Democrats inflaming LGBTQ. It's what they do.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Whether it's Maxine Waters telling their followers to attack fellow Americans, Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices or Shirley Temple Jean Pierre telling LQBTQ to fight and "WE HAVE YOUR BACK" it's all the same. The Democrats inciting Americans to violence. The Democrats work every day to take down this country, I just point out the obvious.

Whether it's Maxine Waters telling their followers to attack fellow Americans, Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices or Shirley Temple Jean Pierre telling LQBTQ to fight and "WE HAVE YOUR BACK" it's all the same. The Democrats inciting Americans to violence. The Democrats work every day to take down this country, I just point out the obvious.

Democrat politicians and bureaucrats could care less about the LGTB Alphabet soup .. except for their votes. Just communicate faux outrage and half truths to rile up that base!
Right they have been abused, nothing like the abuse caused by conservatives.
No, no, no......This kind of "inflamed". :laughing0301:

Democrat politicians and bureaucrats could care less about the LGTB Alphabet soup .. except for their votes. Just communicate faux outrage and half truths to rile up that base!
Exactly, they see a new LGBTQ voting block and they are doing exactly what they do with Black voters. Inflame them. Fuk the country, we want votes!
It further lubes up the slippery slope: today men think they are women .. and now people are identifying as red tailed hawks. Tomorrow .. maybe animals can identify as humans.

My damn dog is the equivalent of 70 in human years and she wants her Social Security check! Just make the check out to me.

And she identifies as a black lab, so she wants her reparations!

Maybe we'll go to Petco and load up the cart with top shelf, grain free food and $15-a-bag treats and a gigantic new dog bed, as well as a good supply of that incredibly expensive flea treatment, and then when it's time to pay, she can say "It's my Rosa Parks moment", and walk out the door.

Maybe we'll go to Petco and load up the cart with top shelf, grain free food and $15-a-bag treats and a gigantic new dog bed, as well as a good supply of that incredibly expensive flea treatment, and then when it's time to pay, she can say "It's my Rosa Parks moment", and walk out the door.
Just dress up like Justin Trudeau or Ralph Northam with your black face, steal it and walk out .. those areas are terrified about social justice liability and becoming the next "George Floyd" then actually enforcing the law.
Whether it's Maxine Waters telling their followers to attack fellow Americans, Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices or Shirley Temple Jean Pierre telling LQBTQ to fight and "WE HAVE YOUR BACK" it's all the same. The Democrats inciting Americans to violence. The Democrats work every day to take down this country, I just point out the obvious.

Maga fuckup mike

It’s not leftists losing their shit over one video doing a product ad.

It’s you crybaby snowflakes.
Whether it's Maxine Waters telling their followers to attack fellow Americans, Schumer threatening Supreme Court justices or Shirley Temple Jean Pierre telling LQBTQ to fight and "WE HAVE YOUR BACK" it's all the same. The Democrats inciting Americans to violence. The Democrats work every day to take down this country, I just point out the obvious.

And all the while their media minions work non-stop around the clock to create the mirage that Trump is the dangerous one.

In reality, America was safer and more stable then ever under his tutelage.

It is the Leftist Acela "Intelligentsia" that conspire to plummet this Nation into the political abyss.

Just like the media, they are truly the enemies of the people.

A wise man once said that.
With the cooperation of the media, democrats once got away with blaming "incendiary speech" by Rush Limbaugh for the shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords in Tucson Az in 2011 but the shooter was a left wing scizphrenic who most likely thought he was shooting at Sarah Palin. A leaker close to the Supreme Court almost caused the assassination of Justice Kav. and nobody seems interested in finding the culprit. The doddering old fool in the white house calls trannie terrorists the victims when they murder children. Bye the way. where is the manifesto?

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