Biden says listen to experts.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Joe Biden is fond of telling us that we should listen to experts. 200,000 people are said to have died from Sars-Covid-2 (Covid-19). Trump says he listens to experts but does not trust them implicitly. Who has the best strategy? Biden comes down firmly on the side of government taking control of the emergency and issuing directives to the people to fight the plague. So, what have the experts done so far? We know that businesses have been shut down, the economy is crippled and misery is on the rise in all facets of society, even among school-aged children whose basic education has been compromised and damaged, not just temporarily but for all time.

Trump is heavily criticized for not marching to the tune of experts. What have experts accomplished in our history? Remember WW1? That was labeled by the experts as a “War to end all wars” How did that work out? The “experts” brought us the Spanish Flu from the trench warfare of that horrible mistake.

In his fog, Biden insinuated the US liked Hitler before Pear Harbor. Apparently America’s reluctance to get into another terrible war to save the “experts” of Europe is regarded by today’s experts as proof that American citizens are too dumb to comprehend the superior thinking of experts even though it was those experts that looked the other way while Hitler to violated the Treaty of Versailles and built armies to dominate the world. Biden will listen to the experts because even though those experts have consistently wrecked our world he believes they know best.

Dr, Anthony Fauci is a classical example of an “expert”. When the biological attack reached US shores Fauci was out there telling people not to wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best. Fauci is a bureaucratic representative of medical research, CDC, WHO etc. that uses science to make natural diseases more powerful just like the lab in Wuhan China where the latest plague originated.

Trump should trust this guy and ask no questions even though now, after Fauci’s finger was in the political wind, he now demands that the people wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best? How many people in this country had had enough of experts? We are about to find out in the coming election.

Do we choose Biden and the experts or Trump and common sense?
Joe Biden is fond of telling us that we should listen to experts. 200,000 people are said to have died from Sars-Covid-2 (Covid-19). Trump says he listens to experts but does not trust them implicitly. Who has the best strategy? Biden comes down firmly on the side of government taking control of the emergency and issuing directives to the people to fight the plague. So, what have the experts done so far? We know that businesses have been shut down, the economy is crippled and misery is on the rise in all facets of society, even among school-aged children whose basic education has been compromised and damaged, not just temporarily but for all time.

Trump is heavily criticized for not marching to the tune of experts. What have experts accomplished in our history? Remember WW1? That was labeled by the experts as a “War to end all wars” How did that work out? The “experts” brought us the Spanish Flu from the trench warfare of that horrible mistake.

In his fog, Biden insinuated the US liked Hitler before Pear Harbor. Apparently America’s reluctance to get into another terrible war to save the “experts” of Europe is regarded by today’s experts as proof that American citizens are too dumb to comprehend the superior thinking of experts even though it was those experts that looked the other way while Hitler to violated the Treaty of Versailles and built armies to dominate the world. Biden will listen to the experts because even though those experts have consistently wrecked our world he believes they know best.

Dr, Anthony Fauci is a classical example of an “expert”. When the biological attack reached US shores Fauci was out there telling people not to wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best. Fauci is a bureaucratic representative of medical research, CDC, WHO etc. that uses science to make natural diseases more powerful just like the lab in Wuhan China where the latest plague originated.

Trump should trust this guy and ask no questions even though now, after Fauci’s finger was in the political wind, he now demands that the people wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best? How many people in this country had had enough of experts? We are about to find out in the coming election.

Do we choose Biden and the experts or Trump and common sense?

Trump and common sense are a dichotomy; Donald Trump has the sense of a weasel, he's cunning and dangerous.
If an "expert", or a gov't employee (I care not his/her title) tells me the sky is blue on a bright sun shiny day, I will look for myself to make sure-
If a Republican tells me a Democrat is bad, or vice versa- I'll say, and your point is? Bad is bad it doesn't come in degrees for perusal of approval based on Party association- SMH-
Biden comes down firmly on the side of government taking control of the emergency
They why doesn't Biden listen to and agree with the highest level of government, the Executive Branch, taking control and following their lead?

Do we choose Biden and the experts or Trump and common sense?
Nature gave us common sense to survive.

Man gave us experts to later be proven wrong. Just remember that every wrong thing that has ever happened in history was approved by an expert first. Every scientific advance came at the hands of first proving the former experts totally wrong.

If the experts were a safe bet on being right about everything even 51% of the time then it would be a simple task to eliminate most of the world's problems overnight and score huge on the stock market simply by doing everything some expert tells you!

The fact that the world is full of problems and bad investments is proof positive that the experts don't know what they are doing.
Joe Biden is fond of telling us that we should listen to experts. 200,000 people are said to have died from Sars-Covid-2 (Covid-19). Trump says he listens to experts but does not trust them implicitly. Who has the best strategy? Biden comes down firmly on the side of government taking control of the emergency and issuing directives to the people to fight the plague. So, what have the experts done so far? We know that businesses have been shut down, the economy is crippled and misery is on the rise in all facets of society, even among school-aged children whose basic education has been compromised and damaged, not just temporarily but for all time.

Trump is heavily criticized for not marching to the tune of experts. What have experts accomplished in our history? Remember WW1? That was labeled by the experts as a “War to end all wars” How did that work out? The “experts” brought us the Spanish Flu from the trench warfare of that horrible mistake.

In his fog, Biden insinuated the US liked Hitler before Pear Harbor. Apparently America’s reluctance to get into another terrible war to save the “experts” of Europe is regarded by today’s experts as proof that American citizens are too dumb to comprehend the superior thinking of experts even though it was those experts that looked the other way while Hitler to violated the Treaty of Versailles and built armies to dominate the world. Biden will listen to the experts because even though those experts have consistently wrecked our world he believes they know best.

Dr, Anthony Fauci is a classical example of an “expert”. When the biological attack reached US shores Fauci was out there telling people not to wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best. Fauci is a bureaucratic representative of medical research, CDC, WHO etc. that uses science to make natural diseases more powerful just like the lab in Wuhan China where the latest plague originated.

Trump should trust this guy and ask no questions even though now, after Fauci’s finger was in the political wind, he now demands that the people wear masks because he is an “expert”, and he knows best? How many people in this country had had enough of experts? We are about to find out in the coming election.

Do we choose Biden and the experts or Trump and common sense?

Trump and common sense are a dichotomy; Donald Trump has the sense of a weasel, he's cunning and dangerous.
It's Fauci, experts & science vs. Trump, Hannity & Limbaugh.

Yeah, I'm pretty comfy with the former.
"Listen to the experts"

You really have to love crazy to think that Biden in his dementia even has a clue. Is he running for the senate or president today?
But truthfully he called it xenophobic to restrict air travel. So that says he would have waited longer. Democrats have been the ones to add every death they could by placing virus positive in homes. We were told by experts that we needed to close everything down to help flatten the Curve. It was supposed to be weeks, yet here we are still with places closed, people out of work. The democrats keep obstructing stimulus because they can’t spend enough, they can’t bail out poorly run states and cities.

They keep saying it is Trumps fault because of so many deaths all while ignoring the simple fact that our country is one of the most unhealthiest on the planet. We eat junk, processed foods. Our fantastic healthcare system is able to keep people alive with conditions that in a large number of countries would mean death. We are able to keep old folks alive for many more years. Yet they seem unable to comprehend that these reasons are all why the death toll is so high.
When have we isolated the well? Not at anytime.
When a candidate is out there trying to make political hay out of a pandemic and use it against the opposition that says all you need to know about the character and crookedness of the candidate.

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