Democrats Continue to Block Second Stimulus Relief


May 23, 2014
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats , you know it was Meadows fault.

They gave up a trillion bucks and the republicans wouldn't come up with a trillion bucks.

Mail in voting is directly related to covid 19 and the PO and the states need the money.

Tramp is so damn dumb.
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Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats , you know it was Meadows fault.

They gave up a trillion bucks and the republicans wouldn't come up with a trillion bucks.

Mail in voting is directly related to covid 19 and the PO and the states need the money.

Tramp is so damn dumb.
Blue states want the money to cover for their mistakes and try to buy votes. They also want to rebuild what was destroyed by Marxist agitators in riots that they refused to stop. No need for forced mail-in voting. Go to polls and vote.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats , you know it was Meadows fault.

They gave up a trillion bucks and the republicans wouldn't come up with a trillion bucks.

Mail in voting is directly related to covid 19 and the PO and the states need the money.

Tramp is so damn dumb.
Blue states want the money to cover for their mistakes and try to buy votes. They also want to rebuild what was destroyed by Marxist agitators in riots that they refused to stop. No need for forced mail-in voting. Go to polls and vote.
That old lie? I bet you thought Trump doing a useless EO to throw money at voters was a Godsend.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.
If you are broke there are car loans at 365%.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats , you know it was Meadows fault.

They gave up a trillion bucks and the republicans wouldn't come up with a trillion bucks.

Mail in voting is directly related to covid 19 and the PO and the states need the money.

Tramp is so damn dumb.
Blue states want the money to cover for their mistakes and try to buy votes. They also want to rebuild what was destroyed by Marxist agitators in riots that they refused to stop. No need for forced mail-in voting. Go to polls and vote.

No they don't. You don't remember CA was run by a republican governor and NY as well.
The House Democrats did their job. They passed legislation back in May. The GOP controlled Senate has passed....nothing.
GOP has a duty to stop Democrats political ploy and protect the people and the taxpayers.

The congress has a duty. The democrat controlled house did theirs. The GOP controlled Senate has done nothing.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.
If you are broke there are car loans at 365%.
I just want the damn assistance check so I can vacation in Chicago one last time.Ya know. Go to the Pump Room at the loop, have 2 bloody Mary's ,a shrimp cocktail and a grilled cheese,buy some Cheetos and hitch hike home. It's my kinda town, Chicago is.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

Dems are desperate for a federal bailout under the cover of Covid. These blue states have nearly a trillion dollars in pension and benefit DEBT they promised to purchase votes. Other states have managed their budgets well while blue states spend like there's no tomorrow hoping for a bail out. Other states like Florida will be forced to pay off the debt of these blue states if Dems get their way. AND if Dems get the bail out those states will go right back to racking up debt to purchase votes.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

Republicans are the ones holding America hostage. You again show that you are a typical Trump supporter. A person who is unable to think for themselves. Worth noting that nearly every state had a healthy rainy day fund in place. Ron DeSantis said that Florida would need fiscal help freom the federal government. Florida has a Republican Governor and legislature. That means they are poorly run. Missouri is another state that has fiscal issues. Another Republican run state. I guess they are poorly run.The only piss poor oleadership is Donald Trump. The coronavirus bill was passed by the House several months ago. Another lie. You are a fucking Nazi.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats , you know it was Meadows fault.

They gave up a trillion bucks and the republicans wouldn't come up with a trillion bucks.

Mail in voting is directly related to covid 19 and the PO and the states need the money.

Tramp is so damn dumb.
Blue states want the money to cover for their mistakes and try to buy votes. They also want to rebuild what was destroyed by Marxist agitators in riots that they refused to stop. No need for forced mail-in voting. Go to polls and vote.

You are a lying little weasel. Florida is not a blue stae and the REPUBLICAN Goverrnor says the state needs fiscal help from the federal government. You are too stupid to think for yourself and all you can do is parrot talking points.
The House Democrats did their job. They passed legislation back in May. The GOP controlled Senate has passed....nothing.
GOP has a duty to stop Democrats political ploy and protect the people and the taxpayers.

The GOP is the par6ty of hate. They hate blacks, hispanics, muslims and women to start out with. Worth noting the Republican deficits were hitting $1 TRILLION dollars even before the coronavirus hit.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats

At this point, all is the fault of Democrats. Their idea of compromise is 'give me what want and maybe I won't burn down your cities in a petulant frenzy'.

Fuck em' It's a war now. Treat it as such.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

Dems are desperate for a federal bailout under the cover of Covid. These blue states have nearly a trillion dollars in pension and benefit DEBT they promised to purchase votes. Other states have managed their budgets well while blue states spend like there's no tomorrow hoping for a bail out. Other states like Florida will be forced to pay off the debt of these blue states if Dems get their way. AND if Dems get the bail out those states will go right back to racking up debt to purchase votes.

Another brainless fool who can only parrot talking points. The fact is that Florida's Republican Governor says he needs fiscal help from the federal government.

Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

Dems are desperate for a federal bailout under the cover of Covid. These blue states have nearly a trillion dollars in pension and benefit DEBT they promised to purchase votes. Other states have managed their budgets well while blue states spend like there's no tomorrow hoping for a bail out. Other states like Florida will be forced to pay off the debt of these blue states if Dems get their way. AND if Dems get the bail out those states will go right back to racking up debt to purchase votes.

Another brainless fool who can only parrot talking points. The fact is that Florida's Republican Governor says he needs fiscal help from the federal government.

Think dummy, fiscal help due to Covid is much different than a federal bail out of DEBT blue states racked up BEFORE covid. Pull your head out of your ass.
Democrats hold second stimulus for individuals hostage in attempt to blackmail federal government for additional cash for Democrat ran cities and states that have allowed their economies to be ruined do to piss poor leadership. Also, Pelosi and Schumer want taxpayers to foot the bill to pay for damages perpetrated by Marxist agitators in blue cities.

don't blame this on Democrats

At this point, all is the fault of Democrats. Their idea of compromise is 'give me what want and maybe I won't burn down your cities in a petulant frenzy'.

Fuck em' It's a war now. Treat it as such.
Democrats want federal funds to rebuild area's destroyed by communist agitators, enact socialist ideas at state level and give reparations to Blacks at state level. Democrats are conniving and underhanded.

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