accept, and support, lies.

"As a psychotherapist, I have learned that it is not unusual for people to believe someone, even when they have substantial proof that the are being lied to. Examples include parents who believe that their children are not taking drugs, even after finding a stash in the child's sock drawer; lovers who insist that their partner is faithful despite unfamiliar underpants in the laundry; and business partners who believe that financial losses are for some unexplained reason other than that their best friend is stealing from them.

Why do we continue to believe someone, even when we have rational and substantial evidence that they are lying to us?
According to literature put out by the Mayo Clinic, “Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.” With denial we can reassure ourselves that everything is okay, even when it is not."

Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

3. "...denial also has negative consequences: If we don’t recognize a problem, we cannot solve it. When parents find clear proof that a pre-adolescent child is drinking alcohol or doing drugs, for example, denying the evidence can be highly destructive. (Of course, it is important not to make unfounded or untrue accusations, but it is equally important that a child know that you will not simply hide from painful truths.) A young person who is drinking or doing drugs needs parental guidance and a failure to acknowledge this need might make everyone feel better in the short term but create difficulties in the long term. "
Op. Cit.

4. "We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, we sometimes continue lying to ourselves long after reality seems unavoidable. "

5. For reference:

Blather, Blather, blaw blaw blaw.
Yet you couldn't list any.
You mean I didn't RELIST any.
Still, exactly like your
You could have gone to the last post where you accused Dems of not knowing why they voted, I gave you an extensive list there. Of course it could have been the time before where you posted the same lie. Or the time before that. Or the time before that...

As I recall healthcare was on the list. Trump promised a plan but never delivered, Biden said he would defend and fix Obamacare. Like the majority of the country, I liked many parts of Obamacare.

Still lookin'......not findin' any.

But it sure looks like the posts got under your scales.

Truth seems to do that to Democrats.
1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.

2. It is well past time to investigate how so many have been persuaded to give up ratiocination, and, instead, embrace a willingness to accept, and support, lies.

"As a psychotherapist, I have learned that it is not unusual for people to believe someone, even when they have substantial proof that the are being lied to. Examples include parents who believe that their children are not taking drugs, even after finding a stash in the child's sock drawer; lovers who insist that their partner is faithful despite unfamiliar underpants in the laundry; and business partners who believe that financial losses are for some unexplained reason other than that their best friend is stealing from them.

Why do we continue to believe someone, even when we have rational and substantial evidence that they are lying to us?
According to literature put out by the Mayo Clinic, “Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.” With denial we can reassure ourselves that everything is okay, even when it is not."

Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

3. "...denial also has negative consequences: If we don’t recognize a problem, we cannot solve it. When parents find clear proof that a pre-adolescent child is drinking alcohol or doing drugs, for example, denying the evidence can be highly destructive. (Of course, it is important not to make unfounded or untrue accusations, but it is equally important that a child know that you will not simply hide from painful truths.) A young person who is drinking or doing drugs needs parental guidance and a failure to acknowledge this need might make everyone feel better in the short term but create difficulties in the long term. "
Op. Cit.

4. "We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, we sometimes continue lying to ourselves long after reality seems unavoidable. "

5. For reference:

Blather, Blather, blaw blaw blaw.

Yet is sure seems to have it the nail on your head, huh?
Yet you couldn't list any.
You mean I didn't RELIST any.
Still, exactly like your
You could have gone to the last post where you accused Dems of not knowing why they voted, I gave you an extensive list there. Of course it could have been the time before where you posted the same lie. Or the time before that. Or the time before that...

As I recall healthcare was on the list. Trump promised a plan but never delivered, Biden said he would defend and fix Obamacare. Like the majority of the country, I liked many parts of Obamacare.

Still lookin'......not findin' any.

But it sure looks like the posts got under your scales.

Truth seems to do that to Democrats.
Thanks for proving my point. You say Dems don't know why they vote as they do, I give you an example and you ignore it.
Yet you couldn't list any.
You mean I didn't RELIST any.
Still, exactly like your
You could have gone to the last post where you accused Dems of not knowing why they voted, I gave you an extensive list there. Of course it could have been the time before where you posted the same lie. Or the time before that. Or the time before that...

As I recall healthcare was on the list. Trump promised a plan but never delivered, Biden said he would defend and fix Obamacare. Like the majority of the country, I liked many parts of Obamacare.

"fix healthcare"???????????

Let's remind all that this is a particular sort of lie.

The Democrats....the party of lies, is also the party of death.

Their "fix" of healthcare is to ration it at their behest, and say which Americans get it.
That's why Death Panels were part of Obama's plan for Americans.

That's the Biden "fix"??????
The slaughter of the old and infirm is not a "fix."
It's just another lie.

The Independent Payment Advisory Board, or IPAB, was to be a fifteen-member United States Government agency created in 2010 by sections 3403 and 10320 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was to have the explicit task of achieving specified savings in Medicare without affecting coverage or quality. Under previous and current law, changes to Medicare payment rates and program rules are recommended by MedPAC but require an act of Congress to take effect. The system creating IPAB granted IPAB the authority to make changes to the Medicare program with the Congress being given the power to overrule the agency's decisions through supermajority vote. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018 repealed IPAB before it could take effect.

Death panel controversy[edit]

The term "death panel" was used in conjunction with IPAB.[47] Sarah Palin wrote in the Wall Street Journal that the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform "implicitly endorses the use of "death panel"-like rationing by way of the new Independent Payments [sic] Advisory Board."[48] The New York Times reported some Obama administration officials feared the Independent Payment Advisory Board could be "target for attacks of the 'death panel' sort";[49] An October 2010 National Right to Life article wrote the IPAB was "a good candidate for the title of 'death panel,'"[50] and a December 2010 Wall Street Journal editorial associated 'death panels' with the IPAB.[51]

Former OMB Director Orszag responded: "I think it's only in Washington, D.C., that a board created to help address our long-term fiscal imbalance while boosting quality in health care and that is specifically by law prohibited from rationing care could be called a death panel".[52]

They lie, and you are happy to try to hide the lies.

Makes you a sort of a low-life, huh?
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1. Two facts have been revealed over the last few years. One is that Democrats lie about everything.

The other is the painful truth about Democrat voters: when asked to supply the polices of Trump's that they voted against...or Biden policies they voted for......they can do neither. These are not folks with cognitive abilities....but they certainly follow simple orders very well.

2. It is well past time to investigate how so many have been persuaded to give up ratiocination, and, instead, embrace a willingness to accept, and support, lies.

"As a psychotherapist, I have learned that it is not unusual for people to believe someone, even when they have substantial proof that the are being lied to. Examples include parents who believe that their children are not taking drugs, even after finding a stash in the child's sock drawer; lovers who insist that their partner is faithful despite unfamiliar underpants in the laundry; and business partners who believe that financial losses are for some unexplained reason other than that their best friend is stealing from them.

Why do we continue to believe someone, even when we have rational and substantial evidence that they are lying to us?
According to literature put out by the Mayo Clinic, “Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety.” With denial we can reassure ourselves that everything is okay, even when it is not."

Liberalism: where denial and delusion are inserted between fact and conclusion.

3. "...denial also has negative consequences: If we don’t recognize a problem, we cannot solve it. When parents find clear proof that a pre-adolescent child is drinking alcohol or doing drugs, for example, denying the evidence can be highly destructive. (Of course, it is important not to make unfounded or untrue accusations, but it is equally important that a child know that you will not simply hide from painful truths.) A young person who is drinking or doing drugs needs parental guidance and a failure to acknowledge this need might make everyone feel better in the short term but create difficulties in the long term. "
Op. Cit.

4. "We believe lies when we feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in our lives. When truth does emerge, we often feel terribly betrayed and we can lose faith in our own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, we sometimes continue lying to ourselves long after reality seems unavoidable. "

5. For reference:

Blather, Blather, blaw blaw blaw.

Yet is sure seems to have it the nail on your head, huh?
No it did not. Now your head could use a few nailings. I just gave back what was the posed thought in your diatribe.

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