Democrats Refusal To Hold Omar Accountable Making Anti-Semitic Muslim Supremacy An Accepted Norm In Congress


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

"Omar's comments draw on classic antisemitic themes about Jewish clannishness, the notion that Jews only look out for themselves. They're also plainly false. Jewish lawmakers have been on the front lines, fighting for human rights in America and globally."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest remarks about Israel and Jewish members of Congress have sparked backlash, as the Minnesota Democrat expressed zero regret for comparing Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

"In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Omar said she does not regret her tweet from earlier this month in which she lumped Israel, the U.S., Hamas, and the Taliban together. When asked if she knows why fellow Democrats – particularly Jews – found previous comments of hers about Israel to be anti-Semitic, Omar accused them of not being "partners in justice" while claiming that she herself "knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"So Jews should learn from @IlhanMN what it's like to experience injustice?" questioned journalist Annika Rothstein. "No one can ever say Ilhan Omar didn't show the world exactly who and what she is."

Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic anti-American, Muslim Supremacist, Anti-Semite and is heavily supported and defended by her fellow Democrats who have protected Omar on numerous occasions from being Censured for her unacceptable behavior and comments.

"Democrats in Congress supported the Iran deal, which posed a significant threat to Israel. Popular Democratic celebrities have joined the so-called BDS movement which aims to “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The state of Florida has aggressively opposed the BDS movement, and the first bill passed after Rick Scott entered the U.S. Senate was a strong rebuke of the anti-Semitic movement. Twenty-three Democrats voted against the bill.

"In an even more disturbing national display of cowardice, the Democrats in Congress failed to take any action against Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) after her anti-Semitic and hateful comments, allowing her to keep her plum appointment on the Foreign Affairs Committee."

'The inability of the national Democratic party to take a strong, declarative, and unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism will cost the party dearly, and not only with Jewish voters.'

More importantly, the Democrats tolerance of their fellow Democrats' anti-Semitism and aggressive defense of that anti-Semitism is 'normalizing' such unacceptable behavior / speech in Congress.

Her rhetoric is direct, demeaning, and hateful of Jewish ethnicity and culture.

She supports groups that want to eliminate Israel from existance.

The left would connect dots to pin some hateful message to Trump. This lady doesn't hide it and is very straightforward. she hates Jews, and wants to disenfranchise them.
Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

"Omar's comments draw on classic antisemitic themes about Jewish clannishness, the notion that Jews only look out for themselves. They're also plainly false. Jewish lawmakers have been on the front lines, fighting for human rights in America and globally."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest remarks about Israel and Jewish members of Congress have sparked backlash, as the Minnesota Democrat expressed zero regret for comparing Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

"In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Omar said she does not regret her tweet from earlier this month in which she lumped Israel, the U.S., Hamas, and the Taliban together. When asked if she knows why fellow Democrats – particularly Jews – found previous comments of hers about Israel to be anti-Semitic, Omar accused them of not being "partners in justice" while claiming that she herself "knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"So Jews should learn from @IlhanMN what it's like to experience injustice?" questioned journalist Annika Rothstein. "No one can ever say Ilhan Omar didn't show the world exactly who and what she is."

Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic anti-American, Muslim Supremacist, Anti-Semite and is heavily supported and defended by her fellow Democrats who have protected Omar on numerous occasions from being Censured for her unacceptable behavior and comments.

"Democrats in Congress supported the Iran deal, which posed a significant threat to Israel. Popular Democratic celebrities have joined the so-called BDS movement which aims to “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The state of Florida has aggressively opposed the BDS movement, and the first bill passed after Rick Scott entered the U.S. Senate was a strong rebuke of the anti-Semitic movement. Twenty-three Democrats voted against the bill.

"In an even more disturbing national display of cowardice, the Democrats in Congress failed to take any action against Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) after her anti-Semitic and hateful comments, allowing her to keep her plum appointment on the Foreign Affairs Committee."

'The inability of the national Democratic party to take a strong, declarative, and unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism will cost the party dearly, and not only with Jewish voters.'

More importantly, the Democrats tolerance of their fellow Democrats' anti-Semitism and aggressive defense of that anti-Semitism is 'normalizing' such unacceptable behavior / speech in Congress.

Well sure, if you disagree with Omar you disagree with social justice. That's because Omar is social justice, just like Dr. Fauci is Science and Truth. So if you disagree with Fauci,, you disagree with science and truth.

Imagine if you disagreed with Fauci AND Omar on anything, then you would deny science, truth, and social justice.

That would be a terrible fate.

Has Omar dumper her brother for her nephew or son yet?
Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

"Omar's comments draw on classic antisemitic themes about Jewish clannishness, the notion that Jews only look out for themselves. They're also plainly false. Jewish lawmakers have been on the front lines, fighting for human rights in America and globally."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest remarks about Israel and Jewish members of Congress have sparked backlash, as the Minnesota Democrat expressed zero regret for comparing Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

"In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Omar said she does not regret her tweet from earlier this month in which she lumped Israel, the U.S., Hamas, and the Taliban together. When asked if she knows why fellow Democrats – particularly Jews – found previous comments of hers about Israel to be anti-Semitic, Omar accused them of not being "partners in justice" while claiming that she herself "knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"So Jews should learn from @IlhanMN what it's like to experience injustice?" questioned journalist Annika Rothstein. "No one can ever say Ilhan Omar didn't show the world exactly who and what she is."

Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic anti-American, Muslim Supremacist, Anti-Semite and is heavily supported and defended by her fellow Democrats who have protected Omar on numerous occasions from being Censured for her unacceptable behavior and comments.

"Democrats in Congress supported the Iran deal, which posed a significant threat to Israel. Popular Democratic celebrities have joined the so-called BDS movement which aims to “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The state of Florida has aggressively opposed the BDS movement, and the first bill passed after Rick Scott entered the U.S. Senate was a strong rebuke of the anti-Semitic movement. Twenty-three Democrats voted against the bill.

"In an even more disturbing national display of cowardice, the Democrats in Congress failed to take any action against Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) after her anti-Semitic and hateful comments, allowing her to keep her plum appointment on the Foreign Affairs Committee."

'The inability of the national Democratic party to take a strong, declarative, and unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism will cost the party dearly, and not only with Jewish voters.'

More importantly, the Democrats tolerance of their fellow Democrats' anti-Semitism and aggressive defense of that anti-Semitism is 'normalizing' such unacceptable behavior / speech in Congress.

So what did she say that was blatantly antisemitic? I see her railing against everyone. But let's face it, we've enabled Israel to be the biggest bully on the block in the ME and then various groups browbeat both sides into thinking that ANY criticism of the state of Israel can automatically be filed as antisemitic.
Well sure, if you disagree with Omar you disagree with social justice. That's because Omar is social justice, just like Dr. Fauci is Science and Truth. So if you disagree with Fauci,, you disagree with science and truth.
Copy that -

Omar is an unapologetic anti-Semite, and Fauci is a pandemic facilitator who supported dangerous testing, funded the testing, knew it came from the Wuhan lab, and spent most of his time scamming the American people, and is now protecting his own ass.

The only thing 'good' Omar has done is to expose the massive anti-Semitism within the Democrat Party.

Frankly, I don't think you are understanding the situation. Asswipes on the fascist side of the aisle are permitted to say anything they want. On the other hand, had YOU made that statement, you would (most likely) be headed to prison convicted of "domestic terrorism".

And these assholes think we are still a "democracy".........

Frankly, I don't think you are understanding the situation. Asswipes on the fascist side of the aisle are permitted to say anything they want. On the other hand, had YOU made that statement, you would (most likely) be headed to prison convicted of "domestic terrorism".

And these assholes think we are still a "democracy".........
I understand the situation just fine.

And we have never been a democracy.
Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

"Omar's comments draw on classic antisemitic themes about Jewish clannishness, the notion that Jews only look out for themselves. They're also plainly false. Jewish lawmakers have been on the front lines, fighting for human rights in America and globally."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest remarks about Israel and Jewish members of Congress have sparked backlash, as the Minnesota Democrat expressed zero regret for comparing Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

"In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Omar said she does not regret her tweet from earlier this month in which she lumped Israel, the U.S., Hamas, and the Taliban together. When asked if she knows why fellow Democrats – particularly Jews – found previous comments of hers about Israel to be anti-Semitic, Omar accused them of not being "partners in justice" while claiming that she herself "knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"So Jews should learn from @IlhanMN what it's like to experience injustice?" questioned journalist Annika Rothstein. "No one can ever say Ilhan Omar didn't show the world exactly who and what she is."

Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic anti-American, Muslim Supremacist, Anti-Semite and is heavily supported and defended by her fellow Democrats who have protected Omar on numerous occasions from being Censured for her unacceptable behavior and comments.

"Democrats in Congress supported the Iran deal, which posed a significant threat to Israel. Popular Democratic celebrities have joined the so-called BDS movement which aims to “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The state of Florida has aggressively opposed the BDS movement, and the first bill passed after Rick Scott entered the U.S. Senate was a strong rebuke of the anti-Semitic movement. Twenty-three Democrats voted against the bill.

"In an even more disturbing national display of cowardice, the Democrats in Congress failed to take any action against Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) after her anti-Semitic and hateful comments, allowing her to keep her plum appointment on the Foreign Affairs Committee."

'The inability of the national Democratic party to take a strong, declarative, and unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism will cost the party dearly, and not only with Jewish voters.'

More importantly, the Democrats tolerance of their fellow Democrats' anti-Semitism and aggressive defense of that anti-Semitism is 'normalizing' such unacceptable behavior / speech in Congress.

A Muslim being anti-semitic is a given.....but her hatred for America would be grounds for deportation back to Mogadishu.
Well sure, if you disagree with Omar you disagree with social justice. That's because Omar is social justice, just like Dr. Fauci is Science and Truth. So if you disagree with Fauci,, you disagree with science and truth.
Copy that -

Omar is an unapologetic anti-Semite, and Fauci is a pandemic facilitator who supported dangerous testing, funded the testing, knew it came from the Wuhan lab, and spent most of his time scamming the American people, and is now protecting his own ass.

The only thing 'good' Omar has done is to expose the massive anti-Semitism within the Democrat Party.
It is an odd thing for her own party to admit her verbiage is anti-Semitic but still refuse to discipline her in any way.

If Hitler were a democrat they would allow him the same behavior.

A Muslim being anti-semitic is a given.....but her hatred for America would be grounds for deportation back to Mogadishu.
I don't know if her hatred for America is grounds for deporting her, but i am sure her illegal Immigration scam of marrying her brother is enough to get her arrested, charged, and jailed...if there was anyone brave enough to actually enforce the law.

A Muslim being anti-semitic is a given.....but her hatred for America would be grounds for deportation back to Mogadishu.
I don't know if her hatred for America is grounds for deporting her, but i am sure her illegal Immigration scam of marrying her brother is enough to get her arrested, charged, and jailed...if there was anyone brave enough to actually enforce the law.
Hatred for the country you want to move to is the top reason your visa could be rejected.
We're not supposed to accept communists and terrorist supporters.
We're supposed to accept people who want to live here and fit in to American Society.
Asking people who want to send all of our cash to their relatives over seas and who want to encourage insurrection on the floor of Congress is a recipe for disaster.
Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

Omar accused of Muslim supremacy over latest smear of Jews in Congress

"Omar's comments draw on classic antisemitic themes about Jewish clannishness, the notion that Jews only look out for themselves. They're also plainly false. Jewish lawmakers have been on the front lines, fighting for human rights in America and globally."

"Rep. Ilhan Omar's latest remarks about Israel and Jewish members of Congress have sparked backlash, as the Minnesota Democrat expressed zero regret for comparing Israel to Hamas and the Taliban."

"In a CNN interview on Tuesday, Omar said she does not regret her tweet from earlier this month in which she lumped Israel, the U.S., Hamas, and the Taliban together. When asked if she knows why fellow Democrats – particularly Jews – found previous comments of hers about Israel to be anti-Semitic, Omar accused them of not being "partners in justice" while claiming that she herself "knows what it feels like to experience injustice in ways that many of my colleagues don't."

"So Jews should learn from @IlhanMN what it's like to experience injustice?" questioned journalist Annika Rothstein. "No one can ever say Ilhan Omar didn't show the world exactly who and what she is."

Ilhan Omar is an unapologetic anti-American, Muslim Supremacist, Anti-Semite and is heavily supported and defended by her fellow Democrats who have protected Omar on numerous occasions from being Censured for her unacceptable behavior and comments.

"Democrats in Congress supported the Iran deal, which posed a significant threat to Israel. Popular Democratic celebrities have joined the so-called BDS movement which aims to “Boycott, Divest, and Sanction” our closest ally and the only democracy in the Middle East, Israel. The state of Florida has aggressively opposed the BDS movement, and the first bill passed after Rick Scott entered the U.S. Senate was a strong rebuke of the anti-Semitic movement. Twenty-three Democrats voted against the bill.

"In an even more disturbing national display of cowardice, the Democrats in Congress failed to take any action against Representative Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) after her anti-Semitic and hateful comments, allowing her to keep her plum appointment on the Foreign Affairs Committee."

'The inability of the national Democratic party to take a strong, declarative, and unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism will cost the party dearly, and not only with Jewish voters.'

More importantly, the Democrats tolerance of their fellow Democrats' anti-Semitism and aggressive defense of that anti-Semitism is 'normalizing' such unacceptable behavior / speech in Congress.

The DemoKKKrats by and large agree with her. There may be one or two who don't, but they will quickly be eradicated from the party.

The DemoKKKrats currently have three open Holocaust deniers serving in Congress (Omar, Pressley, and Tlaib), and they've made no move to decrease that number. AOC is also very likely a Holocaust denier, but she's just barely bright enough to have not admitted it publicly yet.
You can disagree, but the truth is the truth. You're a good guy, but Islam has blinded you to the truth.

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