Democrats / Schumer And Pelosi Should REALLY Read 'The Art Of The Deal'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Good news for the incoming House Democratic majority! They have something President Trump really, really wants: money to build a border wall. Trump is desperate for this money. Mexico won't give it to him. Only congressional Democrats can. Without their consent, he can't deliver on one of the key campaign promises he made during the 2016 election.

There's a name for this in classic negotiating strategy. It's called "leverage". Good negotiators use leverage (something they have, which their adversary wants) to obtain what are called "concessions" (something their adversary has, which they want). The result is what experts call "compromise". This is how the civilized world gets things done.

But in a fit of pique, Democrats are throwing away their leverage, insisting that they will never -- under any circumstances -- give Trump the wall he so desperately wants. The reason? Because he wants it and they despise him.

There is a name for this in negotiating strategy as well. It's called "insanity"!

SMART negotiators, again, use 'leverage'. Democrats have repeatedly proven they are NOT that smart.

When negotiating with Iran, President Obama had the 'leverage' of lifting all those sanctions, of having all of that money Iran wanted freed up, and had the International community having his back and ready to back whatever he did. Obama, instead, negotiated out of WEAKNESS, not strength or using any of his 'leverage'. Instead of strongly demanding Iran's release of US hostages be part of the deal he refused to do so out of FEAR the Iranians would back away from the negotiating table. Instead, weeks later he sent an unmarked plane filled with cash in the middle of the night to drop of the ransom money in Iran to bring the Americans home.

Pelosi's and Schumer's declaration that they would NEVER agree to negotiate with / compromise with President Trump to fund securing our border is not the 1st time they engaged in 'NOT-SMART' negotiating practices.

Immediately after it was declared that President Trump had won the 2016 election Chuck Schumer openly declared to the world that the Democratic Party was 100% committed to resistance / obstruction against President Trump and the Republican-run government, that they were determined instead to make sure everything they tired to accomplish (on behalf of the American people) FAILED.

Yeah, that's that 'INSANITY' negotiation technique mentioned above....complete, delusional, hate-driven, partisan / party-before-country INSANITY.

The Democrats even painted themselves into a corner PUIBLICLY, end the end proving they were LIARS in one aspect yet dedicated their commitment to Obstructing President Trump:

-- At one point the Republicans, in their negotiations with Democrats over their desired DACA legislation, offered the Democrats EVERYTHING they asked for regarding DACA - everything they had asked for was offered to them by the GOP. Their hate was SO STRONG, however, that seeing that President Trump would be able to claim success in overseeing legislation President Obama could not get through Congress - forcing him to issue his own Un-Constitutional Edict. THE DEMOCRATS WALKED AWAY FROM THE TABLE, LEAVING A DACA DEAL CONTAINING EVRYTHING THEY WANTED IN IT, breaking their promise to fight for and get DACA Legislation passed.

The Democrats, through their hatred of Trump, openly demonstrated - especially to the Latino community who had supported them- that the Democrats would rather continue to exercise their hatred for Trump by opposing everything he sought to accomplish - they also demonstrated they would rather have the POLITICAL ISSUE of DACA with which they could continue to attack the GOP than to actually pass legislation and resolve the issue. The Latino Community was PISSED, understandably, finally realizing that the Democratic Party had been string them along - USING them!

Yup, this is another example of that INSANITY technique of negotiating Democrats have become famous for.

President recently forced Democrats Pelosi and Schumer into a VERY PUBLIC meeting regarding funding the Border Wall . Transparency is another successful tactic in negotiating, one neither Pelosi or Schumer wanted to engage in AT ALL. Pelosi was almost begging the President to call an end to the televised / reported meeting so they could continue their talk out of sight from the American people.

At the end of the meeting Trump had come across as a 'champion of the people', fighting to keep his promise of ensuring our sovereignty, securing our border, and protecting American citizens. Schumer and Pelosi, however, were painted as pro-open border, pro-illegal immigration, Trump-Hating liberals sticking to their negotiating strategy of 'Insanity', driven by their extreme hatred of President Trump, 100% committed to anything the President does not support / advocate - even if that means opposing violent illegal immigration, showing they support / work more for Illegals than they do Americans, and openly supporting Federal Law-Violating criminal sanctuaries here in the United States.

'Negotiations' for the rest of the world includes: Leverage - Concessions - Compromise

'Negotiations' for the Democrats / Democratic party consists of 'HATE', 100% Commitment To Obstruction, Undermining the US Govt / Trump administration at every turn, and Making sure whatever the GOP and President attempt to achieve on behalf of the American People FAILS for the benefit of the Democratic Party!

Marc Thiessen: Democrats' negotiating strategy can be summed up in one word


They’ll read it when Trump does.
Democrats said that about the ACA and President Obama....none of them have read it yet.

(Relax, I am just kidding! That was a funny and 'spot-on' remark about Trump and the 'Art of The Deal', which was written by a 'Ghost-Writer' most of these famous people's books are these days. I wondered for a while how some of these people could 'pump out' book after book after book right behind the other....until really digging into and finding out about the whole 'ghost-writer' business. Again, nice one!)
Those two are still struggling through Hillary's book....LMAO....
The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.
The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.

Okay if walls don't work, why does your house have walls?

The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.

Okay if walls don't work, why does your house have walls?

ummmmm, ummmmm, ummmmm. Oh I GET IT. You're trying to analogize between a House and the US. Do you have any clue how many times that fails. LOL
The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.

Okay if walls don't work, why does your house have walls?

ummmmm, ummmmm, ummmmm. Oh I GET IT. You're trying to analogize between a House and the US. Do you have any clue how many times that fails. LOL

Oh okay then go ask Isreal if their walls work, or the Vatican......... Walls work, period. You know they work or you would be like "build the damn thing then we can make fun of you when it doesn't work" it's obvious and pathetic.
The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.

Okay if walls don't work, why does your house have walls?

ummmmm, ummmmm, ummmmm. Oh I GET IT. You're trying to analogize between a House and the US. Do you have any clue how many times that fails. LOL

Oh okay then go ask Isreal if their walls work, or the Vatican......... Walls work, period. You know they work or you would be like "build the damn thing then we can make fun of you when it doesn't work" it's obvious and pathetic.
Ah, so now you're analogizing the US to Israel. Closer, but it still fails. And you don't know why.
"Good news for the incoming House Democratic majority! They have something President Trump really, really wants: money to build a border wall. Trump is desperate for this money. Mexico won't give it to him. Only congressional Democrats can. Without their consent, he can't deliver on one of the key campaign promises he made during the 2016 election.

There's a name for this in classic negotiating strategy. It's called "leverage". Good negotiators use leverage (something they have, which their adversary wants) to obtain what are called "concessions" (something their adversary has, which they want). The result is what experts call "compromise". This is how the civilized world gets things done.

But in a fit of pique, Democrats are throwing away their leverage, insisting that they will never -- under any circumstances -- give Trump the wall he so desperately wants. The reason? Because he wants it and they despise him.

There is a name for this in negotiating strategy as well. It's called "insanity"!

SMART negotiators, again, use 'leverage'. Democrats have repeatedly proven they are NOT that smart.

When negotiating with Iran, President Obama had the 'leverage' of lifting all those sanctions, of having all of that money Iran wanted freed up, and had the International community having his back and ready to back whatever he did. Obama, instead, negotiated out of WEAKNESS, not strength or using any of his 'leverage'. Instead of strongly demanding Iran's release of US hostages be part of the deal he refused to do so out of FEAR the Iranians would back away from the negotiating table. Instead, weeks later he sent an unmarked plane filled with cash in the middle of the night to drop of the ransom money in Iran to bring the Americans home.

Pelosi's and Schumer's declaration that they would NEVER agree to negotiate with / compromise with President Trump to fund securing our border is not the 1st time they engaged in 'NOT-SMART' negotiating practices.

Immediately after it was declared that President Trump had won the 2016 election Chuck Schumer openly declared to the world that the Democratic Party was 100% committed to resistance / obstruction against President Trump and the Republican-run government, that they were determined instead to make sure everything they tired to accomplish (on behalf of the American people) FAILED.

Yeah, that's that 'INSANITY' negotiation technique mentioned above....complete, delusional, hate-driven, partisan / party-before-country INSANITY.

The Democrats even painted themselves into a corner PUIBLICLY, end the end proving they were LIARS in one aspect yet dedicated their commitment to Obstructing President Trump:

-- At one point the Republicans, in their negotiations with Democrats over their desired DACA legislation, offered the Democrats EVERYTHING they asked for regarding DACA - everything they had asked for was offered to them by the GOP. Their hate was SO STRONG, however, that seeing that President Trump would be able to claim success in overseeing legislation President Obama could not get through Congress - forcing him to issue his own Un-Constitutional Edict. THE DEMOCRATS WALKED AWAY FROM THE TABLE, LEAVING A DACA DEAL CONTAINING EVRYTHING THEY WANTED IN IT, breaking their promise to fight for and get DACA Legislation passed.

The Democrats, through their hatred of Trump, openly demonstrated - especially to the Latino community who had supported them- that the Democrats would rather continue to exercise their hatred for Trump by opposing everything he sought to accomplish - they also demonstrated they would rather have the POLITICAL ISSUE of DACA with which they could continue to attack the GOP than to actually pass legislation and resolve the issue. The Latino Community was PISSED, understandably, finally realizing that the Democratic Party had been string them along - USING them!

Yup, this is another example of that INSANITY technique of negotiating Democrats have become famous for.

President recently forced Democrats Pelosi and Schumer into a VERY PUBLIC meeting regarding funding the Border Wall . Transparency is another successful tactic in negotiating, one neither Pelosi or Schumer wanted to engage in AT ALL. Pelosi was almost begging the President to call an end to the televised / reported meeting so they could continue their talk out of sight from the American people.

At the end of the meeting Trump had come across as a 'champion of the people', fighting to keep his promise of ensuring our sovereignty, securing our border, and protecting American citizens. Schumer and Pelosi, however, were painted as pro-open border, pro-illegal immigration, Trump-Hating liberals sticking to their negotiating strategy of 'Insanity', driven by their extreme hatred of President Trump, 100% committed to anything the President does not support / advocate - even if that means opposing violent illegal immigration, showing they support / work more for Illegals than they do Americans, and openly supporting Federal Law-Violating criminal sanctuaries here in the United States.

'Negotiations' for the rest of the world includes: Leverage - Concessions - Compromise

'Negotiations' for the Democrats / Democratic party consists of 'HATE', 100% Commitment To Obstruction, Undermining the US Govt / Trump administration at every turn, and Making sure whatever the GOP and President attempt to achieve on behalf of the American People FAILS for the benefit of the Democratic Party!

Marc Thiessen: Democrats' negotiating strategy can be summed up in one word


Nancy Pelosi kicked Trump's ass in their televised discussion on the budget. She frustrated Trump to the point he blatantly lied about 10 terrorists at the Mexican border. But the big win for Nancy was to have the idiot Trump said he would gladly take responsibility for a government shutdown.
The Republican plan was to blame the shutdown on the Democrats, if it happens. The idiot Trump took that strategy away from the Republicans.
The premise that the Democrats won’t giveTrump the wall because they despise him is wrong. They won’t give him the wall because it is a colossal waste of money and ineffective as immigration policy.

But the simple minded need to rationalize in terms they themselves traffic in. So we get stalemate gridlock and government shut down.

This is the result of neophytes moving in circles they should have been better prepared to face.

Okay if walls don't work, why does your house have walls?

Specious logic
the art of the deal

throwing a hissy fit after Pelosi hands you your ass ...

He stormed out of the Oval, walked into an anteroom just off the Oval Office and had in his hand a folder of briefing papers. And he just scattered them out of frustration. Threw them across the room.

deal with it Goldilocks, you dont get your way for the next 2 years.

Pelosi was so uncomfortable debating the wall in front of the press in the Oval Office. It was priceless and very telling.
"Good news for the incoming House Democratic majority! They have something President Trump really, really wants: money to build a border wall. Trump is desperate for this money. Mexico won't give it to him. Only congressional Democrats can. Without their consent, he can't deliver on one of the key campaign promises he made during the 2016 election.

There's a name for this in classic negotiating strategy. It's called "leverage". Good negotiators use leverage (something they have, which their adversary wants) to obtain what are called "concessions" (something their adversary has, which they want). The result is what experts call "compromise". This is how the civilized world gets things done.

But in a fit of pique, Democrats are throwing away their leverage, insisting that they will never -- under any circumstances -- give Trump the wall he so desperately wants. The reason? Because he wants it and they despise him.

There is a name for this in negotiating strategy as well. It's called "insanity"!

SMART negotiators, again, use 'leverage'. Democrats have repeatedly proven they are NOT that smart.

When negotiating with Iran, President Obama had the 'leverage' of lifting all those sanctions, of having all of that money Iran wanted freed up, and had the International community having his back and ready to back whatever he did. Obama, instead, negotiated out of WEAKNESS, not strength or using any of his 'leverage'. Instead of strongly demanding Iran's release of US hostages be part of the deal he refused to do so out of FEAR the Iranians would back away from the negotiating table. Instead, weeks later he sent an unmarked plane filled with cash in the middle of the night to drop of the ransom money in Iran to bring the Americans home.

Pelosi's and Schumer's declaration that they would NEVER agree to negotiate with / compromise with President Trump to fund securing our border is not the 1st time they engaged in 'NOT-SMART' negotiating practices.

Immediately after it was declared that President Trump had won the 2016 election Chuck Schumer openly declared to the world that the Democratic Party was 100% committed to resistance / obstruction against President Trump and the Republican-run government, that they were determined instead to make sure everything they tired to accomplish (on behalf of the American people) FAILED.

Yeah, that's that 'INSANITY' negotiation technique mentioned above....complete, delusional, hate-driven, partisan / party-before-country INSANITY.

The Democrats even painted themselves into a corner PUIBLICLY, end the end proving they were LIARS in one aspect yet dedicated their commitment to Obstructing President Trump:

-- At one point the Republicans, in their negotiations with Democrats over their desired DACA legislation, offered the Democrats EVERYTHING they asked for regarding DACA - everything they had asked for was offered to them by the GOP. Their hate was SO STRONG, however, that seeing that President Trump would be able to claim success in overseeing legislation President Obama could not get through Congress - forcing him to issue his own Un-Constitutional Edict. THE DEMOCRATS WALKED AWAY FROM THE TABLE, LEAVING A DACA DEAL CONTAINING EVRYTHING THEY WANTED IN IT, breaking their promise to fight for and get DACA Legislation passed.

The Democrats, through their hatred of Trump, openly demonstrated - especially to the Latino community who had supported them- that the Democrats would rather continue to exercise their hatred for Trump by opposing everything he sought to accomplish - they also demonstrated they would rather have the POLITICAL ISSUE of DACA with which they could continue to attack the GOP than to actually pass legislation and resolve the issue. The Latino Community was PISSED, understandably, finally realizing that the Democratic Party had been string them along - USING them!

Yup, this is another example of that INSANITY technique of negotiating Democrats have become famous for.

President recently forced Democrats Pelosi and Schumer into a VERY PUBLIC meeting regarding funding the Border Wall . Transparency is another successful tactic in negotiating, one neither Pelosi or Schumer wanted to engage in AT ALL. Pelosi was almost begging the President to call an end to the televised / reported meeting so they could continue their talk out of sight from the American people.

At the end of the meeting Trump had come across as a 'champion of the people', fighting to keep his promise of ensuring our sovereignty, securing our border, and protecting American citizens. Schumer and Pelosi, however, were painted as pro-open border, pro-illegal immigration, Trump-Hating liberals sticking to their negotiating strategy of 'Insanity', driven by their extreme hatred of President Trump, 100% committed to anything the President does not support / advocate - even if that means opposing violent illegal immigration, showing they support / work more for Illegals than they do Americans, and openly supporting Federal Law-Violating criminal sanctuaries here in the United States.

'Negotiations' for the rest of the world includes: Leverage - Concessions - Compromise

'Negotiations' for the Democrats / Democratic party consists of 'HATE', 100% Commitment To Obstruction, Undermining the US Govt / Trump administration at every turn, and Making sure whatever the GOP and President attempt to achieve on behalf of the American People FAILS for the benefit of the Democratic Party!

Marc Thiessen: Democrats' negotiating strategy can be summed up in one word


You would think ANYONE who wants to understand his/her enemy would want to get inside the mind of their enemy,reading Art Of The Deal which I have is a good way to understand President Trump. Meh I prefer the leftists stay dumb and thinking their usual way of doing this is going to work on President Trump.

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