Democrats let out a sigh of relief

Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Bernie would kill Trump in a debate.

Maybe with laughter.
Bernie is smart, Trump is not. Bernie did well in the debates. Bernie tells the truth, Trump is a pathological liar.
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah, you have a candidate that has about three marbles rolling around in his head and he is a gaffe machine gift that keeps on giving while alienating potential voters by being a rude asswipe. Trump is going to rip Biden a new one in the debates. Biden has no stage presence, he doesn't relate to voters and you can't put any stock in what he says because it can change from one day to the next depending on what is politically expedient for the moment.
Ah … another traitorous lefty praying for ill to befall Americans. Trump's track record has already been established and Slo-Joe's is coming painfully into focus. The next 5 years will not be happy ones for you.

Yes, Trump's record has been established.... now the market is crashing and he's done.

Voters in November will have a clear choice between the incumbent POTUS who has led with strength and the former VP who clearly is losing his grip. The battle tested America-Firster vs the babbling Obama-Globalist.

No contest. Four more years.

Americans didn't vote for the game show host four years ago and they won't this time, either.

What a crock of corporate duopoly ass kissing horseshit. Those votes show Sanders clearly mopping the floor with Hillary in 2016 despite the Dem Party (disgustingly being run by Hillary for Hillary) fighting him tooth and nail. Way to capitulate, Joe! And RW! Party uber alles! No mat a vut!

Actually, the only thing that made Bernie "popular" was in the late primaries, a few voters voted for him. Hillary beat him by 3 million votes. He's getting even less votes this time. My guess, he folds his tent after Illinois.
Very good, Lovey! You caught a sniff on mic and amped it up 10 fold!

Now can you fake Trump in a coughing fit, sniffing and fondling children's hair and women's breasts, completely blowing lines, falling down steps, tripping, needing carried to his car or mistaking Melania for his sister?
Fat Donnie may know who his wife is, but does he know who his daughter is?

View attachment 311798

You're one sick puppy.
Is that why Trump moved to FL?

Tax evasion and inability to accept criticism.

Yep. Can't wait to get good ol' Joe, one of his strengths is taking criticism, right?

Oh and too bad a few Democrats will be glad Trump moves to Florida. Show me one tax law he violated? You can't.

Be glad to

Release his taxes
We were so close to getting stuck with Bernie Sanders

Joe Biden was on the ropes. Finishing fourth in early primaries. Pundits were urging him to drop out if he doesn’t pull out S Carolina.

Bernie Sanders was running a Trump campaign. Keep your loyal core of 25 percent support while your dozen opponents fight over 75 percent of the remaining vote.

But while Republicans were greedy in 2016 and refused to take one for the team, Democrats convinced marginal candidates to drop out. This forced Sanders to run one on one against Biden.

Looking at the results tonight, it looks like a Biden landslide.

Yeah, you have a candidate that has about three marbles rolling around in his head and he is a gaffe machine gift that keeps on giving while alienating potential voters by being a rude asswipe. Trump is going to rip Biden a new one in the debates. Biden has no stage presence, he doesn't relate to voters and you can't put any stock in what he says because it can change from one day to the next depending on what is politically expedient for the moment.
Joe Biden just announced that if elected, he will release the secret 9-11 files
LOL. Democracy in action. Smart people losing their shit all over the place. 20/20 hindsight. 20/20 foresight. Based on 100% unverifiable counts and forecasts. Even Brad Friedman this morning. See no evil. Hear no evil. The system is working! All is good! Steady as she goes! Don't rock the boat! "Facts." All preordained and sorted. Ideas? Convictions? Fuck that silly shit! Why read? Why watch? Why think? Why even vote? Won't matter.. At all! At all!

Wait, so having now expressed your wishful "confident" opinion means you have rather expressed "facts" and that you're somehow not simply continuing to be a dick.
Well, alrighty then. Glad that's settled.

My wishful confident opinion - based on the primary forecast by fivethirtyeight - places Bernie's chances at 0.1%. Your passion for him and his cause, though impressive, does not significantly improve things. Your dickishness, I fear, doesn't help either - sorry to say.
Ah … another traitorous lefty praying for ill to befall Americans. Trump's track record has already been established and Slo-Joe's is coming painfully into focus. The next 5 years will not be happy ones for you.
Yes, Trump's record has been established.... now the market is crashing and he's done.
You need to believe Americans are as dim as you but only angry, bitter not-too-brights will blame Trump for the impact of C-Virus on our investment mkts.

BTW, if I had even just a nickel for every time some bitter 'tard said "Trump is done" I'd have a boatload of 'em.

3 minutes of your media hysteria:

Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Personally, I was hoping that Bernie would do better and be the presidential nominee and have to debate Trump one on one. Because I wanted to see Bernie's wacko commie ideas exposed and destroyed by Trump on national TV..

But the Biden landslide proves the Democrat's have realized how far their party has gone into the land of the looney left, and they needed to adjust course to a more middle of the road agenda. ... :cool:
Bernie would kill Trump in a debate.

Maybe with laughter.
Bernie is smart, Trump is not. Bernie did well in the debates. Bernie tells the truth, Trump is a pathological liar.
That is your opinion but the facts remain … Bernie is toast and Trump will be reelected. :beer:
Voters in November will have a clear choice between the incumbent POTUS who has led with strength and the former VP who clearly is losing his grip. The battle tested America-Firster vs the babbling Obama-Globalist.
No contest. Four more years.
Americans didn't vote for the game show host four years ago and they won't this time, either.
So you believe we will vote for a doddering old fool who is a pawn of the Dem establishment and beholden to the socialists to whom he must pander to even stay in the race? No Comrade B, the next nearly 5 years will not be happy ones for you. :D
LOL. Democracy in action. Smart people losing their shit all over the place. 20/20 hindsight. 20/20 foresight. Based on 100% unverifiable counts and forecasts. Even Brad Friedman this morning. See no evil. Hear no evil. The system is working! All is good! Steady as she goes! Don't rock the boat! "Facts." All preordained and sorted. Ideas? Convictions? Fuck that silly shit! Why read? Why watch? Why think? Why even vote? Won't matter.. At all! At all!

I'll meet you on Capital Hill on Saturday … bring friends & pitchforks! I'll bring the tar & feathers.
Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.
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Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.

Bernie supporters should definitely stay home this fall. They get no respect from the party, why should the party get their vote?
Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.

Bernie supporters should definitely stay home this fall. They get no respect from the party, why should the party get their vote?
Bernie supporters need to take advice from Conservatives
Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.

Bernie supporters should definitely stay home this fall. They get no respect from the party, why should the party get their vote?
Bernie supporters need to take advice from Conservatives
Yes, they should, and stay home this fall. The party doesn't want them.
Bernie was my choice but now it's time to get behind Biden. This is how republicans win even though they have nothing to offer but tax cuts for billionaires and kicking the needy and children off of food stamps. They pretty much all get behind this bucket of piss trump even though most of them hate his guts. United they stand, divided the democrats fall. Same thing happened in 2000 by the way.

Bernie supporters should definitely stay home this fall. They get no respect from the party, why should the party get their vote?
Bernie supporters need to take advice from Conservatives
Yes, they should, and stay home this fall. The party doesn't want them.

OK Bernie fans, there ya have it

Conservatives want you to stay home in November
Are you going to do what they tell you?
Wait, so having now expressed your wishful "confident" opinion means you have rather expressed "facts" and that you're somehow not simply continuing to be a dick.
Well, alrighty then. Glad that's settled.

My wishful confident opinion - based on the primary forecast by fivethirtyeight - places Bernie's chances at 0.1%. Your passion for him and his cause, though impressive, does not significantly improve things. Your dickishness, I fear, doesn't help either - sorry to say.
Right. We both have opinions and are unhelpful dicks about expressing them at times. One of us presumed that (about everyone) to begin with. It would not be all that surprising for Bernie to drop out or Joe to drop dead before the primary is over. We'll just have to wait and see.. no matter what fivethirtyeight says.
OK Bernie fans, there ya have it

Conservatives want you to stay home in November
Are you going to do what they tell you?

Let's just agree, your dickishness doesn't help either.

If Biden doesn't find it in himself to give Bernie's cause room on his platform, thus has little to nothing to offer to Bernie's supporters, they have little by way of incentive to show up in November. That may very well mean, Biden will lose.

Get off your high horse already, why don't you?
OK Bernie fans, there ya have it

Conservatives want you to stay home in November
Are you going to do what they tell you?

Let's just agree, your dickishness doesn't help either.

If Biden doesn't find it in himself to give Bernie's cause room on his platform, thus has little to nothing to offer to Bernie's supporters, they have little by way of incentive to show up in November. That may very well mean, Biden will lose.

Get off your high horse already, why don't you?
Seems he held out an olive branch the other night.

But the more Bernie does to help the common cause, the more he can get.

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