Democrats have gone full Stalin

Thats quite a sidestep. Totally predictable.

Give me the names of one or more protestors who have been jailed for one year or more without a jury trial per the 6th amendment.
You’re responding with questions again instead of direct answers. If you’re going to give crap for sidestepping then don’t sidestep yourself. I already told you I’ll answer all of your questions directly right ayer you answer my original question that you’ve been side stepping from the start.

Can you name one Jan 6 protestor who is still being held without due process? This was your original claim. I’d like a name so I can fact check. Answer that and then I’ll address your sidestep questions
You’re responding with questions again instead of direct answers. If you’re going to give crap for sidestepping then don’t sidestep yourself. I already told you I’ll answer all of your questions directly right ayer you answer my original question that you’ve been side stepping from the start.

Can you name one Jan 6 protestor who is still being held without due process? This was your original claim. I’d like a name so I can fact check. Answer that and then I’ll address your sidestep questions
I see you prefer to sidestep and evade as opposed to addressing some softball questions.

Totally predictable.

Give me the names of one or more protestors who have been jailed for one year or more without a jury trial per the 6th amendment.
Yes. In North Carolina.

The Dems / Stalinists allow you to vote for the candidate they choose you will vote for.

Right out of Putin's playbook.

New NC election districts that lock in Republican ...​

NC Newsline › 2023/10/24 › new-nc-electio...

Oct 24, 2023 — The North Carolina legislature is set to approve new maps under which the GOP would maintain big majorities, even when voters favor ...
This is why it's impossible for me to even have any respect for western "liberals". If it wasn't for posters like this, the revolution could not be suppressed. The power brokers still have a ferocious grip on the minds of people who really do want an equitable society, because fools like this repeat things that are so obviously absurd that no one with an opinion that matters and intellectual integrity wants to be associated with "liberals". or anything perceived to be "left". We are never going to have an equitable society if we allow people who are so blatantly lying every time they speak to be our voice.

So you haven’t been paying any attention to the things Donald Trump has said it done for the past 40 years???

Sadly, for idiots like yourself, people like me have been paying attention to the things that Donald Trump is said, and done.

And really, you don’t have to take my word for it. You can take Donald’s word for it because he’s confessed to everything I posted.

As for the rest of your communist blather, the communist party was no friend of the working man or woman and neither is Donald Trump.

The Marxist revolution, which is bigger a bigger lie than Trump’s MAGA lies, did NOTHING. for working people either while both claimed to be helping ordinary people.

Go back to Russia or whatever authoritarian hell hole you can crawled out of. We’re not interested in your lies either

Free and fair elections means that your vote is taken and counted. It doesn’t mean that you get to vote for criminals or people out to destroy the nation.

Trump took himself out of the running. The constitution matters, and he broke it multiple times. He should’ve been impeached and removed from office after the first impeachment. But Republican said that the voters should decide.

The voters decided, and Trump refused to accept their decision. Now he’s claiming that the voter should get to decide again. Two impeachments and a lost election, and he still is trying to overthrow the government.

Why would you even want to vote for this rapist criminal? What is wrong with you that you think this is a this is a great leader?
Poor teabaggers.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.

Your dear leader is toast.

View attachment 883316
Those good conservative boys only went down to the capitol to get some quality climbing practice in. Nice job boys.
The means by which traitors could have there names prevented from being on election ballots was wisely sought and successfully accomplished by patriots who wanted to keep violators of the constitutional order from obtaining elected office. Repubs seem to have a problem with that. Could it be because a number of their presumptive candidates are traitors or those who aid and abed traitors?
Or, you know you can’t win, so this is just the latest cheat.
Foxfyre in #110 23.02.23 wrote: Russia has usually been rated the most corrupt European nation with the Ukraine running it a close second. So picking a side has seemed a little silly to me though I can't condone Russia attacking civilians and devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so. •¥• fvxfyrv.23.02.23 #110

Saint Foxfyre’s tells Ukrainians that he cannot condone the obvious tragic human reality that Putin’s Russia attacked Ukrainian civilians and is devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so. But it would be silly of the USA to help Ukrainians to fight back to save a democracy.

I see the MAGA weasel word “serious” placed conveniently before “provocation” in St. Foxfyre’s #110 23.02.23 POST to provide cover for Putin’s atrocities against the people of Ukraine. Cover for Putin is necessary for MAGA because the indisputable leader of MAGA is Putin’s preferred choice to win back the Oval Office because pro-Putin sentiment has shifted to the Republican Party since the horror of the first weeks of the Russian invasion into Ukraine has faded from MAGA memory as easily as fond memory of the value of free elected government has faded as well.

nf.24.01.05 #110
to fvxfyrv.23.02.23 #110
Last edited:
Foxfyre in #110 23.02.23 wrote: Russia has usually been rated the most corrupt European nation with the Ukraine running it a close second. So picking a side has seemed a little silly to me though I can't condone Russia attacking civilians and devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so. •¥• fvxfyrv.23.02.23 #110

Saint Foxfyre’s tells Ukrainians that he cannot condone the obvious tragic human reality that Putin’s Russia attacked Ukrainian civilians and is devastating cities without any serious provocation to do so.

I see the MAGA weasel word “serious” placed conveniently before “provocation” in St. Foxfyre’s #110 23.02.23 POST to provide cover for Putin’s atrocities against the people of Ukraine. Cover for Putin is necessary for MAGA because the indisputable leader of MAGA is Putin’s preferred choice to win back the Oval Office because pro-Putin sentiment has shifted to the Republican Party since the horror of the first weeks of the Russian invasion into Ukraine had faded from MAGA memory as easily as fond memory of the value of free elected government has faded as well.

nf.24.01.05 #110
to fvxfyrv.23.02.23 #110
MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with Putin or Russia, you fucking retarded asshole!
Your LIES about Russian collusion are sooooooooooo 2016, please update your feigned outrage!!!!
So you haven’t been paying any attention to the things Donald Trump has said it done for the past 40 years???

Sadly, for idiots like yourself, people like me have been paying attention to the things that Donald Trump is said, and done.

And really, you don’t have to take my word for it. You can take Donald’s word for it because he’s confessed to everything I posted.

As for the rest of your communist blather, the communist party was no friend of the working man or woman and neither is Donald Trump.

The Marxist revolution, which is bigger a bigger lie than Trump’s MAGA lies, did NOTHING. for working people either while both claimed to be helping ordinary people.

Go back to Russia or whatever authoritarian hell hole you can crawled out of. We’re not interested in your lies either
You're so full of shit it oozes from your pores.

First of all, if you actually believe the absurd idea that Trump is any more or less of a criminal than the blubbering geriatric hospital patient that's your figurehead now, you're really just too stupid for further response. Even your sycophant media has reported the depths of his corruption in small enough doses for the public to swallow yet you choose to ignore it because you're only interested in your own self centered interests.

Secondly, you liberals have taken authoritarianism to lengths the bolsheviks had far too much integrity for. You still try and make people believe they're free. No soviet ever had that delusion. We called it the Great Terror ourselves dumbass. We knew what was going on. YOU HAVE NO CLUE.
Employing the Stalinist tactics of totalitarianism is getting increasingly common with the Dems / Socialists.

It does appear to be a tactic of desperation and it gets tragically absurd as the Dems / Socialists screech about "threats to our democracy" while explicitly employing the tactics of totalitarian dictators.

As the decisions disqualifying former President Donald Trump from the 2024 election work their way through the courts, a new filing in Pennsylvania seeks the same “ballot cleansing” by barring Republican Rep. Scott Perry.

It’s only the latest effort targeting congressional candidates as Democrats seek to bar opponents as “insurrectionists” for questioning the election of President Biden.
Perry was a participant in the attack on the Capitol.

There’s no excuse for that and he SHOULD be banned from holding office
MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with Putin or Russia, you fucking retarded asshole!
Your LIES about Russian collusion are sooooooooooo 2016, please update your feigned outrage!!!!
Trump is now claiming that his claim that the election was stolen was inspired by Russian disinformation.

That’s HIS defense
Trump is now claiming that his claim that the election was stolen was inspired by Russian disinformation.

That’s HIS defense
Yeah yeah yeah, Russia Russia Russia
Here we go AGAIN
The irony of this all is THICK as it was the fucking Russian Marxists that scrambled the brains of retarded assholes like YOU all throughout the 20th century!!!
Here, now, TODAY, the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombie Marxists have taken over the DNC, and they want a Marxist Leninist revolution in this country.
Funny (not ha-ha) thing is EVERY Marxist Leninist revolution that happened in the 20th century REQUIRED MASS-MURDER to come to be.
Do you demented zombies have the BALLS to match that effort?????
SeaMajor7 in #111 24.01.05 wrote: “MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with Putin or Russia, you fucking retarded asshole! •¥• Your LIES about Russian collusion are sooooooooooo 2016, please update your feigned outrage!!!” svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111

There is absolutely no collusion involved between Saint Putin and Saint Trump, It’s simply a shared experience of intimacy on a deep spiritual and ideological kind of religious belief that connects the two very strong white straight Christian men and their supporters. There is no collusion, Both men do not drink alcoholic beverages and both men wouid like to force full term gestation on women in their respective countries if they could.

to svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111
SeaMajor7 in #111 24.01.05 wrote: “MAGA has absolutely NOTHING to do with Putin or Russia, you fucking retarded asshole! •¥• Your LIES about Russian collusion are sooooooooooo 2016, please update your feigned outrage!!!” svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111

There is absolutely no collusion involved between Saint Putin and Saint Trump, It’s simply a shared experience of intimacy on a deep spiritual and ideological kind of religious belief that connects the two very strong white straight Christian men and their supporters. There is no collusion, Both men do not drink alcoholic beverages and both men wouid like to force full term gestation on women in their respective countries if they could.

to svvmvjvrn.24.01.05 #111
You can SHOVE Putin and Russia Russia Russia UP YOUR ASS!!!!!

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