Democrats Support Deportation of Illegals ... From Martha's Vineyard, Just Not Anywhere Else In US

'CNN relessed the following video of the National Guard attempting to quell the panic that errupted in Martha's Vineyard after the elitist liberal residents learned 50 illegal 'brown persons' had shown up in their community after being bused there from Florida:"

The Mayor of Martha's Vineyard declared they had never experienced a 'humanitarian crisis' like this before, not since the 'great negro house servant uprising' of 1963 when house servants went on strike for having to pay for their own bus fare - and sit in the back of the bus - to and from Martha's Vineysrd each day to 'wait on and serve the white folk'.

The reaction of the “Sanctuary City” Dimtards there.

Called in 120 National Guard troops to bum rush 50 refugees off the island.
can’t help but have flashbacks to when the dem police chief bull conner was active
"WE will not be inconvenienced ... which is why we intended to send them to and keep them all in Red States."

I thought it was illegal to use the military for that. How did the lily white rich democrats manage to get the military to deport the brown people.

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