Democrats: Get your act together!!


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton

The only thing they have is identity politics, and are all in on hating Trump.

What would they run on besides that? What do they stand for?

1. Higher taxes

2. control of your healthcare

3. open borders

4. raising the price of energy

5. insisting that your children go to school where they say they must

6. Unisex bathrooms

Now, take those 6 things amongst the countless others, and try and get elected dogcatcher!

Now you know why NOTHING on here is about Democratic policy, just identity politics and TDS. They can't get elected on what they want to do, they can only get elected running against what someone else wants to do!
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton
. The herding of cats was hilarious.

Look, not sure how long the Demon-crats have been messed up, but it finally all came to a boil for the AMERICAN people. They (the Demon-crats) best get away from boiler point issues like promoting abortion as some kind of birth control, race hustling, transgender operations to be paid for by taxpayers for example those prisoners like that Chelsa Manning(?) feller or the changing up of so much of the country in spite of what the country says or wants etc. Yeah the Demon-crats got some bad problems going on for sure. Not sure if they could fix it all if they wanted to.
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton

The Democrats have been winning election after election since 2016. What were those winning candidates running on?
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton

You don't know what you are talking about.
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton

The Democrats have been winning election after election since 2016. What were those winning candidates running on?
. Either corruption or a brainwashed base that numbers in the many now ??
Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!
They don't have to.

Now that the party is under the full control of the Regressive Left, it knows it doesn't need to do anything but attack Trump and wait for demographics to take over for them. They thought it was over after Obama's wins, but they were a little early. It's coming, though, and it could begin as early as November.

It will be sad to see these illiberal leftist authoritarians wipe traditional liberalism from the American landscape, but this is over. They've been assisted in this endeavor by a completely hapless right wing, which appears to be doing everything it can to hasten its own demise.

It is what it is. Change is on the way, soon.
Thoughts from an Independent voter:

The Democrats have good reason to dislike Trump, he is the posterboy ugly American, rude, crude, loud, ignorant and arrogant, he communicates via bumper sticker soundbites designed to appeal to the uneducated, looks upon himself not as a President, but a King, and thinks the solutions to the all complex international problems can be solved by bullying and intimidation. Q: What have the Democrats done to help their cause since the election of 2016? A: Not much! Democrats have a golden opportunity to come back strong in the next 2 elections against this unpopular President and his equally unpopular party, but instead of creating a central message that will cause voters to rally to their side, a solid plan of action that voters can get behind, and planning some election strategy that will bring back those independent and swing voters, the left wing has done little but whine, snivel, and protest. The left wing has too many voices, and their message is all over the map. Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!

"Getting 50 Democrats to agree on a course of action is like herding cats" - Bill Clinton

Their policies are antithetical to america and the populace.
Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!
They don't have to.

Now that the party is under the full control of the Regressive Left, it knows it doesn't need to do anything but attack Trump and wait for demographics to take over for them. They thought it was over after Obama's wins, but they were a little early. It's coming, though, and it could begin as early as November.

It will be sad to see these illiberal leftist authoritarians wipe traditional liberalism from the American landscape, but this is over. They've been assisted in this endeavor by a completely hapless right wing, which appears to be doing everything it can to hasten its own demise.

It is what it is. Change is on the way, soon.

Did Doug Jones win in Alabama by obsessing on identity politics and attacking Trump?

Did Northam win in Virginia, along with the 14 seats the Democrats won, by doing the same?
The congress /senate dems have had to be loud with the slime sneaky GOP using Trumps drama to get their agenda passed..
I do feel that there is a uprising for change amongst the democrats , the DNC has a road ahead of them to rebuild..

Oh and btw there has probably never been a better time in history for one party to make the elections a referendum on the other party's incumbent president.
Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!
They don't have to.

Now that the party is under the full control of the Regressive Left, it knows it doesn't need to do anything but attack Trump and wait for demographics to take over for them. They thought it was over after Obama's wins, but they were a little early. It's coming, though, and it could begin as early as November.

It will be sad to see these illiberal leftist authoritarians wipe traditional liberalism from the American landscape, but this is over. They've been assisted in this endeavor by a completely hapless right wing, which appears to be doing everything it can to hasten its own demise.

It is what it is. Change is on the way, soon.
. I think you are wrong, but if you are right then this nation is going to see some sick pathetic times ahead. I have faith that the nation will spew the radicalized left out, and work towards freedom from them. First the nation may have to experience radical changes in people's laid back mindsets, where as the people will finally look into their children's eyes to say "not my children will they corrupt and take".

The Nation is mentally sick it appears, and it can't allow the mentally ill who have gone off the deep end to run this country.
Over the past year, I've become involved in my local Dem party. I can speak directly to this issue.

The Dems..on a local level...are focused on promoting the local party platform and on winning local elections. The word "Trump" doesn't appear in our local platform.

For an idea of what the platform looks like, please refer to this web page which outlines our most recent state level resolutions. It is based on these principles.


I can assure you that we will not be talking about Trump when we contact voters here. We will be discussing the ways that we believe the lives of voters can be improved.

And...we will be contacting voters. Bank on it.
Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!
They don't have to.

Now that the party is under the full control of the Regressive Left, it knows it doesn't need to do anything but attack Trump and wait for demographics to take over for them. They thought it was over after Obama's wins, but they were a little early. It's coming, though, and it could begin as early as November.

It will be sad to see these illiberal leftist authoritarians wipe traditional liberalism from the American landscape, but this is over. They've been assisted in this endeavor by a completely hapless right wing, which appears to be doing everything it can to hasten its own demise.

It is what it is. Change is on the way, soon.
. I think you are wrong, but if you are right then this nation is going to see some sick pathetic times ahead. I have faith that the nation will spew the radicalized left out, and work towards freedom from them. First the nation may have to experience radical changes in people's laid back mindsets, where as the people will finally look into their children's eyes to say "not my children will they corrupt and take".

The Nation is mentally sick it appears, and it can't allow the mentally ill who have gone off the deep end to run this country.
What they're not going to tell you is that it won't just be about issues and legislation, it will be about culture. This is why they have put zero (0) effort into healing racial wounds, for example. They know they won't have to, once they're in control. At that point - and I'll bet you already know this - it will be about payback, not healing.
Over the past year, I've become involved in my local Dem party. I can speak directly to this issue.

The Dems..on a local level...are focused on promoting the local party platform and on winning local elections. The word "Trump" doesn't appear in our local platform.

For an idea of what the platform looks like, please refer to this web page which outlines our most recent state level resolutions. It is based on these principles.


I can assure you that we will not be talking about Trump when we contact voters here. We will be discussing the ways that we believe the lives of voters can be improved.

And...we will be contacting voters. Bank on it.
. You best hope that the new Dem voters are many, and that they blindly follow along, because the leadership sure won't win anything based upon it's past policies of destruction.
Democrats, get your act together, or this golden opportunity will turn into cow dung!
They don't have to.

Now that the party is under the full control of the Regressive Left, it knows it doesn't need to do anything but attack Trump and wait for demographics to take over for them. They thought it was over after Obama's wins, but they were a little early. It's coming, though, and it could begin as early as November.

It will be sad to see these illiberal leftist authoritarians wipe traditional liberalism from the American landscape, but this is over. They've been assisted in this endeavor by a completely hapless right wing, which appears to be doing everything it can to hasten its own demise.

It is what it is. Change is on the way, soon.
. I think you are wrong, but if you are right then this nation is going to see some sick pathetic times ahead. I have faith that the nation will spew the radicalized left out, and work towards freedom from them. First the nation may have to experience radical changes in people's laid back mindsets, where as the people will finally look into their children's eyes to say "not my children will they corrupt and take".

The Nation is mentally sick it appears, and it can't allow the mentally ill who have gone off the deep end to run this country.
What they're not going to tell you is that it won't just be about issues and legislation, it will be about culture. This is why they have put zero (0) effort into healing racial wounds, for example. They know they won't have to, once they're in control. At that point - and I'll bet you already know this - it will be about payback, not healing.

Who are we going to pay back? And for what?
Over the past year, I've become involved in my local Dem party. I can speak directly to this issue.

The Dems..on a local level...are focused on promoting the local party platform and on winning local elections. The word "Trump" doesn't appear in our local platform.

For an idea of what the platform looks like, please refer to this web page which outlines our most recent state level resolutions. It is based on these principles.


I can assure you that we will not be talking about Trump when we contact voters here. We will be discussing the ways that we believe the lives of voters can be improved.

And...we will be contacting voters. Bank on it.

And of course they'll promise the world and deliver nothing. Its just a horrible rerun. D then R then D then R. Both equally worthless.

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