Democrats taking credit for a growing economy is laughable.

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
The economy grew under Obama, it grew under Trump, it grew under Biden. Success has a thousand fathers.
It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
Congratulations to Trump and the Republican base for refusing scientific advice and making the mask social distancing and now even vaccination a political question. Now you are screwing up even that. It would be fitting if a lot of Republicans refuse to vaccinate now go out and pretend to be vaccinated and die. Your party is a total corrupt petty disaster and has been for a hundred years. But never worse than today with your garbage propaganda, brainwashed functional moron.
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
The economy grew under Obama, it grew under Trump, it grew under Biden. Success has a thousand fathers.
Yep that was Trump's biggest success, not wrecking Obama's recovery. Until he did the ignoramus brainwashed functional moron spoiled brat.
Democrats also closed China, Europe, Africa and parts of the Polar region...
This thread is about AMERICA ya fucking troll. We are not an export nation.
I know that the intricacies may be over your head so just trust me on this.
It was a satire of over exaggeration like yours in the OP. The president started the whole affair by announcing a national medical health emergency...
It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
And only about 500,000 dead because of stupid whoops brainwashed functionally stupid Republicans who refused to mask socially distance etc
The dem shitholes did a voyeur imitation while baboons busted up a hard-worked-for infrastructure and the Chinese communist virus ate American flesh. Fuck y’all very much.
It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
And only about 500,000 dead because of stupid whoops brainwashed functionally stupid Republicans who refused to mask socially distance etc
The dem shitholes did a voyeur imitation while baboons busted up a hard-worked-for infrastructure and the Chinese communist virus ate American flesh. Fuck y’all very much.
Nobody in the real world has any clue what you're talking about, perfect brainwashed chump of the greedy idiot Rich and disastrous GOP. Keep voting against great infrastructure and vacations living wage cheap college ID card to end illegal immigration. Idiots. Oops brainwashed functional idiots.
It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
And only about 500,000 dead because of stupid whoops brainwashed functionally stupid Republicans who refused to mask socially distance etc
You're usual cogent argument lol...
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
Just imagine what would happen with the economy if dementia joe had left the petroleum industry alone. That moron was complaining last week about people not going back to work. WOW, when you pay people more to stay home and sit on their asses than they get paid to work, what do you think is going to happen, Joey.
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
Dems are like the kid who killed his parents and then demands leniency from the court on the basis that he's an orphan.
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It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
So who is responsible for the virus getting so much worse than it had to?
It's a short term circumstance they are exploiting to make themselves look good.

We've had the lockdown thing for a year, masks, government handouts for people to stay home, extended benefits for staying home, small businesses punished where they had to cut back or close.

Now the vaccine is rolling out big time, restrictions being lifted, benefits running out, no more stimulus in our future. Of course the economy is going to look better, not because they did anything in particular. It's just because covid stuff is being lightened up on a lot.

Even if overall the economy is 40% worse than it was this time 2 or 3 years ago it's still going to be a vast improvement over what it was last year.
So who is responsible for the virus getting so much worse than it had to?
No one. You had dem cities and states locked down tighter than a tied water balloon and they got hit the worst. The virus didn't recognize your partisanship. You had loons rioting and protesting all year despite the virus.

The fact remains as outlined in the op
Yall KILLED the economy with your archaic reactions & shutdowns in response to covid. You literally stopped economic growth in its tracks so naturally easing YOUR restrictions is going to result in economic activity that would have otherwise naturally occurred if not for YOUR actions.
You're living in lala land if you believe otherwise
Just imagine what would happen with the economy if dementia joe had left the petroleum industry alone. That moron was complaining last week about people not going back to work. WOW, when you pay people more to stay home and sit on their asses than they get paid to work, what do you think is going to happen, Joey.
Most of the Republican States have stopped those unemployment payments and should be quite a few sick Republicans around soon....

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