Democrats Folding????

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.

What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Open your own hospital [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and offer your services for free to those who don't have any money and at a reduced rate to those who have little money.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.
Today, many Republicans are on Social Security, and if it wasn't for that program being there, they would be on Welfare. Oh yeah, and they would still be voting againg SS and Welfare!

Republicans are "on" Social Security because the government stole 60% of what they earned over their life time to pay for Social Security. How dumb are you [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION]? :lmao:
Conservatives would have pissed that money away on people like George Zimmerman - they ought to be happy that they have SS instead of being on welfare, oh, oops, I forgot, many of them are on welfare.

The article made its case with maps showing the distribution of dependency, but you get the same story from a more formal comparison. Aaron Carroll of Indiana University tells us that in 2010, residents of the 10 states Gallup ranks as “most conservative” received 21.2 percent of their income in government transfers, while the number for the 10 most liberal states was only 17.1 percent.

Now, there’s no mystery about red-state reliance on government programs. These states are relatively poor, which means both that people have fewer sources of income other than safety-net programs and that more of them qualify for “means-tested” programs such as Medicaid.

Why do you think Dumbocrats have to make their policies mandatory? Because conservatives would opt out and live a comfortable life - while your Dumbocrat masters need helpless moron's like you to be government dependent.

Ha,ha, that is why Republicans were rallying "Keep guvmint ouf of my Medicare" - because they wanted to opt out of it? It appears that you are really dumb.
This little visual aid here explains just how stupid you really are (have someone explain this to you):
No, it explains how stupid you are, even Pres Eisenhower called you that! :lol:

No wonder your party is shrinking!

The fact that insurance companies were taking us to the cleaners and also the fact that we were having to pay for those who chose to just use the ER and leave us hanging to pay for it, that's what created the need for the federal government to control healthcare costs.

Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.

What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Voluntarily pool your resources with your fellow Dumbocrats [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and have an affordable single payer system of your own.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.
Nobody is "taking you to the cleaners". If you don't like what a hospital charges [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION], you have the choice not to employ their services.

What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Open your own hospital [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and offer your services for free to those who don't have any money and at a reduced rate to those who have little money.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.

What a dumbo. Why should I do that? We have ACA - I don't need to open my own hospital, I don't have to offer my services for free, and no, I'm not the one that is selfish and greedy, you are. You are also unable to dicuss anything civilly without having to call names and insult, which is a sign of a real "moron".

Oh, and FYI, you don't have to use the "mention" everytime you post something to me, I already get a notification in my CP, that I have an inane response from you.
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Say, why is it called an "affordable" care act when all it's doing is getting people thrown off their affordable health care plans and frog-marching them into something less beneficial at a far higher price?
This little visual aid here explains just how stupid you really are (have someone explain this to you):
No, it explains how stupid you are, even Pres Eisenhower called you that!

Since you don't have anyone around to explain it to you, I'll do it:

If the Dumbocrats are the party for the poor, then they need to create more poor voters to win elections. If the Republicans are the party of the rich, then they need to create more rich voters to win elections.

This explains why Dumbocrats bankrupted and collapsed Detroit - turning it into a 3rd world nation shit-hole. And it explains why conservatives states and cities are flourishing even in this economy that Obama built to collapse.


No wonder your party is shrinking!

Yeah, it's "shrinking" so much it took a super-majority in the House from the Dumbocrats and turned it into a majority for the Republicans... :lmao:
What's the alternative - die? Oh yeah, I forgot another of the Republican's health care plan. "Don't get sick, and if you do, hurry up and die"!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Open your own hospital [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and offer your services for free to those who don't have any money and at a reduced rate to those who have little money.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.

What a dumbo. Why should I do that? We have ACA - I don't need to open my own hospital, I don't have to offer my services for free, and no, I'm not the one that is selfish and greedy, you are. You are also unable to dicuss anything civilly without having to call names and insult, which is a sign of a real "moron".

Oh, and FYI, you don't have to use the "mention" everytime you post something to me, I already get a notification in my CP, that I have an inane response from you.

Ladies & Gentlemen - I rest my case. The greedy and lazy liberal. "Why should I have to do anything - I'm a liberal parasite - I get to live off of government".

Game. Set. Match.


Why should you do that Mertex? Because you're the one crying that healthcare is "unaffordable". America gives you the freedom to fix that perceived "problem" by getting up off of your lazy ass and doing something about it while still protecting my rights and freedoms.
“You know it’s bad when liberal Democrats like Mary Landrieu are calling to delay Obamacare,” said LAGOP Executive Director Jason Doré. “Sadly what they don’t realize is that a mere delay cannot fix this failure. Obamacare needs to be completely repealed and replaced. Instead of fighting for a real fix, Mary Landrieu is playing politics with Louisiana residents’ healthcare.” - See more at:

She voted for this.Now she doesn't like the smell of it so she wants to delay it to save her ass in the next election...
Say, why is it called an "affordable" care act when all it's doing is getting people thrown off their affordable health care plans and frog-marching them into something less beneficial at a far higher price?

According to who? The reports from Rush Limbaugh, Faux News and Briebart?:lol:

The fact is ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. If you have health coverage you like, you can keep it.

• ObamaCare doesn't regulate your health care, it's regulates health insurance and some of the worst practices of the for-profit health care industry.

ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Affordable Care Act

Obamacare premiums will be cheaper than the CBO projected.
The fact is ObamaCare does not replace private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. If you have health coverage you like, you can keep it.

• ObamaCare doesn't regulate your health care, it's regulates health insurance and some of the worst practices of the for-profit health care industry.

ObamaCare Facts: Facts on the Affordable Care Act

Obamacare premiums will be cheaper than the CBO projected.

Please tell that to 300,000 people in Florida whose health policies were just cancelled. But of course you believe they're all lying, right?
Why do you think Dumbocrats have to make their policies mandatory? Because conservatives would opt out and live a comfortable life - while your Dumbocrat masters need helpless moron's like you to be government dependent.

Ha,ha, that is why Republicans were rallying "Keep guvmint ouf of my Medicare" - because they wanted to opt out of it? It appears that you are really dumb.

God this girl is so stupid. She actually believes a fake photo altered by fellow Dumbocrats for laughs is "fact". :lmao:

Conservatives have been fleeced out of 60% of what they earn their entire lives. Dumbocrats made sure to take all of their money so that they could force conservatives into living as slaves off of the government.

Make all of your illegal socialism optional (as it is Constitutionally required to be in America) and see how many Americans permanently opt out of your shit programs once their money is rightfully returned to them.

This is exactly why they say...

“You know it’s bad when liberal Democrats like Mary Landrieu are calling to delay Obamacare,” said LAGOP Executive Director Jason Doré. “Sadly what they don’t realize is that a mere delay cannot fix this failure. Obamacare needs to be completely repealed and replaced. Instead of fighting for a real fix, Mary Landrieu is playing politics with Louisiana residents’ healthcare.” - See more at:

She voted for this.Now she doesn't like the smell of it so she wants to delay it to save her ass in the next election...

Please! You think people like Mertex care? Like all Dumbocrat parasites, they could care less how atrocious the government table scraps. The only care about whether or not they can force someone else to pay for them.
This little visual aid here explains just how stupid you really are (have someone explain this to you):
No, it explains how stupid you are, even Pres Eisenhower called you that!

Since you don't have anyone around to explain it to you, I'll do it:

If the Dumbocrats are the party for the poor, then they need to create more poor voters to win elections. If the Republicans are the party of the rich, then they need to create more rich voters to win elections.
But that is why you are the one that is dumb. Republicans are the ones that are creating more poor people while at the same time making the rich, richer. The smart ones are realizing it and leaving the GOP, but alas, there are always a few dumb ones that will continue to hang around.

George W. Bush left the White House with an approval rating hovering around 30 percent. Courtesy of his tenure, and his second term specifically, by 2008 large numbers of conservatives ceased to identify themselves as “Republican,” such was their shame. At least one million of them refused to vote for John McCain. But two years before this, their enthusiasm had already begun to wane considerably, for the Democrats hammered Bush’s party, regaining control once more of both chambers of Congress. By 2012, even fewer conservatives showed up at the polls to pull the lever for Mitt Romney.

If all of this fails to convince the GOP that it is hemorrhaging its base, the party’s leaders would be well advised to look carefully at the comments sections of any number of “conservative” leaning publications — including those that are most friendly to the Republican Party.

The Ever Shrinking Conservative Base of the GOP

This explains why Dumbocrats bankrupted and collapsed Detroit - turning it into a 3rd world nation shit-hole. And it explains why conservatives states and cities are flourishing even in this economy that Obama built to collapse.
The collapse of Detroit can be blamed more on Republicans like Bush, whose policies made it easier for corporations to ship their companies out of the country and exploit other poor country's people and make more money for themselves. The disingenuousness of Republicans never ceases to amaze me, how they blame their own booboos on others.

Yeah, it's "shrinking" so much it took a super-majority in the House from the Dumbocrats and turned it into a majority for the Republicans...
You can credit that to your Republican state legislators and their redistricting, not to mention their unconstitutional voter id laws they managed to pass - however, the Tea Party idiots who managed to get elected have shown their true colors and I doubt they will be around the next go round. Consider yourself lucky if you manage to keep the House, which I seriously doubt you will.:lmao:
This explains why Dumbocrats bankrupted and collapsed Detroit - turning it into a 3rd world nation shit-hole. And it explains why conservatives states and cities are flourishing even in this economy that Obama built to collapse.

The collapse of Detroit can be blamed more on Republicans like Bush, whose policies made it easier for corporations to ship their companies out of the country and exploit other poor country's people and make more money for themselves. The disingenuousness of Republicans never ceases to amaze me, how they blame their own booboos on others.

You've sat here for 3 pages now decrying that Republicans are to blame for the deficit because they want to cut taxes. Well guess what genius? We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. That is a fact. And since you've wailed like a maniac about the Republican desire to cut taxes, you just proved it was the Dumbocrats who created the highest corporate tax rate in the world!

And that's exactly why businesses have shipped jobs overseas. Because you Dubmocrats want to demonize their success and punish them for it. You've made it impossible for them to stay in business here (and you just proved it). They simply can't afford to stay in business AND provide you with free healthcare, free food, free housing, free transportation, etc.

Thank you for proving that Dumbocrat socialism ends in failure, collapse, and poverty (just like it always does). You actually proved my case for me!

The alternative is you provide "affordable healthcare" since you're the one who pretends to "care" so much. Open your own hospital [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] and offer your services for free to those who don't have any money and at a reduced rate to those who have little money.

See how simple that is? And - gasp! - unlike the Dumbocrat "plan" (and I use that term loosely), it's also Constitutional!

The fact that you won't do this though is evidence that you're a greedy, selfish asshole who doesn't give a damn about those in need out there. This is all about you fleecing your fellow citizens further for free shit.

What a dumbo. Why should I do that? We have ACA - I don't need to open my own hospital, I don't have to offer my services for free, and no, I'm not the one that is selfish and greedy, you are. You are also unable to dicuss anything civilly without having to call names and insult, which is a sign of a real "moron".

Oh, and FYI, you don't have to use the "mention" everytime you post something to me, I already get a notification in my CP, that I have an inane response from you.

Ladies & Gentlemen - I rest my case. The greedy and lazy liberal. "Why should I have to do anything - I'm a liberal parasite - I get to live off of government".

Game. Set. Match.
You are such an idiot. You want me to become a doctor, open a hospital and save the country so that your "LAZY" ass doesn't have to pay one more "penny" in taxes? You are already paying for it, but to dumb to realize it.

Bwahahahah! Seems to me you're the selfish lazy ass who doesn't care about anyone but themselves, and you probably are the one on welfare!

Why should you do that Mertex? Because you're the one crying that healthcare is "unaffordable". America gives you the freedom to fix that perceived "problem" by getting up off of your lazy ass and doing something about it while still protecting my rights and freedoms.
Healthcare isn't unaffordable for me, moron, I'm doing it for people like you, who probably do without it and then go to the ER to get their medical treatment and then have me pay for it.
This explains why Dumbocrats bankrupted and collapsed Detroit - turning it into a 3rd world nation shit-hole. And it explains why conservatives states and cities are flourishing even in this economy that Obama built to collapse.

The collapse of Detroit can be blamed more on Republicans like Bush, whose policies made it easier for corporations to ship their companies out of the country and exploit other poor country's people and make more money for themselves. The disingenuousness of Republicans never ceases to amaze me, how they blame their own booboos on others.

You've sat here for 3 pages now decrying that Republicans are to blame for the deficit because they want to cut taxes. Well guess what genius? We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. That is a fact. And since you've wailed like a maniac about the Republican desire to cut taxes, you just proved it was the Dumbocrats who created the highest corporate tax rate in the world!

And that's exactly why businesses have shipped jobs overseas. Because you Dubmocrats want to demonize their success and punish them for it. You've made it impossible for them to stay in business here (and you just proved it). They simply can't afford to stay in business AND provide you with free healthcare, free food, free housing, free transportation, etc.

Thank you for proving that Dumbocrat socialism ends in failure, collapse, and poverty (just like it always does). You actually proved my case for me!


We not only have the highest corporate rate in the world, but we are the only country that taxes money earned overseas. And we are the only country that tries to apply US law to our own businesses operating overseas to tie their hands to compete. Even socialist Europe isn't quite that stupid.
As long as there is wealth, there will be liberals to plunder it, it's the way life works.

It's their money, so why do you care what they do with it? And this, from a rw source. :lol:

A big myth being perpetrated all over America by liberals is that “rich” people are all Republican businesspeople and conservative corporate fatcats who have power over the rest of us. This is nonsense. The fact is that “conservatives” are statistically lower on the income scale than Democrats, and Republican business interests long ago lost control of the nation’s wealth. This is happening as the nation itself gets poorer, while liberals are getting richer and richer.
The (Liberal) Rich Get Richer | RedState

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