Democrats force rail workers back to work


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Democrats got their whips out and forced rail workers back to work.

And I'm sure they are struggling in the Biden inflationary economy where their pay checks just can't keep up with inflation, making it less clear on why they bother to even work at all.

Will democrats just continue on this course? If they do, perhaps they need to reinstitute slavery.
Perhaps this is why democrats let all those illegals into the US

They realize with inflation crushing the nation and salaries not keeping up and people subsequently not wanting to work anymore, maybe the immigrants can be transformed into their next slave class

After all, democrats invented slavery in the US.
Lawmakers also passed a related measure that would provide seven days of additional paid sick leave to rail workers.


Is that even constitutional?

Guess we will have to wait two years to find out.
Just remember who let all that cheap labor into the US. Keep voting democrat and see who gets the jobs.
Bbbut don't the demoquacks believe in unions?

Just when it supports their agenda

Democrats got their whips out and forced rail workers back to work.

And I'm sure they are struggling in the Biden inflationary economy where their pay checks just can't keep up with inflation, making it less clear on why they bother to even work at all.

Will democrats just continue on this course? If they do, perhaps they need to reinstitute slavery.

Since when does Congress over involve themselves with Union strikes??

Looks like the generic definition of FASCISM to me.....:dunno:.
Since when does Congress over involve themselves with Union strikes??
Looks like the generic definition of FASCISM to me.....:dunno:.
If Trump was in the WH, think the dems would be forcing a contract on the RR workers?

Your Union dues DON'T MEAN SHIT!! :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::rofl:

You F'in plebes....
and the unions insist you pay those dues, whether you want to or not.

then tell you to get fucked when its time for the union to represent your interests!!!!

seems legit.

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