Democrats panic as voters turn away from the left's unending violence


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats panic as voters turn away from the left's unending violence

27 Aug 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
For months now, the Democrat-controlled mainstream media has cheered on the violence that followed George Floyd's fentanyl overdose while in police custody. In Democrat-run cities across American, mayors sympathized with the mobs on the streets. They would not act to stem the violence that has destroyed billions of dollars in public and private property and claimed several lives. Higher up the political chain, Democrat politicians refused to condemn the violence, instead blaming federal officers and (of course) President Trump.
Suddenly, though, there's a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, Democrats in the media and elsewhere have realized that the average American is repelled, rather than enchanted, by a violent, bloody revolution in America's streets.
This woman speaks for many Democrat voters who believe that any hope for a safer, brighter future lies with the Republicans, not the Democrats:

It's no wonder that, in an abrupt about-face, both the mainstream media and political leftists are calling out the rioters and the bullies. For general consumption, they condemn the violence. When speaking to the base, though, they don't condemn the violence. Instead, they tell the mob that their activities, rather than hurting Trump, are helping him. There's no concern for the lives destroyed and the cities ruined. It's all about positioning Biden for an election victory.
Leave it to the inestimable Glenn Reynolds to articulate what Trump knows and what Democrats, to their horror, are beginning to realize:
TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Thinking about last night's Republican Convention today at the gym, I realized that Trump isn't just running for re-election: The story he's telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump's making clear that it's about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.​
Democrats have sowed the wind. God willing, it will be their politicians, through a democratic process at the polls, who reap the whirlwind, rather than the American people as a whole.

Democrats have before and since their failed Civil War divided America and it's people with lies and false promises.
They talk of Social Justices but those who take the time to check find that Democrats were the source of the Civil War, Jim Crow, segregation and Red Lining of town and cities.
Now we see that for decades they have instigated terrorism, arson, looting and murder in the last years in their quest to overthrow America, it's Constitution and Bill of rights.
Now suddenly after months of attacking their own Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities, politicians and their complicit biased media find their efforts to overthrow America is failing and their efforts to win the coming presidential election are failing.
They've created a Frankenstein that has turned against them. They no long control the monster they created. Now they are between the monster, the poverty, despair and the towns citizens they have attacked. Law abiding people now are retaliating with their weapon loaded town by town and city by city.
What the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have not counted on is the real silent majority and support for President Trump.
Some weeks back a talking head female on CNN spelled it out clearly saying that it was vital to not only get rid of Trump but all of his supporters as well in order to "get justice". The way she talked, she meant death to all that resist.
Contrary to their violent efforts, the PMS/DSA Commies are awakening a sleeping giant that will crush them....
..there are still a lot of dumbasses that will vote Dem---like dumbasses that believed hitler's lies
..and a lot of KIDS [ 18 year olds ] that don't know shit about life and get their '''facts''' through social media

...but a lot of Americans do see the LIES and bullshit
Voters aren't stupid. Afterall, they defeated the criminal Hillary in 2016.
And in this election they know that the Dimm's are attempting to pass off rioters as peaceful protestors.

Voters no longer trust the media and they grasp that Biden has a sulphur smell about him.
Democrats panic as voters turn away from the left's unending violence

27 Aug 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
For months now, the Democrat-controlled mainstream media has cheered on the violence that followed George Floyd's fentanyl overdose while in police custody. In Democrat-run cities across American, mayors sympathized with the mobs on the streets. They would not act to stem the violence that has destroyed billions of dollars in public and private property and claimed several lives. Higher up the political chain, Democrat politicians refused to condemn the violence, instead blaming federal officers and (of course) President Trump.
Suddenly, though, there's a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, Democrats in the media and elsewhere have realized that the average American is repelled, rather than enchanted, by a violent, bloody revolution in America's streets.
This woman speaks for many Democrat voters who believe that any hope for a safer, brighter future lies with the Republicans, not the Democrats:

It's no wonder that, in an abrupt about-face, both the mainstream media and political leftists are calling out the rioters and the bullies. For general consumption, they condemn the violence. When speaking to the base, though, they don't condemn the violence. Instead, they tell the mob that their activities, rather than hurting Trump, are helping him. There's no concern for the lives destroyed and the cities ruined. It's all about positioning Biden for an election victory.
Leave it to the inestimable Glenn Reynolds to articulate what Trump knows and what Democrats, to their horror, are beginning to realize:
TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Thinking about last night's Republican Convention today at the gym, I realized that Trump isn't just running for re-election: The story he's telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump's making clear that it's about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.​
Democrats have sowed the wind. God willing, it will be their politicians, through a democratic process at the polls, who reap the whirlwind, rather than the American people as a whole.

Democrats have before and since their failed Civil War divided America and it's people with lies and false promises.
They talk of Social Justices but those who take the time to check find that Democrats were the source of the Civil War, Jim Crow, segregation and Red Lining of town and cities.
Now we see that for decades they have instigated terrorism, arson, looting and murder in the last years in their quest to overthrow America, it's Constitution and Bill of rights.
Now suddenly after months of attacking their own Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities, politicians and their complicit biased media find their efforts to overthrow America is failing and their efforts to win the coming presidential election are failing.
They've created a Frankenstein that has turned against them. They no long control the monster they created. Now they are between the monster, the poverty, despair and the towns citizens they have attacked. Law abiding people now are retaliating with their weapon loaded town by town and city by city.
What the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have not counted on is the real silent majority and support for President Trump.
Some weeks back a talking head female on CNN spelled it out clearly saying that it was vital to not only get rid of Trump but all of his supporters as well in order to "get justice". The way she talked, she meant death to all that resist.
Contrary to their violent efforts, the PMS/DSA Commies are awakening a sleeping giant that will crush them....

Democrats have just realized that the House Of Representatives is about to flip because they are enabling the violence. They didn't count on American citizens to pay attention and want a safe place to raise their families. This takes every one of the 27 democrat run shit hole cities and places all of their house seats, which these people represent, in play. Some 97 house seats are now in danger becasue of the rioting and violence.

Karma is a bitch.... And its coming around to slap them hard.
"Suddenly, though, there's a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, " Meh, let's see what the polls say after the RNC convention. I mean after all, you guys put such great faith in the polls, right. Your link.

Anyway, not a single Democrat is in panic.
Democrats panic as voters turn away from the left's unending violence

27 Aug 2020 ~~ By Andrea Widburg
For months now, the Democrat-controlled mainstream media has cheered on the violence that followed George Floyd's fentanyl overdose while in police custody. In Democrat-run cities across American, mayors sympathized with the mobs on the streets. They would not act to stem the violence that has destroyed billions of dollars in public and private property and claimed several lives. Higher up the political chain, Democrat politicians refused to condemn the violence, instead blaming federal officers and (of course) President Trump.
Suddenly, though, there's a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, Democrats in the media and elsewhere have realized that the average American is repelled, rather than enchanted, by a violent, bloody revolution in America's streets.
This woman speaks for many Democrat voters who believe that any hope for a safer, brighter future lies with the Republicans, not the Democrats:

It's no wonder that, in an abrupt about-face, both the mainstream media and political leftists are calling out the rioters and the bullies. For general consumption, they condemn the violence. When speaking to the base, though, they don't condemn the violence. Instead, they tell the mob that their activities, rather than hurting Trump, are helping him. There's no concern for the lives destroyed and the cities ruined. It's all about positioning Biden for an election victory.
Leave it to the inestimable Glenn Reynolds to articulate what Trump knows and what Democrats, to their horror, are beginning to realize:
TRUMP SAVES AMERICA FROM RACE WAR. Thinking about last night's Republican Convention today at the gym, I realized that Trump isn't just running for re-election: The story he's telling at the RNC is also about saving America from the race war that the left is trying to foment. The left wants it to be black vs. white, immigrant vs. native, etc. Trump's making clear that it's about people who are constructive, productive, and generally happy, vs. people who are destructive, parasitic, and generally miserable, and that that difference transcends things like race. This is a huge, underappreciated — and very traditionally American — message. By promoting it at this crucial time, Trump may very well be saving America.​
Democrats have sowed the wind. God willing, it will be their politicians, through a democratic process at the polls, who reap the whirlwind, rather than the American people as a whole.

Democrats have before and since their failed Civil War divided America and it's people with lies and false promises.
They talk of Social Justices but those who take the time to check find that Democrats were the source of the Civil War, Jim Crow, segregation and Red Lining of town and cities.
Now we see that for decades they have instigated terrorism, arson, looting and murder in the last years in their quest to overthrow America, it's Constitution and Bill of rights.
Now suddenly after months of attacking their own Blue Sanctuary Plantation cities, politicians and their complicit biased media find their efforts to overthrow America is failing and their efforts to win the coming presidential election are failing.
They've created a Frankenstein that has turned against them. They no long control the monster they created. Now they are between the monster, the poverty, despair and the towns citizens they have attacked. Law abiding people now are retaliating with their weapon loaded town by town and city by city.
What the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats have not counted on is the real silent majority and support for President Trump.
Some weeks back a talking head female on CNN spelled it out clearly saying that it was vital to not only get rid of Trump but all of his supporters as well in order to "get justice". The way she talked, she meant death to all that resist.
Contrary to their violent efforts, the PMS/DSA Commies are awakening a sleeping giant that will crush them....

It's trumps America and I guess you and your ilk want 4 more years.
"Suddenly, though, there's a change in the air. With Trump getting a bounce following the Democrat convention and getting an even greater bounce as the Republican convention plays out, " Meh, let's see what the polls say after the RNC convention. I mean after all, you guys put such great faith in the polls, right. Your link.

Anyway, not a single Democrat is in panic.

Neither are Republicans against Trump.
I just spent the better part of two hours surfing the major networks and the new revelations that democrats are now against the violence in the cities is rather stunning.. Just yesterday they were still empowering the violence and today, just like a light switch was turned they are now against it....

They are in full blown panic mode today and every hand is on deck spouting the new narrative in attempt to stop the massive hemorrhaging of voters that is occurring... The question is, is it to little to late? 70 days to try and turn this narrative failure around... can they do it?

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