Democrats on Senate Judiciary Committee Must be Investigated for Ties With Communist China


May 23, 2014
What kind of idiots won't condemn Antifa for the agents of communism that they are? Hirono is the biggest idiot in the Senate or an agent of China.
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Just when you think Adam ScHITt might be the worst democrap... just when you think the stomach stapled penguin NADS might be the worst democrap, up pops another shit stain democrap radical POS ass clown that also is a complete pile of human debris. Just unreal... these... PROFOUNDLY RADICAL LIAR democrats SUPPORT the VIOLENCE we've been seeing in America for the last TWO MONTHS PLUS, NON STOP. The choice come November couldn't be more clear. If you LIKE seeing RIOTING, LOOTING, BURNING, GANGS OF VIOLENT STREET THUGS, STATUES TORN DOWN, CITIES TAKEN OVER, DESTRUCTION, CARNAGE... then you vote for a DEMOCRAT. If you want to see your cities and towns CLEAN, WELL KEPT, LAW AND ORDER, NO VIOLENCE, NO ANARCHIST GANGS, NO BURNING, NO LOOTING, but SAFE streets, SAFE homes, then you vote for a REPUBLICAN.

It's that simple.
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The entire Party is a cesspool of treason and organized criminal enterprises, from top to bottom. Every single one of its judicial appointments need to be vacated and gotten off of Federal, state, and local benches ASAP.
The entire Party is a cesspool of treason and organized criminal enterprises, from top to bottom. Every single one of its judicial appointments need to be vacated and gotten off of Federal, state, and local benches ASAP.
How can Democrats blame these violent agitators when it's obvious that they are Marxist Antifa and BLM.
Just when you think Adam ScHITt might be the worst democrap... just when you think the stomach stapled penguin NADS might be the worst democrap, up pops another shit stain democrap radical POS ass clown that also is a complete pile of human debris. Just unreal... these... PROFOUNDLY RADICAL LIAR democrats SUPPORT the VIOLENCE we've been seeing in America for the last TWO MONTHS PLUS, NON STOP. The choice come November couldn't be more clear. If you LIKE seeing RIOTING, LOOTING, BURNING, GANGS OF VIOLENT STREET THUGS, STATUES TORN DOWN, CITIES TAKEN OVER, DESTRUCTION, CARNAGE... then you vote for a DEMOCRAT. If you want to see your cities and towns CLEAN, WELL KEPT, LAW AND ORDER, NO VIOLENCE, NO ANARCHIST GANGS, NO BURNING, NO LOOTING, but SAFE streets, SAFE homes, then you vote for a REPUBLICAN.

It's that simple.
Anyone who would vote Democrat needs their head examined.
What kind of idiots won't condemn Antifa for the agents of communism that they are? Hirono is the biggest idiot in the Senate or an agent of China.
...and they should be EXECUTED for treason!!!!

How could Democrats not condemn these terrorist organizations when the evidence is overwhelming that Antifa and BLM are behind the violence.
Tell you what, find me the leadership of Antifa and we can arrest them, try them and then find them room and board at Gitmo. Until then, all your posts are just empty.
What kind of idiots won't condemn Antifa for the agents of communism that they are? Hirono is the biggest idiot in the Senate or an agent of China.

What kind of idiot holds hearings like this when a paqndemic is raging? He could hold a hearing on police reform. No, he uses his committee for politics. Maybe we should see if you are a agent for Putin.
The entire Party is a cesspool of treason and organized criminal enterprises, from top to bottom. Every single one of its judicial appointments need to be vacated and gotten off of Federal, state, and local benches ASAP.
How can Democrats blame these violent agitators when it's obvious that they are Marxist Antifa and BLM.

There is no antifa. There are no members. There are no meetings. There are no leaders.
What kind of idiots won't condemn Antifa for the agents of communism that they are? Hirono is the biggest idiot in the Senate or an agent of China.
...and they should be EXECUTED for treason!!!!

How could Democrats not condemn these terrorist organizations when the evidence is overwhelming that Antifa and BLM are behind the violence.

There is evidence that white supremacists are behind some of it. They are your pals.
What kind of idiots won't condemn Antifa for the agents of communism that they are? Hirono is the biggest idiot in the Senate or an agent of China.
...and they should be EXECUTED for treason!!!!

And you wonder why people call some of y’all fascist.

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