Democrats call for censorship to prevent bank runs.

Here is the article the dipshit in the OP video showed: Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly reportedly calls for censoring social media companies to prevent bank run; he denies

Kelly's camp denied the claim Monday evening and said Sen. Kelly asked about foreign adversaries potentially trying to take advantage of the situation by spreading misinformation.

That is a very valid concern. Putin lives for spreading misinformation harmful to the US.

That does not negate the fact that Senator Kelly did not suggest that any censorship should be limited to foreign agents or to things that were untrue, however.
That does not negate the fact that Senator Kelly did not suggest that any censorship should be limited to foreign agents or to things that were untrue, however.
When the rubber meets the road Americans need to know that they can't trust democrats. If the news is bad for democrats or their globalist cabal, democrats will attempt to censor that information from Americans whether it's true or not
When the rubber meets the road Americans need to know that they can't trust democrats. If the news is bad for democrats or their globalist cabal, democrats will attempt to censor that information from Americans whether it's true or not

While that's true, I'm fairly confident that there's quite a few Republicans who are equally content to discourage any reporting of the consequences and symptoms of the failed monetary policy they are historically known to promote bi-partisanly.
While that's true, I'm fairly confident that there's quite a few Republicans who are equally content to discourage any reporting of the consequences and symptoms of the failed monetary policy they are historically known to promote bi-partisanly.
Does the act of democrats wanting to censor bad news about banks from Americans help or hurt your confidence in the banks?
This is an unsurprising move by the Demafascist....akin to the CCP. Their policies have wreaked the economy, and has millions of American living on the edge, so of course they want to censor and control the news not to make things worse when people begin to panic
This is an unsurprising move by the Demafascist....akin to the CCP. Their policies have wreaked the economy, and has millions of American living on the edge, so of course they want to censor and control the news not to make things worse when people begin to panic
Democrats want Americans locked into a China style Internet they control all the narratives in
If nothing else, Q-NUTS are entertaining, dead wrong, but entertaining.
They give Carlson and Jones updates in every post.
I then, don't even have to suffer, watching/listening to them.
Does the act of democrats wanting to censor bad news about banks from Americans help or hurt your confidence in the banks?

Most of the news Americans get is a load of bullsugar anyway. Last week these banks were being pawned off as the best thing since sliced bread. Pft..

So far as the banks go, the cheap money is finite. It will end. And we're seeing it start to happen because the market itself is the decider. The market will make the correction. I couldn't care less about the banks. If they want to play stupid games they're gonna win stupid prizes.

As I mentioned elsewhere, recession is the solution. It's just a natural fact of economics. They must be allowed to fail because they're going to anyway in this distorted system. Why try to bury the same knife deeper into the wound as if its going to stop the bleeding? It's only gonna make it more painful and prolong the agony of the dying.
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If nothing else, Q-NUTS are entertaining, dead wrong, but entertaining.
They give Carlson and Jones updates in every post.
I then, don't even have to suffer, watching/listening to them.
Everything is fine, leave your money in the banks.
As far as democrats go if there was a school in New Mexico that ran out of chocolate milk in the cafeteria then they would try to use it as an excuse to censor all American citizens.
lot of leftwing billionaires in the US .

In the FDR sense, maybe. But you're not going to find communist billionaires. Some philanthropic or socialist-minded plutocrats support a limited welfare state because they're advanced enough in their thinking to understand large numbers of underemployed and undersexed young men is dangerously destabilizing. That's how you get Lenin, Robespierre, or Bin Laden.
In the FDR sense, maybe. But you're not going to find communist billionaires. Some philanthropic or socialist-minded plutocrats support a limited welfare state because they're advanced enough in their thinking to understand large numbers of underemployed and undersexed young men is dangerously destabilizing. That's how you get Lenin, Robespierre, or Bin Laden.
thats how you get oligarchs ... the left loves their oligarchs .... crush the small business and mom and pop stores and enrich the big left leaning oligarchs.

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