Democrats Folding????

Why should you do that Mertex? Because you're the one crying that healthcare is "unaffordable". America gives you the freedom to fix that perceived "problem" by getting up off of your lazy ass and doing something about it while still protecting my rights and freedoms.
Healthcare isn't unaffordable for me, moron, I'm doing it for people like you, who probably do without it and then go to the ER to get their medical treatment and then have me pay for it.

Because government forces them to. And then when you "fix" that with Obamacare, you add a ton of other regulations and mandates on top even making it more expensive. The idea that government force will be used for the good of anyone but the politicians pulling the levers is delusional and could only be believed by a socialist ideologue.
As long as there is wealth, there will be liberals to plunder it, it's the way life works.

It's their money, so why do you care what they do with it? And this, from a rw source. :lol:

A big myth being perpetrated all over America by liberals is that “rich” people are all Republican businesspeople and conservative corporate fatcats who have power over the rest of us. This is nonsense. The fact is that “conservatives” are statistically lower on the income scale than Democrats, and Republican business interests long ago lost control of the nation’s wealth. This is happening as the nation itself gets poorer, while liberals are getting richer and richer.
The (Liberal) Rich Get Richer | RedState

Which is why you work so hard to make sure we don't check ID's. Even you don't believe that lie.

How's the kool-aid?:booze:
What a dumbo. Why should I do that? We have ACA - I don't need to open my own hospital, I don't have to offer my services for free, and no, I'm not the one that is selfish and greedy, you are. You are also unable to dicuss anything civilly without having to call names and insult, which is a sign of a real "moron".

Oh, and FYI, you don't have to use the "mention" everytime you post something to me, I already get a notification in my CP, that I have an inane response from you.

Ladies & Gentlemen - I rest my case. The greedy and lazy liberal. "Why should I have to do anything - I'm a liberal parasite - I get to live off of government".

Game. Set. Match.
You are such an idiot. You want me to become a doctor, open a hospital and save the country so that your "LAZY" ass doesn't have to pay one more "penny" in taxes? You are already paying for it, but to dumb to realize it.

Bwahahahah! Seems to me you're the selfish lazy ass who doesn't care about anyone but themselves, and you probably are the one on welfare!

Why should you do that Mertex? Because you're the one crying that healthcare is "unaffordable". America gives you the freedom to fix that perceived "problem" by getting up off of your lazy ass and doing something about it while still protecting my rights and freedoms.
Healthcare isn't unaffordable for me, moron, I'm doing it for people like you, who probably do without it and then go to the ER to get their medical treatment and then have me pay for it.

Why such hostility Mertex? Did the facts shake the foundation of your absurd ideology a bit?

I have affordable healthcare. You're the one who is claiming it is "not" affordable. Therefore, the onus is on you to do something about it. Not by forcing me to do something about it.

This is a free nation. You and your libtard pals who are doing all of the crying can become doctors yourself and offer your service for free and/or at reduced rates. So why don't you? (Because you're a lazy parasite).

Or, you and your libtard pals can open a hospital and hire doctors while providing your service for free and/or at reduced rates. So why don't you? (Because you're a lazy parasite).

Or you and your libtard pals could create your own health insurance company and offer policies for free and/or at reduced rates. So why don't you? (Because you're a lazy parasite).

Or you and your libtard pals could pool your own money and cover each others healthcare costs (just like the Amish do). So why don't you? (Because you're a lazy parasite).

You've said Republicans have "no plan". Well I just gave you half a dozen or so viable free market plans to solve the problem and which do not trample my Constitutional rights and/or bring communism to the United States.

So tell me - why are adverse to these plans I've offered. If it is NOT because you are a lazy parasite, tell me why you won't get up off your lazy fat ass and do any of these? "Why should I do that" is just another way of saying "I'm a lazy parasite" so you may want to stay away from that answer. :lol:
Healthcare isn't unaffordable for me, moron, I'm doing it for people like you, who probably do without it and then go to the ER to get their medical treatment and then have me pay for it.

Ahahahahahaha!!! So you admit you're a LIAR?!? Because you've spent an hour now crying "healthcare is UNAFFORDABLE". If it "isn't unaffordable for you", then you were LYING the entire time!!!

As long as there is wealth, there will be liberals to plunder it, it's the way life works.

It's their money, so why do you care what they do with it? And this, from a rw source. :lol:

A big myth being perpetrated all over America by liberals is that “rich” people are all Republican businesspeople and conservative corporate fatcats who have power over the rest of us. This is nonsense. The fact is that “conservatives” are statistically lower on the income scale than Democrats, and Republican business interests long ago lost control of the nation’s wealth. This is happening as the nation itself gets poorer, while liberals are getting richer and richer.
The (Liberal) Rich Get Richer | RedState

Which is why you work so hard to make sure we don't check ID's. Even you don't believe that lie.
Which is so funny because you claim to want to reduce spending and you waste a lot of money on stupid laws, such as photo-id, to prevent fraud that isn't even occurring.

How's that for Kool-Aid drinking?
It's their money, so why do you care what they do with it? And this, from a rw source. :lol:

A big myth being perpetrated all over America by liberals is that “rich” people are all Republican businesspeople and conservative corporate fatcats who have power over the rest of us. This is nonsense. The fact is that “conservatives” are statistically lower on the income scale than Democrats, and Republican business interests long ago lost control of the nation’s wealth. This is happening as the nation itself gets poorer, while liberals are getting richer and richer.
The (Liberal) Rich Get Richer | RedState

Which is why you work so hard to make sure we don't check ID's. Even you don't believe that lie.
Which is so funny because you claim to want to reduce spending and you waste a lot of money on stupid laws, such as photo-id, to prevent fraud that isn't even occurring.

How's that for Kool-Aid drinking?

The little money spend checking ID's is way, way cheaper than all the socialist programs all the dead people, illegal aliens and Democrats voting multiple times are voting for.
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

But did he want to repeal the benefit? No. The future Speaker soberly acknowledged the problems but saw potential in the law and called for improving it. "The good news is that the competition that's being created has lowered premiums significantly below where Congress thought they'd be when we put the bill together, so the competition side is good," he said. "I think the implementation side continues to need to be improved."

It was a rough time for the law's proponents. The soft launch was "anything but smooth," according to the Washington Post, marred by at least two delays along with other, deeper problems. Upon launch, the Bush administration admitted to receiving "tens of thousands of complaints by seniors, pharmacists and others" about implementation failures. Health and Human Services vowed to "fix every problem as quickly as possible."

Boehner was far from alone in pushing to fix the problematic law, rather than repealing or dismantling it. And his judgment was vindicated -- the Medicare Part D program turned out to be a success, expanding medical coverage for millions of seniors at a lower cost than many expected. Today it is a fixture of the Medicare program. Fortunately for Bush and his party, Democrats were a willing partner in tweaking and improving the law.

Nearly eight years later, Boehner leads a Republican Party that has taken a radically different approach to the troubled rollout of a new, ambitious health care reform law -- this time enacted by a Democratic president. Four weeks into its pre-launch, Obamacare is under the gun for significant problems and glitches, and Republicans took turns excoriating the law during a GOP-led hearing Thursday. But while the Obama administration wants to fix the problems, a united GOP insists that the Affordable Care Act's online enrollment woes suggest the law should be wiped off the books, or at least dismantled piece by piece.

What Democrats are now saying about Obamacare -- fix it, don't nix it -- sounds eerily similar to what many Republicans were saying on the dawning of Medicare Part D.

"This is a huge undertaking and there are going to be glitches," said Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) on Feb. 15, 2006. "My goal is the same as yours: Get rid of the glitches."

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Thank you Rinata for illustrating two critical points:

1.) Regardless of who is in charge - the federal government is an epic, embarrassing disaster, and thus why they should have NO power over us. You've made a great point for Constitutional conservatism - thank you. The federal government should be rigidly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states in the Constitution as originally intended.

2.) Republican's are the ONLY adults in the room. While the Dumbocrats will commit any horrendous act of prostitution for the party, the Republican's are at least honest enough to call out the mistakes and disasters of their side. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have literally spent more time in 5 years worshipping and praising Obama than they have their entire lives worshipping and praising God. Pretty repulsive....
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Oh - and one more critical piece which we need to add to this discussion - the Republicans crunched the numbers, did their homework, and confidently declared that Obamacare would be an epic disaster long before it was even passed into law.

They said it would cost over $2 trillion over the next 10 years, not $800 billion as Obama lied and said (they were right). The GOP said people would lose their jobs because of it (they have), would lose their health insurance because of it (they have), and would have hours cut because of it (they have).

So don't act like the incompetence of the Obama Administration to even build a simple, basic, little website is what caused the GOP to "suddenly" turn on Obamacare. They've correctly identified it as a disaster since the bill was unveiled for voting. The website debacle is just further evidence of government incompetence.
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Thank you Rinata for illustrating two critical points:

1.) Regardless of who is in charge - the federal government is an epic, embarrassing disaster, and thus why they should have NO power over us. You've made a great point for Constitutional conservatism - thank you. The federal government should be rigidly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states in the Constitution as originally intended.

2.) Republican's are the ONLY adults in the room. While the Dumbocrats will commit any horrendous act of prostitution for the party, the Republican's are at least honest enough to call out the mistakes and disasters of their side. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have literally spent more time in 5 years worshipping and praising Obama than they have their entire lives worshipping and praising God. Pretty repulsive....

Ha,ha, your posts make me laugh. Republicans are the only adults in the room? Maybe the only adult loons in the room.

Republicans don't want the government to help poor, brown or black people.

They hate welfare, but love the military (the program most closely resembling Socialism)!

They also love immigration control, love law and order, want the government to enforce healthcare decisions on women!

All Government. Bwahahaha.....

Republicans love government just as much as Democrats, only their priorities are different.

Republicans: "Stop the government from doing what I don't like, but empower the government to do all the things I do like!"

The funniest part of your post is where you say Republicans are willing to admit their mistakes. I guess that is why they are trying to put the blame on Obama for the shutdown, because they are so honest! Bwahahaha......:lol::lol::lol:
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Thank you Rinata for illustrating two critical points:

1.) Regardless of who is in charge - the federal government is an epic, embarrassing disaster, and thus why they should have NO power over us. You've made a great point for Constitutional conservatism - thank you. The federal government should be rigidly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states in the Constitution as originally intended.

2.) Republican's are the ONLY adults in the room. While the Dumbocrats will commit any horrendous act of prostitution for the party, the Republican's are at least honest enough to call out the mistakes and disasters of their side. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have literally spent more time in 5 years worshipping and praising Obama than they have their entire lives worshipping and praising God. Pretty repulsive....

Ha,ha, your posts make me laugh. Republicans are the only adults in the room? Maybe the only adult loons in the room.

Republicans don't want the government to help poor, brown or black people.

They hate welfare, but love the military (the program most closely resembling Socialism)!

They also love immigration control, love law and order, want the government to enforce healthcare decisions on women!

All Government. Bwahahaha.....

Republicans love government just as much as Democrats, only their priorities are different.

Republicans: "Stop the government from doing what I don't like, but empower the government to do all the things I do like!"

The funniest part of your post is where you say Republicans are willing to admit their mistakes. I guess that is why they are trying to put the blame on Obama for the shutdown, because they are so honest! Bwahahaha......:lol::lol::lol:

Both parties are imperfect, but the dims are way more dishonest! Dumbasses like you can't handle or see the truth! :cool:
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Oh - and one more critical piece which we need to add to this discussion - the Republicans crunched the numbers, did their homework, and confidently declared that Obamacare would be an epic disaster long before it was even passed into law.

They said it would cost over $2 trillion over the next 10 years, not $800 billion as Obama lied and said (they were right). The GOP said people would lose their jobs because of it (they have), would lose their health insurance because of it (they have), and would have hours cut because of it (they have).

So don't act like the incompetence of the Obama Administration to even build a simple, basic, little website is what caused the GOP to "suddenly" turn on Obamacare. They've correctly identified it as a disaster since the bill was unveiled for voting. The website debacle is just further evidence of government incompetence.

There are no facts contained in your posts at all. Nothing unusual for you. I don't really care about your, "opinions".
extending the enrollment period means more folks can sign up.

this is a good thing. :)

So far the only folks being signed up are those getting government subsidies or getting on Medicaid that is 100% paid for with Federal taxes. The young people healthy that are supposed to sign up and pay for the program are not signing up.

Where is the money going to come from to pay for this fiasco?
extending the enrollment period means more folks can sign up.

this is a good thing. :)

So far the only folks being signed up are those getting government subsidies or getting on Medicaid that is 100% paid for with Federal taxes. The young people healthy that are supposed to sign up and pay for the program are not signing up.

Where is the money going to come from to pay for this fiasco?

At least under Clinton you could be felt up...
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Oh - and one more critical piece which we need to add to this discussion - the Republicans crunched the numbers, did their homework, and confidently declared that Obamacare would be an epic disaster long before it was even passed into law.

They said it would cost over $2 trillion over the next 10 years, not $800 billion as Obama lied and said (they were right). The GOP said people would lose their jobs because of it (they have), would lose their health insurance because of it (they have), and would have hours cut because of it (they have).

So don't act like the incompetence of the Obama Administration to even build a simple, basic, little website is what caused the GOP to "suddenly" turn on Obamacare. They've correctly identified it as a disaster since the bill was unveiled for voting. The website debacle is just further evidence of government incompetence.

There are no facts contained in your posts at all. Nothing unusual for you. I don't really care about your, "opinions".

[MENTION=21173]Rinata[/MENTION] - exposing your lies is such a pleasure for me. My posts are 100% fact and backed up by links to reputable sources with irrefutable facts. Case in point:

In 2010, the CBO estimated that Obamacare’s spending on new programs would amount to $929 billion from 2013-2019, and a ten-year cost of $944 billion. Those figures increased to $956 billion and $1.442 trillion respectively in 2011, and $1.053 trillion and $1.856 trillion in 2012.

Thank you Rinata for illustrating two critical points:

1.) Regardless of who is in charge - the federal government is an epic, embarrassing disaster, and thus why they should have NO power over us. You've made a great point for Constitutional conservatism - thank you. The federal government should be rigidly restricted to the 18 enumerated powers delegated to them by the states in the Constitution as originally intended.

2.) Republican's are the ONLY adults in the room. While the Dumbocrats will commit any horrendous act of prostitution for the party, the Republican's are at least honest enough to call out the mistakes and disasters of their side. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have literally spent more time in 5 years worshipping and praising Obama than they have their entire lives worshipping and praising God. Pretty repulsive....

Ha,ha, your posts make me laugh. Republicans are the only adults in the room? Maybe the only adult loons in the room.

Republicans don't want the government to help poor, brown or black people.

They hate welfare, but love the military (the program most closely resembling Socialism)!

They also love immigration control, love law and order, want the government to enforce healthcare decisions on women!

All Government. Bwahahaha.....

Republicans love government just as much as Democrats, only their priorities are different.

Republicans: "Stop the government from doing what I don't like, but empower the government to do all the things I do like!"

The funniest part of your post is where you say Republicans are willing to admit their mistakes. I guess that is why they are trying to put the blame on Obama for the shutdown, because they are so honest! Bwahahaha......:lol::lol::lol:

Both parties are imperfect, but the dims are way more dishonest! Dumbasses like you can't handle or see the truth! :cool:

Nah, I believe the Reps have proven over and over they are the most dishonest and disingenuous of all, bar none. Dumbasses like you are in denial.
The fact is ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. If you have health coverage you like, you can keep it.

• ObamaCare doesn't regulate your health care, it's regulates health insurance and some of the worst practices of the for-profit health care industry.

ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Affordable Care Act

Obamacare premiums will be cheaper than the CBO projected.

Please tell that to 300,000 people in Florida whose health policies were just cancelled. But of course you believe they're all lying, right?

You can credit the Insurance Companies Republicans think are so honest and pure for that.
They are a greedy bunch, and are looking for ways to make up for what Obamacare is going to preclude them from doing, and that is, screwing people left and right.

Of course, you and other conservatives would prefer to keep what we had, don't mind being screwed over, and don't mind that millions are left without healthcare and that we taxpayers (including you, if you pay taxes), end up paying for their ER treatment.

Some consumer advocates give another reason, saying that insurance companies are using this as an opportunity to dump their most costly enrollees. For example, both Independence and Highmark are cancelling their “guaranteed issue” policies, which were sold to customers with pre-existing medical conditions.

They may be “doing this as an opportunity to push their populations into the exchange and purge their systems” of policyholders they no longer want, said Jerry Flanagan, an attorney with the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog in California.

Insurance companies have denied that they are “purging their systems” or dumping any of their customers, saying that they are encouraging these people to re-enroll in one of their other plans. Insurers are maintaining that these plans will offer “richer benefits” and “in most cases, will be at a lower rate.”
Over 300,000 Health Policies Cancelled in Florida, Hundreds of Thousands More Across Country | Independent Journal Review
Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

A few weeks into the launch of the most sweeping health care reform law in a generation, John Boehner declared that the implementation was a disaster.

"The implementation," the Republican leader said, "has been horrendous. We've made it far more complicated than it should be."

Boehner, of course, was talking about the rollout of the new Medicare prescription drug benefit -- known as Part D -- enacted in 2003 by President George W. Bush. He discussed the implementation woes during a Feb. 6, 2006 appearance on "Fox News Sunday," on his fifth day as House majority leader.

Flashback: GOP Wanted To 'Fix' Medicare Part D After 'Horrendous' Rollout

Big difference on how Presidents Bush and Obama were treated, right??? Why??? The GOP leadership is so hypocritical.

Oh - and one more critical piece which we need to add to this discussion - the Republicans crunched the numbers, did their homework, and confidently declared that Obamacare would be an epic disaster long before it was even passed into law.

They said it would cost over $2 trillion over the next 10 years, not $800 billion as Obama lied and said (they were right). The GOP said people would lose their jobs because of it (they have), would lose their health insurance because of it (they have), and would have hours cut because of it (they have).

So don't act like the incompetence of the Obama Administration to even build a simple, basic, little website is what caused the GOP to "suddenly" turn on Obamacare. They've correctly identified it as a disaster since the bill was unveiled for voting. The website debacle is just further evidence of government incompetence.

There are no facts contained in your posts at all. Nothing unusual for you. I don't really care about your, "opinions".

There are facts in his post. You're just ignoring them because they'd fuck up the reality you live in, a reality where Obama is a God who can do no wrong.
More Dims should jump ship when they find out that Obama lied through his teeth when he claimed that all Americans that liked their healthcare insurance, would keep their healthcare insurance.

Fucking goddamn liar !
This is why Dems are in trouble. They invariably choose ways to help people that have unintended consequences which are worse than the original problem.

By Jim Talent

October 28, 2013 The Corner

The group that has a real need consists largely of those who 1) have a chronic medical condition (and therefore need but can’t find affordable insurance on the individual market), but 2) don’t work for an employer who provides health insurance, and aren’t married to someone who does; 3) don’t qualify for COBRA; 4) aren’t old enough for Medicare coverage; 5) aren’t poor enough, or otherwise don’t qualify, for Medicaid; 6) aren’t disabled and therefore can’t get SSI; 7) aren’t retired from military or federal service; and 8) aren’t retired from a state or local government that provides retiree benefits and aren’t married to someone who is.

The number of these people is not small, but it’s not overwhelming either. So it’s risible to defend the Affordable Care Act by saying that there is no other alternative for helping the uninsured.

Remember that Obamacare is going to cost the taxpayer at least $100 billion per year. The cost is actually much higher, because the law forces younger people to pay more for health insurance in order to subsidize the older, less healthy people that the law is supposed to help; the higher insurance premiums that healthier people pay is effectively a tax. Assuming the government is prepared to spend huge amounts of the taxpayers’ money, there are, and always were, lots of alternatives for helping the uninsured. For example, most of the states have high-risk pools, where people in the situation I have described can buy health insurance at a subsidized cost. The simplest thing — not necessarily the most efficient, but the simplest thing — would simply have been to use federal funds to reduce the cost of participating in those pools.

There was never any need for a federal monolith, nor a need to interfere with the health care of the tens of millions of Americans who are able to get insurance on their own. The people who are losing their health insurance, or paying more for less, have been hurt and wounded for nothing. That, not an unworkable or even insecure application process, will prove to be the worst aspect of Obamacare

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