Democrats and vote fraud - here we go again


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

For those who don't know (and why would you?), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has become an arm of the Democrat Party.

So the same court that decreed some days ago that mail-in ballots would be counted up to three days after Election Day (a violation of Federal Law) - because Democrats might need the opportunity to manufacture some votes if PA is close and decisive, has now decreed that a bogus signature on a mail-in ballot won't disqualify a ballot.

One might ask, if the signature doesn't mean anything, why bother? What is the point of even HAVING a signature line on the ballot?

It is all part of plan to steal this election. Every conceivable measure that could facilitate voter fraud is promoted by Democrats and their operatives, along with the false meme that "large scale voter fraud has never been proven."

IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LARGE SCALE, IDIOTS!!! In a close election (ref. All Franken) if you manufacture a couple hundred votes that can be decisive.

Democrats are evil. Why can't everyone see this? How can you listen to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and now Sleep Joe, day after day and not see how corrupt this organization is?

It boggles the mind.
You don’t seem to realize that if you are against corruption, like The U.S., and care about law and the constitution you can’t be a leftist.

Why else would you loot, riot, burn and do all the rest? Why would you use a pandemic to create the largest amount of deaths then try and blame the president? Why would you play a partisan impeachment circus, when you were against partisan impeachment when it was their guy?

We could go on and on with everything the left does that is nonsensical and corrupt but the list would run into hundreds of pages.
There go Trumpists again whining and bitching because the justices have interpreted the Penn. voting statute fairly. The Penn. Supreme Court in a decision that was also supported by the Republican appointees on the bench, ruled that a ballot cannot be discarded because of slight deviation in a signature because among other reasons, the voter information is verified when they obtain their application by Driver’s licenses. Deviations in one’s signatures change over time.

Typical Trumpist BS here about voter fraud because they know Trump is headed for a loss, and thankfully so.
Isn't Pa also allowing ballots up to 3 days after without postmark? Sorry but mailed in voting should be no different then early voting in having a cute off date BEFORE election day. And IMO filled out ballots should have to be dropped off at official drop boxes and not processed through regular mail.
So the same court that decreed some days ago that mail-in ballots would be counted up to three days after Election Day (a violation of Federal Law) -
What is wrong with you?

Counting ballots cast by citizens, before the end of election day, IS NOT ILLEGAL silly one!

George W Bush won in 2000 because Republicans argued that absentee ballots received from citizens overseas and military overseas had to be counted even when received a week or two, PAST election day....
Isn't Pa also allowing ballots up to 3 days after without postmark? Sorry but mailed in voting should be no different then early voting in having a cute off date BEFORE election day. And IMO filled out ballots should have to be dropped off at official drop boxes and not processed through regular mail.
Without a clear post Mark date.... Pa constitution requires IF under doubt, rule in the favor of inclusion for the citizen instead of disenfranchisement.

For those who don't know (and why would you?), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has become an arm of the Democrat Party.

So the same court that decreed some days ago that mail-in ballots would be counted up to three days after Election Day (a violation of Federal Law) - because Democrats might need the opportunity to manufacture some votes if PA is close and decisive, has now decreed that a bogus signature on a mail-in ballot won't disqualify a ballot.

One might ask, if the signature doesn't mean anything, why bother? What is the point of even HAVING a signature line on the ballot?

It is all part of plan to steal this election. Every conceivable measure that could facilitate voter fraud is promoted by Democrats and their operatives, along with the false meme that "large scale voter fraud has never been proven."

IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LARGE SCALE, IDIOTS!!! In a close election (ref. All Franken) if you manufacture a couple hundred votes that can be decisive.

Democrats are evil. Why can't everyone see this? How can you listen to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and now Sleep Joe, day after day and not see how corrupt this organization is?

It boggles the mind.

Yeah, I just heard about this. I heard that in some states, you need to have a witness sign as well certifying you are who you are. But who certifies the witness is legit?!

I kinda get why they are doing this, me for example, I have several signatures! I have one I use mostly to sign official government forms as they sometimes ask that you include your full name as it appears on your SS card or something, then I have my everyday signature I use for most everything, then I have one or two others-- -- I have no fucking idea which I used when or wherever they got the signature they have on file. I didn't even know they HAD my signature on file!

One might ask why they even have it? Where did they get it? When? My signature has changed a lot many times over the years from when I was a kid, to a young adult to an older working adult to my retired self today. So probably there is a very good chance that my legitimate ballot with legitimate signature would be rejected by PA if I sent them an absentee ballot!

Add to the problem that the people checking signatures I'm sure have NO training in actually studying and recognizing fraudulent or altered handwriting!

But the solution, take any signature is a joke, too. Anyone can get a ballot now and fill my name out and sign it and it will be accepted even if not from me!


The whole idea of allowing entire states to vote this way is ridiculous instituting it for the first time just a couple months before an election. It is untried and untested. States voting this way took years to get the bugs out. There are ways of applying for remote voting and casting your vote that could be done reliably without relying on "signatures."
Absentee ballot and mail-in vote are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Why is this so difficult to comprehend.

Who but a Democrat is too stupid to mail their ballot a few days early? Otherwise, why would the Dems have fought to hard to get it?

Again, I ask: Why bother to put a signature line on the ballot, if a bogus signature will not affect counting the ballot? Is it just to give the voter a false sense of security?
After this election there should be some new laws that protect our Right to Vote from the corrupt Democratic Party's mass voter fraud schemes.
1) universal Voter ID for registering to vote AND to cast a ballot
2) ban mass mail-in ballots
3) ban voter harvesting
4) proof of citizenship required

For those who don't know (and why would you?), the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has become an arm of the Democrat Party.

So the same court that decreed some days ago that mail-in ballots would be counted up to three days after Election Day (a violation of Federal Law) - because Democrats might need the opportunity to manufacture some votes if PA is close and decisive, has now decreed that a bogus signature on a mail-in ballot won't disqualify a ballot.

One might ask, if the signature doesn't mean anything, why bother? What is the point of even HAVING a signature line on the ballot?

It is all part of plan to steal this election. Every conceivable measure that could facilitate voter fraud is promoted by Democrats and their operatives, along with the false meme that "large scale voter fraud has never been proven."

IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE LARGE SCALE, IDIOTS!!! In a close election (ref. All Franken) if you manufacture a couple hundred votes that can be decisive.

Democrats are evil. Why can't everyone see this? How can you listen to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and now Sleep Joe, day after day and not see how corrupt this organization is?

It boggles the mind.
Pennsylvania has no law mandating that voters get an opportunity to fix an irregularity with their ballot before it is disqualified, and discussions about it in the Legislature in recent weeks deadlocked in a wider partisan fight shadowed by the presidential election.

Voters who use a mail-in ballot have their identity verified in their initial application, often using a driver’s license number, he said.

Some voters say that signing on a digital screen when getting or renewing their driver’s license is awkward and results in a signature that doesn’t resemble theirs on paper.
(The most valid argument raised)
Now, instead of examining the reasons as to why this was an issue all you people did was trash talk people you don't know...Haters gonna hate...

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