Laura Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Wow, i have to admit i'm very surprised such a loyal Neocon has come around this way. Looks like she's become a 'Recovering Neocon.' Kudos to her for speaking the truth.

Laura Ingraham claimed that over 11 years after the U.S. invasion, “Iraq is worse off” than it was under the brutal dictatorship of Saddam Hussein.

The conservative radio host made the assertion during a “Fox News Sunday” panel debating the impact of President Barack Obama’s decision to make limited strikes in northern Iraq against ultra-violent jihadists from the Islamic State.

Ingraham contended that military action in the country — even to prevent genocide and oppression — seems to always backfire.

“We try to do all these things in Iraq, now Iraq is worse off,” she said. “I mean, I hate to say that, but Iraq is worse than before we went into Iraq.”...

Read more: Ingraham: 'Iraq Is Worse Off' Now Than Under Saddam Hussein | The Daily Caller

[ame=]Laura Ingraham Discovers Bush is to Blame for ISIS - " Iraq is Worse Than Before We Went In " - YouTube[/ame]
More and more people seem to be coming around to the fact that the Middle East is a fucked up place with strange politics. Let's stay the fuck out of it and let them sort their own house.
Yes it is.

obama did that.

Well to be fair, the Iraq debacle isn't all on him. He's made some very bad decisions that have made things worse, but the Iraq War was Bush's War. Obama can't be blamed solely for it.

Actually he can.

Obama cut and run to appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

He did not try an negotiate, just left (also left a lot of military assets in Iraq).

Although it really started when he drew a line in the sand, and then did it again, and then did it again.

Obama has blundered the middle east. Then his stance with Putin (the new world leader) really showed the weakness in the US.

This happened one other time in History and that was when Carter was soft on foreign policy.

Then again if you want to pass the buck you can go way back in history including when the British occupied Iraq in the early 1900's.

However to the far left the history of Iraq did not start until 2003.
Yes it is.

obama did that.

Well to be fair, the Iraq debacle isn't all on him. He's made some very bad decisions that have made things worse, but the Iraq War was Bush's War. Obama can't be blamed solely for it.

Actually he can.

Obama cut and run to appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

iraq kicked us out. history isn't your strong point.

revisionist history seems to be though.
Oblama and the military payed Iraq to make it easier to get US troops to go into Iraq with Iraq's blessing...Meaning that we may stay as long as we wish now, before I was negotiated away...

She's right, the whole Middle East is worse off.

It's more unstable, it's more susceptible to terrorist groups, Israel is in worse danger, Iran is emboldened and more dangerous.

This is what happens when we continue to stick our military nose in the middle of a 17th-century civilization that already hates us.

Will we learn, or will we not?

Yes, Oblama caused the problems in Iraq to escalate because he invaded Iraq in 2004....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Typical far left programmed talking points that show the far left believes the history of Iraq did not start until 2003.

Why it's subversion from more sandy vag's on this site with fairy dust dreams of discombobulation of threads by inane rhetoric and redundancy.. You are so predictable, you're boring...

She's right, the whole Middle East is worse off.

It's more unstable, it's more susceptible to terrorist groups, Israel is in worse danger, Iran is emboldened and more dangerous.

This is what happens when we continue to stick our military nose in the middle of a 17th-century civilization that already hates us.

Will we learn, or will we not?


Yes, to a fanatical Muslim, even treading on holy ground by a non-believer is reason for a jihad..But they did start anti-American feelings against the US after we supported Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
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Yes, Oblama caused the problems in Iraq to escalate because he invaded Iraq in 2004....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Typical far left programmed talking points that show the far left believes the history of Iraq did not start until 2003.

Why it's subversion from more sandy vag's on this site with fairy dust dreams of discombobulation of threads by inane rhetoric and redundancy.. You are so predictable, you're boring...

Says the one that posted the same old boring far left propaganda!
All because Obama dropped the ball all so he could appease his far left base for the 2012 elections.

Oh bullshit. We should have never been there in the first place. We should never go into a country where the people don't want us...See also Vietnam and Afghanistan.

Let them sort out their own secular problems.
shes not qualified to assess the state of affairs in Iraq, pre or post war

She's right, the whole Middle East is worse off.

It's more unstable, it's more susceptible to terrorist groups, Israel is in worse danger, Iran is emboldened and more dangerous.

This is what happens when we continue to stick our military nose in the middle of a 17th-century civilization that already hates us.

Will we learn, or will we not?

The same mentality was used when the US kept bases in Japan, Germany and South Korea.

However when we get involved and then do not fortify the are things like Vietnam, Afghanistan and happen and it happened again in Iraq.

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