Democrats Prove Impeachment 'Political Theater', Not About 'High Crimes'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Confirmed: Dems switched from “quid pro quo” to “bribery” because a focus group told them it was better"


More evidence that what Democrats are doing - what they have been do I g for r years - is Conspiracy, Sedition, & TREASON!

Schiff's hearings have shown the world the Democrats have no evidence of a crime committed, no whistle blower, and no witness, as no one who has testified witnessed anything.

Now we know Pelosi and Democrats are asking focus groups to tell them what crime / criminal charge SOUNDS better to them so they can appeal to the largest psychotic, emotionally-manipulated, butt-hurt, Trump-hating snowflakes in Battle Ground states.

Enough is enough - carrying out Counter-Intel Ops and one attempted political coup after another surpasses even what Obama allowed the Russians to get away with from 2014 - 2016!

Confirmed: Dems switched from "quid pro quo" to "bribery" because a focus group told them it was better
It's simple really. Their constituency, mostly educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities (or in Central America and Mexico), do not know and cannot be taught what "quid pro quo" means.

The fact that the Democrats need focus groups to begin with...on how to get their Pravda-like New York Media to sell thier Impeachment Bull-Shit...tells the real story.
The fact that they are using focus groups to direct them on how to wordsmythe their coup verbiage so as to appeal to the broadest base of Trump-haters proves they are conducting yet another partisan criminal coup attempt.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son...

You've just attained the nirvana of complete irrelevancy to the issues in-question at present...

The most significant being...

Did the President attempt to coerce a foreign power into providing him with a personal political advantage, using taxpayer money as grease?


"Focus, grasshopper... focus".


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It's simple really. Their constituency, mostly educated in the public schools of rotting Northern cities (or in Central America and Mexico), do not know and cannot be taught what "quid pro quo" means.

Ergo, in pace requiescat.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son...

You've just attained the nirvana of complete irrelevancy to the issues in-question at present...

The most significant being...

Did the President attempt to coerce a foreign power into providing him with a personal political advantage, using taxpayer money as grease?


"Focus, grasshopper... focus".


That's the Democrat spin. The rest of America is glad President Trump was trying to get to the bottom of the OBVIOUS CORRUPTION of Biden and the Obama administration and Ukraine.
Now we can see how the democrats are certain to go down !

Barr has now made it clear !!!!

Made it clear that the deep state is guilty of high treason acts

NOW we know what he knows

Next step he will find out the cause !!!

Which is the unwise getting brainwashed by crooked democrats

Then the solution for the cause is to bring a high logic ability test for voters !!!

Now we know the Final steps that NOW will come

With the high logic test for voting ...most voters will be trump voters ----white male voters !!!
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son...

You've just attained the nirvana of complete irrelevancy to the issues in-question at present...

The most significant being...

Did the President attempt to coerce a foreign power into providing him with a personal political advantage, using taxpayer money as grease?


"Focus, grasshopper... focus".


No he did not and you have zero witnesses that can claim he did.
...No he did not and you have zero witnesses that can claim he did.
Then you are either (a) being intentionally obtuse for partisan purposes or (b) are just not paying attention.

In any event, the House Impeachment Inquiry is about to give us a better and more reliable answer to that question.
Now we can see how the democrats are certain to go down !

Barr has now made it clear !!!!

Made it clear that the deep state is guilty of high treason acts

NOW we know what he knows

Next step he will find out the cause !!!

Which is the unwise getting brainwashed by crooked democrats

Then the solution for the cause is to bring a high logic ability test for voters !!!

Now we know the Final steps that NOW will come

With the high logic test for voting ...most voters will be trump voters ----white male voters !!!
Tvaritch... the Republicans called while you were out and left a message: "Please stay off our side." :21:
You got it backwards

This isn't political theater about high crimes

This is high crimes reeking political theater...

American politics is all about's filled with Uber $, deceit, backroom deals, etc. It's no wonder 99 percent of americans do not take it seriously.
Jesus-H-Tap-Dancing-Christ-on-a-Crutch, son...

You've just attained the nirvana of complete irrelevancy to the issues in-question at present...

The most significant being...

Did the President attempt to coerce a foreign power into providing him with a personal political advantage, using taxpayer money as grease?


"Focus, grasshopper... focus".


Uh, it would only be a political advantage if there is truth to it.
Have at it, dig away, there's nothing to find
...No he did not and you have zero witnesses that can claim he did.
Then you are either (a) being intentionally obtuse for partisan purposes or (b) are just not paying attention.

In any event, the House Impeachment Inquiry is about to give us a better and more reliable answer to that question.

Any day now.
In their own good time.

Most likely before Christmas.

Enjoy the wait. :21:

December 11.
...Uh, it would only be a political advantage if there is truth to it...
All it takes is reasonable proof of corrupt intent, and we're finding TONS of THAT... it's not exactly difficult, eh?

...Have at it, dig away, there's nothing to find
Why, thank you, I think we will, but the 'nothing' outcome is far from certain. Meanwhile, enjoy the wait. :21:
They have been doing the same for the past three years. I don't think we need more evidence.

What needs to be investigated is not Trump, he was already investigated using 30 million of tax payer money. The deep state needs to be investigated with the next 30 million, reason why Americans elected Trump.
...No he did not and you have zero witnesses that can claim he did.
Then you are either (a) being intentionally obtuse for partisan purposes or (b) are just not paying attention.

In any event, the House Impeachment Inquiry is about to give us a better and more reliable answer to that question.

Any day now.
In their own good time.

Most likely before Christmas.

Enjoy the wait. :21:
Aren't you one of those that kept claiming Mueller and his crew would be perp walking everyone out of the White House?

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