Democrats Have Their Candidate!

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

There is no way Bernie would last long.
Bernie who?? Oh, that guy. Yeah, not a chance in Hell...

Yeah Democrats would never pick a hardly known senator with a radical agenda. Wait.

Obama's agenda wasn't radical, which is why he won. There's nothing radical about undoing what the last guy fucked up. The next one will promise the very same thing, they all do and Americans fall for it, every time...
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016


coffee ready ? Bring me a cup, black please. Step Step, be quick about it !!
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

If we hadn't bailed out Wall Street, Bernie Sanders would already be president. Of course, bailing them out was a very socialist thing to do. Wall Street thanks you.
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

If we hadn't bailed out Wall Street, Bernie Sanders would already be president. Of course, bailing them out was a very socialist thing to do. Wall Street thanks you.

We didnt bail out Wall Street, comrade.
Bernie who?? Oh, that guy. Yeah, not a chance in Hell...

Yeah Democrats would never pick a hardly known senator with a radical agenda. Wait.

Obama's agenda wasn't radical, which is why he won. There's nothing radical about undoing what the last guy fucked up. The next one will promise the very same thing, they all do and Americans fall for it, every time...

Fundamentally change america,ya that middle of the road!! Do you think about what you post?
I disagree with Sander's view on Universal Health Care, but having actually listened to his many hour long interviews with Thom Hartmann I would vote for him.
I would prefer, and would campaign for, Chris Christie.
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

If we hadn't bailed out Wall Street, Bernie Sanders would already be president. Of course, bailing them out was a very socialist thing to do. Wall Street thanks you.

We didnt bail out Wall Street, comrade.

You missed that whole TARP/Quantitative Easing thing, did ya?
Bernie who?? Oh, that guy. Yeah, not a chance in Hell...

Yeah Democrats would never pick a hardly known senator with a radical agenda. Wait.

Obama's agenda wasn't radical, which is why he won. There's nothing radical about undoing what the last guy fucked up. The next one will promise the very same thing, they all do and Americans fall for it, every time...

No presidential candidate EVER promised to "fundamentally transform" the country, whose highest office they sought.

That promise could only be made by a traitor, and believed to be well intentioned by idiots who were so enamored by the idea of the first black American president, that they forgot to look at the roaring successes of all the other black presidents (for life or otherwise) in Africa, to realize what the inevitable future would bring.

Then the same idiots got bamboozled and went and done it again.

You reap what you sow.
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In a two party system a so called independent senator would caucus/vote with one or the other of the two major parties, depending on the issue, not stuck with one 100% of the time unless doing so promises personal financial gain and/or that so called independent senator has spaghetti for spine to take a stand or that so called independent senator is vying for the title of biggest weasel in the senate.

Sorry, Bernie, Joe Lieberman beat you to that title.
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

He's too moderate
Forget all this talk about Ready for Hillary or Biden 2016. Democrats are ready to embrace their inner Pol Pot and really go whole hog on an unabashed socialist. National Socialist--oops, Democratic Socialist Bernie Sanders is ready to throw his schikelgruber into the ring for the nomination. And I bet Dems eat it up.
Sanders-Warren: Today the US, Tomorrow The World.
Bernie Sanders says he has a ?damn good platform? to run for president in 2016

He's too moderate...

...says the perpetually delusional. :rolleyes:

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