Democrats keep winning

I have not seen any legislation passed for a human to marry an animal. As far as I am concerned marriage is a contract between two people and it matters not who the two parties are, I am against marriage because it is like being incarcerated.
When he said man/woman and an animal I'm pretty sure he meant interracial marriage.

You have to keep in mind who these Republicans truly are.
You mean lib morality that creates cross dressing little faggots out of normal human beings?
I have not seen any legislation passed for a human to marry an animal. As far as I am concerned marriage is a contract between two people and it matters not who the two parties are, I am against marriage because it is like being incarcerated.
There are penalties for sex. Legislated ones approving or disapproving and the results of intercourse or using any orifice. Then there are positives of a couple having children and rearing them to adulthood with all that encompasses. There is no legislation for marry an animal. There is a softness towards pedophile encounters getting stronger. There is a push for marriages of three people emerging and having the right to adopt children in any way if of the same sex. The costs keep expanding as we do this, and bestiality will be on the docket as it has to. Marriage more and more are for suckers. And it falls into the agendas of globalists as the children will be taken at birth to be put into warehousing where they will live, and e educated to adulthood.
Here's a Current Event: Democrats keep winning. Republicans keep losing.

Democrats on this website keep making coherent, logical, winning posts.

Republicans on this website keep making unhinged, nonsensical, losing posts.

True story!
Godwin's law, post #2. :113:

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