Democrats Are Extraordinarily United Behind Biden


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives! They know they can't get a Bernie Sanders socialist elected in this country so they're doing the next best thing! They're trying to get someone elected President who appears benign (like a senile Joe Biden!) but won't resist what it is that they want to do! He's nothing more than a modern day Trojan Horse!
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
I remember when conservatives were poking Bernie to make him upset about the establishment. Didn't work very well this time around
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Bernie was my first choice. So much for that, now tRump must go. I'd be united behind Vermin Supreme if he was all there was besides tRump.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.

More unified against El Blob O than pro Biden I imagine.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives! They know they can't get a Bernie Sanders socialist elected in this country so they're doing the next best thing! They're trying to get someone elected President who appears benign (like a senile Joe Biden!) but won't resist what it is that they want to do! He's nothing more than a modern day Trojan Horse!

You just can't stand it that Biden is an old time Statesman who will work with all sides except for you party of the Rumpsters whom no one can work with.
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives! They know they can't get a Bernie Sanders socialist elected in this country so they're doing the next best thing! They're trying to get someone elected President who appears benign (like a senile Joe Biden!) but won't resist what it is that they want to do! He's nothing more than a modern day Trojan Horse!

You just can't stand it that Biden is an old time Statesman who will work with all sides except for you party of the Rumpsters whom no one can work with.
Biden has been in Washington since before Watergate for Christ's sake! All of a sudden he's an "old time Statesman"? He's old. That's about it! He's so far past his expiration date at this point that he's starting to smell.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives!
That's a lie.

It's obvious, Crep! None of you LIKE Biden! He's a dinosaur. He's senile. He's totally part of the Washington establishment! Why else would you all rally behind this joke of a candidate?
He's neither a dinosaur nor senile, he's just not my first choice. Not progressive enough, and certainly not the "front man for progressives" the OP is claiming. He has his own brain and opinions. Unlike tRump his positions will not be those of the last person he spoke to, they will be his own.
Biden is nothing more than a front man for the progressives!
That's a lie.

It's obvious, Crep! None of you LIKE Biden! He's a dinosaur. He's senile. He's totally part of the Washington establishment! Why else would you all rally behind this joke of a candidate?
He's neither a dinosaur nor senile, he's just not my first choice. Not progressive enough, and certainly not the "front man for progressives" the OP is claiming. He has his own brain and opinions. Unlike tRump his positions will not be those of the last person he spoke to, they will be his own.
His positions will be whatever his handlers tell him they should be, Crep! Joe Biden IS senile! Every time he loses his place with the teleprompter and starts to "wing it" gibberish comes out of his mouth! You know I'm right!
‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
Yep, people with IQ's of 30 who have been taught that Party is first over the country and its people, will vote for the woman and child groper who has dementia because their propaganda machine tells them to.

What is really bad though for these moronic people is that this isnt the first time low information people were religious Zelots to their leader. And those people didnt like the ending of that time in history either.

‘Nate Cohn: “Over all, voters in the battleground states who said Bernie Sanders was their top choice for president said they backed Mr. Biden over President Trump, 87% to 4%. If there was a Bernie-or-Bust movement, it has either faded with the conclusion of the Democratic race, or it never existed in serious numbers in the battleground states.”

“Mr. Biden commands even more significant support from voters who supported Elizabeth Warren in the primary. The Democrats who said she was their top choice to be the Democratic nominee backed Mr. Biden over Mr. Trump by a staggering margin of 96% to 0% — even wider than Mr. Biden’s 96-1 lead among those who said he was their top choice in the Democratic primary.”’

Democrats are also extraordinarily united in their opposition to Trump.
All Creepy Joe had to do is hid in his basement for 3 months.

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