Democrats Cheat & and They Do it Well

Get real, you guys haven't won the popular vote nationally since 2004, and only then because you scared the hell out of people making them think there was an Arab hiding under their beds.

You were losing elections long before mail-in voting became more popular.

You aren't losing because of mail in ballots... you are losing because your entire appeal is to old white straight males who only make up 30% of the population.

So women realized they didn't want to be unwilling breeding machines, young people realized they didn't want to be crushed by debt for life for a college degree that was supposed to make their lives better, and minorities realized they didn't want to ride on the back of the bus.
You are confuse4d Moon Bat.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The goddamn dishonest Democrats control large voting blocks in these big city shitholes. They do the counting and can come up with all the fraudulent ballots they need to swing a statewide election. We saw them blatantly steal a Presidential election in 2020 and we saw them in action in three Senatorial election last month. You can bet your bottom dollar they will steal the Georgia Senate runoff election with enough votes from inner city Atlanta Negro Fulton county.

The filthy Democrats are like all Leftest assholes all over the world. They believe in any means necessary to turn a country into a Socialist shithole and if it means killing people they will do it or if it means stealing elections they will do it.

The traitorous Leftest in our country have destroyed our Republic.
So you think people involved in fraud are going to turn themselves in?
Oh lord. No. Criminals usually don't turn themselves in.

In case you've missed it...we're a pretty divided nation. What you're asking us to believe is that there was this massive multi-state, multi-jurisdictional, organized plan to steal multiple elections. And nobody who saw the supposed __________________ (fill in the blank with whatever today's specific allegation was--you've guys have gone from saying the machines were fixed to ballots were ran through to ballots were printed in other nations, etc...) ever filed a complaint with the local sheriff's department.

I'm asking what safeguards are in place to catch mail-in harvesting fraud. Sure in the past when few were voting by mail catching such fraud may have been possible, but how would it be done on a large scale?
The same safeguards that are there for every election that has had mail-in voting. The Military has been doing it for over 100 years. Seven states mail ballots to every registered voter and have been doing it for multiple cycles. Not once has anyone (even the losers in those elections) whined about the elected official not being legitimate, claimed there was widespread fraud, etc.... Why are you bitching about it now?
Mail-in voter fraud is comparable to self-scan checkout, where many people admit to cheating the system because it's so easy.

Self-Checkout Criminals On the Rise in 2022 - IT Retail

Get some rest.
You are confuse4d Moon Bat.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The goddamn dishonest Democrats control large voting blocks in these big city shitholes. They do the counting and can come up with all the fraudulent ballots they need to swing a statewide election. We saw them blatantly steal a Presidential election in 2020 and we saw them in action in three Senatorial election last month. You can bet your bottom dollar they will steal the Georgia Senate runoff election with enough votes from inner city Atlanta Negro Fulton county.

The filthy Democrats are like all Leftest assholes all over the world. They believe in any means necessary to turn a country into a Socialist shithole and if it means killing people they will do it or if it means stealing elections they will do it.

The traitorous Leftest in our country have destroyed our Republic.
And amazingly they keep sending more and more republicans to Washington?
Their favorite statement, we found these additional ballots over here, over there now it’s a usb fob. And every one of those ballots miraculously is demofk’s. Every one. It’s amazing
That's exactly how they got the Vegetable over the line
So let's just put all republicans in every office. Then these threads stop. My bet is things don't change much. I'm fine with that since I only voted for local races, no national ones because there wasn't a democrat nor republican that share my ideals.
This isn't a political investigation.

Voting fraud is a crime committed on a local scale.

The highest it would ever go is to a state level; the DOJ would not be actively involved.

So again..any arrests yet?
You are a joke.
And yet another surrender on your part. I'm going to have my first cup of coffee now and watch some soccer. Thanks for the batting practice.
Surrender? I just called you a clown and you consider that a surrender? You sure are confused.
You are confuse4d Moon Bat.

Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

The goddamn dishonest Democrats control large voting blocks in these big city shitholes. They do the counting and can come up with all the fraudulent ballots they need to swing a statewide election. We saw them blatantly steal a Presidential election in 2020 and we saw them in action in three Senatorial election last month. You can bet your bottom dollar they will steal the Georgia Senate runoff election with enough votes from inner city Atlanta Negro Fulton county.

The filthy Democrats are like all Leftest assholes all over the world. They believe in any means necessary to turn a country into a Socialist shithole and if it means killing people they will do it or if it means stealing elections they will do it.

The traitorous Leftest in our country have destroyed our Republic.
Again, another lie....don't you guys ever get tired of being the pawns of the lie creators?

Trump didn't lose because of city dwellers.

Trump gained as a percentage and votes... in cities in 2020 vs 2016.

Trump did not lose because of cities, he actually did better there in 2020, and Biden did worse in big cities, compared to Hillary in 2016, as a percentage of the total citywide vote.

Trump lost because he lost a percentage or two, of the rural and outside of city vote, compared to what he captured of this primarily white vote, in 2016....

More of those 2016 voters of Trump's, who rejected Hillary in 2016, voted for Biden in 2020.

Trump still won those Red Counties, but he won them at a lower percentage....and Biden got a higher percentage of the vote.

That translated in the end, to Biden winning.
You mean besides voter fraud being a felony? Besides any envelope that appears to be tampered with getting segregated for follow-up verification. Besides any ballot that has been changed getting segregated for follow-up verification.
If you put your mind to it I suppose you could come up with a few more implausible scenarios involving virtually non-existent voter fraud. You know, ones you could spread around in order to get people to question the legitimacy of elections. The kind of thing people who lose elections do. that you?

There is no real signature matching, but you think they're monitoring condition of envelopes...:itsok:
Oh those election deniers. They cry disenfranchise here in Arizona but members of which party had to be forced by the court to submit their votes?
Like mysteriously finding ballots in the trunk of a car at the last minute? Just enough to push the Democrat over the finish line?

Or maybe a sudden "flood" that sends everyone home late at night, except "certain people" never leave?
I acknowledge it is impossible for me to keep you from believing in lies and baseless conspiracy theories. What I can say is I have seen how the processing of ballots works by virtue of my experience working for Jefferson County in CO. Members of both parties participate in the process every step of the way. Even ballot collectors who go to polling places and drop box locations to collect ballots and put them in sealed bags work with someone of the opposing party or an independent.
Their favorite statement, we found these additional ballots over here, over there now it’s a usb fob. And every one of those ballots miraculously is demofk’s. Every one. It’s amazing
In the CANVASSING process, where every eye is dotted and T crossed to make certain they have captured and counted all the citizen votes out there, they do checks like, have we accounted for every district's ballots, do they match in number? Are any ballot suit cases missing compared to the roster? Have we accounted for ever ballot box pick up? Have all the ballot drop off ballots at the polling spots been collected and accounted for as being delivered and counted? Have all the provisional ballots been verified and counted from all district precincts?

Etc, etc, etc.....

This canvassing process is what finds any unaccounted for ballot bags of votes.

It is a process run in every state after the votes are all counted, to make certain all votes of citizens cast, are counted.

It is a part of the voting process because it is known to find mistakes and missing ballots thru basically, balancing the books for each polling district.

CANVASSING must be completed BEFORE the State can certify their election.
There is no real signature matching, but you think they're monitoring condition of envelopes...:itsok:
Yes there is. Teams of people from both parties verify signatures before ballots are counted. Discrepancies are flagged, segregated, and sent to other teams for a final determination. Often times the voter is contacted for signature verification before the ballot is counted.
Oh lord. No. Criminals usually don't turn themselves in.

In case you've missed it...we're a pretty divided nation. What you're asking us to believe is that there was this massive multi-state, multi-jurisdictional, organized plan to steal multiple elections. And nobody who saw the supposed __________________ (fill in the blank with whatever today's specific allegation was--you've guys have gone from saying the machines were fixed to ballots were ran through to ballots were printed in other nations, etc...) ever filed a complaint with the local sheriff's department.

The same safeguards that are there for every election that has had mail-in voting. The Military has been doing it for over 100 years. Seven states mail ballots to every registered voter and have been doing it for multiple cycles. Not once has anyone (even the losers in those elections) whined about the elected official not being legitimate, claimed there was widespread fraud, etc.... Why are you bitching about it now?


Get some rest.
The moderate Merrick Garland is charging parents who are concerned of their daughters being raped in schools as terrorists. Using the Patriot Act and Homeland Security that was promised to never be used to citizens.
It doesn't help that we have so many loosely associated with the Republican side blaming MAGA, or Christians or common sense policies, but the biggest reason they've won the last couple cycles is they've mastered the fine art of cheating

Democratic success – legal success – at capitalizing on their assault upon election integrity in 2020. And it is clear that Republicans must achieve success in this new world as well, understanding that collecting ballots is more important than winning hearts and minds or having well-attended rallies. Winners now win with ballot harvesting, ballot boxes, focused canvassing, early voting, mass ballot mailing, etc. Mastery of these new election mechanics is crucial to any future Republican success.
However, even if Republicans achieve success in this new arena, their electoral victories will be short-lived, because no matter how many votes or ballots Republicans deliver, Democrats will always find more – because Democrats will manufacture more – because Democrats cheat, and they do it well.

You field an ignorant, arrogant, amoral, lewd, crude autocrat-wannabe as your standard-bearer and then play whiny-bitch crybabies when you lose?

Keep most of your agenda but field a (much) better candidate; younger, experienced, capable, competent, and capable of acting like a Leader of Men.

It doesn't matter what the other guys do. YOU have to do better. And you have to demonstrate more vision and compassion and strength and resolve, and...

You have to recommit to doing it within the framework of the Constitution and the Laws of the Republic, and repudiate the Big Lie. There was no Steal.

There is always cheating or fraud in the current configuration, but it's nowhere NEAR enough to be decisive. Then. Or now. Snap out of it. Grow up. Think.

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