Democrats call for censorship to prevent bank runs.

Democrats want to silence Americans.

Are you a democrat? Do you support silencing Americans? Do you agree with Democrat senator Mark Kelly that Americans free speech and truth needs to be hidden from Americans?

You can bet that when Biden goes on national tv to tell us we should have trust and faith in the banking system, it's time to crash the doors down and get our money out. After all, he said inflation was only transitory and now wants us to bow down to him five times per day for having 6% inflation. I heard Yellen was going to say something on the subject. Yeah, I don't trust her as far as I can spit, not even that far. I thought they said they would always be honest with the American people?
You can bet that when Biden goes on national tv to tell us we should have trust and faith in the banking system, it's time to crash the doors down and get our money out. After all, he said inflation was only transitory and now wants us to bow down to him five times per day for having 6% inflation. I heard Yellen was going to say something on the subject. Yeah, I don't trust her as far as I can spit, not even that far. I thought they said they would always be honest with the American people?
It appears now that all the FDIC money is being absorbed by rich democrats.

If a big collapse happens I doubt there will be enough FDIC money to go around. Democrats should leave their money in banks and trust Biden that they are safe so Americans can have a chance to get their money out before it is gone.
Here is the article the dipshit in the OP video showed: Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly reportedly calls for censoring social media companies to prevent bank run; he denies

Kelly's camp denied the claim Monday evening and said Sen. Kelly asked about foreign adversaries potentially trying to take advantage of the situation by spreading misinformation.

That is a very valid concern. Putin lives for spreading misinformation harmful to the US.
Your concern implies you're stupid enough to believe him.
Give advance warning to politicians and their associates in time to get their money out of the system but keep the American people in the dark. Fascism lives in the Biden administration.
Give advance warning to politicians and their associates in time to get their money out of the system but keep the American people in the dark. Fascism lives in the Biden administration.
Rich democrats are going to bankrupt fdic by bailing out rich people over 250k.

When the big crash comes, there will be no money left for those who trusted Biden.

Biden says the banks are fine and your money is safe. Those who believe him should leave their money in the banks.

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