Democrats Bring Bill To Prohibit Armed Citizen Militias

They'll just go underground and the authorities won't know they exist until they start committing acts of terrorism or engage in some other illegal activity. It's better to have them all in the open, on the radar, than forcing them all underground, like Hamas. This Senator is a fool.

Given the possibility of the collapse of law-enforcement and military during some cataclysmic event, most sane people would welcome armed patriotic Americans would would go through the time and trouble to band together to maintain some resemblance of civil order in the face of anarchy.

I know most of my neighbors believe that. American militias are nothing more than loose-knit rural neighborhood watch organizations. They exist in order to be the last line of defense of this country, should our military and law-enforcement institutions fail. And never believe those institutions are infallible. My own county Sheriff has expressed his gratitude towards those who have concealed carry permits, stating that he and his deputies have a wide area of ground to cover, and can't be everywhere at the same time.
Just looking for the specifics of your statement.

All of this is pretty non specific.
It's in the fact sheets for any of the 50 states.

"How do I know if a group of armed people is an unauthorized private militia?

Groups of armed individuals that engage in paramilitary activity or law enforcement functions without being called forth by a governor or the federal government and without reporting to any government authority are acting as unauthorized private militias. They sometimes train together and respond to events using firearms and other paramilitary techniques, such as staking out tactical positions and operating in military-style formations. They often purport to have authority to engage in military and law enforcement functions such as protecting property and engaging in crowd control.

These groups often engage in behaviors that show their intent to act as a private militia, such as wearing military style uniforms, tactical gear, or identifying insignia; wielding firearms or other weapons; and operating within a coordinated command structure. Other factors—such as statements by leaders or members’ efforts to direct the actions of others—also may suggest that a group is acting as a private militia. Groups of armed individuals may engage in unauthorized militia activity even if they do not consider themselves to be “members” of a paramilitary"
Groups of armed individuals that engage in paramilitary activity or law enforcement functions without being called forth by a governor or the federal government and without reporting to any government authority are acting as unauthorized private militias.
Now, that's more like it. Thank you.
They sometimes train together and respond to events using firearms and other paramilitary techniques, such as staking out tactical positions and operating in military-style formations. They often purport to have authority to engage in military and law enforcement functions such as protecting property and engaging in crowd control.
In a time of crisis or insurrection, my neighbors and I cannot arm ourselves and form a group to protect our combined properties.
These groups often engage in behaviors that show their intent to act as a private militia, such as wearing military style uniforms, tactical gear, or identifying insignia
Well there you go - so long as we don't wear the wrong clothes, or use the wrong gear, we're good.
wielding firearms or other weapons;
In a time of crisis or insurrection, what would my neighbors and I use, other than firearms, to protect our combined properties?
Now, that's more like it. Thank you.

In a time of crisis or insurrection, my neighbors and I cannot arm ourselves and form a group to protect our combined properties.

Well there you go - so long as we don't wear the wrong clothes, or use the wrong gear, we're good.

In a time of crisis or insurrection, what would my neighbors and I use, other than firearms, to protect our combined properties?
I didn't write the laws. It's also illegal in Texas to use a still to distill water in case of unsanitary conditions with the water supply. The real question is if a situation like that occurs, who's going to arrest you for building a still and distilling drinking water or protecting your property with firearms for your family and your neighbors?
I didn't write the laws. It's also illegal in Texas to use a still to distill water in case of unsanitary conditions with the water supply. The real question is if a situation like that occurs, who's going to arrest you for building a still and distilling drinking water or protecting your property with firearms for your family and your neighbors?
It doesn't really read like a law - more of a summary, or a summary of a proposal.
Beats me -- but if you aren't going to enforce the law, there's no reason to have it.
Then course, the question comes up:
Why would anyone want to prevent my neighbors and I from wearing tactical gear while protecting our combined properties?
As the fact sheets explain, the U.S. Constitution and state laws use the term “militia” to refer to all able-bodied residents between certain ages who may be called forth by the government when there is a specific need; but private individuals have no legal authority to activate themselves for militia duty outside the authority of the federal or state government.

I oppose a national law as the Constitution clearly gives the lions share of the Militia Authority to the various states. None of the states allow private, armed militias.
And the unorganized militia has no connection with the organized. Show me in the definition of unorganized militia an age maximum?
It's in the fact sheets for any of the 50 states.

"How do I know if a group of armed people is an unauthorized private militia?

Groups of armed individuals that engage in paramilitary activity or law enforcement functions without being called forth by a governor or the federal government and without reporting to any government authority are acting as unauthorized private militias. They sometimes train together and respond to events using firearms and other paramilitary techniques, such as staking out tactical positions and operating in military-style formations. They often purport to have authority to engage in military and law enforcement functions such as protecting property and engaging in crowd control.

These groups often engage in behaviors that show their intent to act as a private militia, such as wearing military style uniforms, tactical gear, or identifying insignia; wielding firearms or other weapons; and operating within a coordinated command structure. Other factors—such as statements by leaders or members’ efforts to direct the actions of others—also may suggest that a group is acting as a private militia. Groups of armed individuals may engage in unauthorized militia activity even if they do not consider themselves to be “members” of a paramilitary"
We ( California State Militia ) liaised with the Sheriffs of 4 Counties in Search & Rescue and Marched in Redding Rodeo Parade two years in a row with 65 Marchers and mounted Color guard and served the homeless at Thanksgiving ( In Uniform ) at the Mission . We trained legally in State Incase we are called up by Governor and from 2010-2015 we were the largest Militia in the Country 1500 Members and another 500 + Paid / Volunteer Training Associates and Family Members
And the unorganized militia has no connection with the organized. Show me in the definition of unorganized militia an age maximum?
Subtitle A - General Military Law
Sec. 246 - Militia: composition and classes

(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.
(b)The classes of the militia are—
(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and
(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

We ( California State Militia ) liaised with the Sheriffs of 4 Counties in Search & Rescue and Marched in Redding Rodeo Parade two years in a row with 65 Marchers and mounted Color guard and served the homeless at Thanksgiving ( In Uniform ) at the Mission . We trained legally in State Incase we are called up by Governor and from 2010-2015 we were the largest Militia in the Country 1500 Members and another 500 + Paid / Volunteer Training Associates and Family Members
These guys?

"Units NOT open to public membership and/or which are organized for any purpose other than the support of Constitutional principals and community service may be considered private armies and are NOT to be confused with the Constitutional "unorganized" militia."

As a practical matter, we allow only citizens of good character in the militia.

We are not "For Hire", and will not participate in a "Call to Arms" but can respond and assist in community disasters and strife if requested or needed in our state.

All who advocate criminal activity, terrorism, revolution, or a change from our republican form of government are not accepted in our organization.

Our members should understand the duties and obligations of both citizens and government under our Constitution."
These guys?

"Units NOT open to public membership and/or which are organized for any purpose other than the support of Constitutional principals and community service may be considered private armies and are NOT to be confused with the Constitutional "unorganized" militia."

As a practical matter, we allow only citizens of good character in the militia.

We are not "For Hire", and will not participate in a "Call to Arms" but can respond and assist in community disasters and strife if requested or needed in our state.

All who advocate criminal activity, terrorism, revolution, or a change from our republican form of government are not accepted in our organization.

Our members should understand the duties and obligations of both citizens and government under our Constitution."
Different platoons , We were Founding Platoon ( Cottonwood Ca./ Redding Ca.) there were Platoons in ( Bay Area ) ( Modoc) ( Butte County / Chico ) ( Sacramento ) ( Central Ca. ) ( 3 So Cal Platoons )
Are you under the command of the Governor of California? If not, it's an outlaw Militia.
We train to be ready to be called up by the Governor ( it’s in our State Constitution that all adult Males 18-54 can be called up by the Governor as Militia as long as they are not members of the State Legislature , Current Duty LEOs Or Military )

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