Democrats and the media spewing more lies


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax

Those of us that work or have worked know the truth, those that haven't just spew...and protest.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
It won't hurt Socialist Insecurity because all the loot goes into and comes back out of the general fund....IOW, it's just a big transfer payment.

The turds in both parties have been skimming the hell out of the "trust fund" to buy votes for decades.
that's more than likely true but still the income tax holiday will not affect social security
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
regardless what link I used if you had a job or have ever had a job you would know social security and income tax are seprete so is medicare
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.

According to the looney left, the world ends in....what, 10 years (by now), so who the hell cares about SS running dry.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
LOL did you even read what you posted? It says EXACTLY what Mnuchin said, PAYROLL TAXES not income tax. And remind me again of Republican and Democrats Governors which is shutting down the economy and which is trying to open it again?
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax

Those of us that work or have worked know the truth, those that haven't just spew...and protest.
like John Law he came with a well rehersed talking point list
What he forgot is those who work know better
What are payroll taxes and how much do they cost?
Payroll taxes include:

  • Federal income taxes: Employees have different amounts of federal income tax withheld from their paycheck depending on their tax rate and their number of dependents. When you start a new job, you fill out a W-4 form so your employer can calculate how much money to withhold. If you overpay, you can get a refund and if you underpay, you'll owe money on Tax Day.
  • Social Security taxes: These taxes support the Social Security retirement system as well as the Social Security Disability Insurance system. Social Security taxes, along with Medicare taxes, are authorized under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and are sometimes referred to as FICA taxes. Your Social Security tax equals 12.4% of your income but you pay half and your employer pays the other half. This means you and your employer each pay 6.2% of your wages. Social Security taxes are paid only on wages up to the annual wage base limit, which is $132,900 in 2019. So, you and your employer only pay this tax on your first $132,900 in wages.
  • Medicare taxes: These taxes support Medicare, which provides health insurance to Americans who are 65 and older, as well as to some qualifying disabled Americans. Medicare taxes equal 2.9% of your total wages, 1.45% of which you pay and 1.45% of which your employer pays. Medicare taxes are due on all your earnings; there's no wage base limit. In fact, there's an Additional Medicare Tax of .9% imposed on married couples filing jointly with incomes of $250,000 or higher or on other tax filers with incomes of $200,000 or higher. Employers must start withholding this additional tax on all wages paid over $200,000 in a calendar year, regardless of your tax filing status.
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
The Democrats can try as hard as they can but they will never beat Trump in lying.
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
regardless what link I used if you had a job or have ever had a job you would know social security and income tax are seprete so is medicare is the argument that the payroll tax holiday will not affect SS and Medicare. Of course it will, especially if they are made permanent.
I know everybody's heard it that President Trump's income tax holiday will bankrupt social security and take money away from the handicapped dependent.
It is not true since income tax and social security and medicare are a separate tax
The Democrats can try as hard as they can but they will never beat Trump in lying.
Democrats have done nothing but lie for the last three and a half years this is the latest installment of lies
The OP’s thesis is belied by his own link. As usual Trumpers don‘t fully read their own links. For the OP’s own source:

“It is unclear what Mnuchin [It was Mnuchin that said the SS and Medicare taxes were separate] means when he said Congress would keep the trust fund “topped up,” but experts have warned that reserves could be depleted earlier than expected as a result of the financial effects of the pandemic.

An analysis conducted by researchers at the Penn Wharton Budget Model showed that Social Security is at risk of running out of funds as many as four years earlier than anticipated – in 2032 – depending on the shape of the U.S. economic recovery. Prior to the pandemic, the group had a 2036 estimate for the OASDI trust fund.

A separate analysis estimated that Social Security’s funding may run dry as soon as 2029.

A decline in payroll taxes is expected to be primarily responsible for draining Social Security’s coffers more quickly, given the dramatic rise in unemployment numbers. Unemployment compensation is not subject to payroll taxes. Deferring, and forgiving, payroll taxes may accelerate the timeline”.

The OP as Usual has no idea what the hell he is talking about.
regardless what link I used if you had a job or have ever had a job you would know social security and income tax are seprete so is medicare is the argument that the payroll tax holiday will not affect SS and Medicare. Of course it will, especially if they are made permanent.
how will it affect social security since it's a separate tax?
What are payroll taxes and how much do they cost?
Payroll taxes include:

  • Federal income taxes: Employees have different amounts of federal income tax withheld from their paycheck depending on their tax rate and their number of dependents. When you start a new job, you fill out a W-4 form so your employer can calculate how much money to withhold. If you overpay, you can get a refund and if you underpay, you'll owe money on Tax Day.
  • Social Security taxes: These taxes support the Social Security retirement system as well as the Social Security Disability Insurance system. Social Security taxes, along with Medicare taxes, are authorized under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and are sometimes referred to as FICA taxes. Your Social Security tax equals 12.4% of your income but you pay half and your employer pays the other half. This means you and your employer each pay 6.2% of your wages. Social Security taxes are paid only on wages up to the annual wage base limit, which is $132,900 in 2019. So, you and your employer only pay this tax on your first $132,900 in wages.
  • Medicare taxes: These taxes support Medicare, which provides health insurance to Americans who are 65 and older, as well as to some qualifying disabled Americans. Medicare taxes equal 2.9% of your total wages, 1.45% of which you pay and 1.45% of which your employer pays. Medicare taxes are due on all your earnings; there's no wage base limit. In fact, there's an Additional Medicare Tax of .9% imposed on married couples filing jointly with incomes of $250,000 or higher or on other tax filers with incomes of $200,000 or higher. Employers must start withholding this additional tax on all wages paid over $200,000 in a calendar year, regardless of your tax filing status.

Wait, what? Payroll taxes don't cost you a thing....they take them for free.
The country could not withstand the elimination of SS and Medicare. Talk about chaos.
no one said anything about the elimination of SS and Medicare you have been misinformed get a job and you'll understand what income tax does not affect social security.
Well it depends? Is Trump suspending Income tax or payroll tax? Pay roll tax will effect social security since THAT is the tax that collects it half from the worker half from the employer.
What are payroll taxes and how much do they cost?
Payroll taxes include:

  • Federal income taxes: Employees have different amounts of federal income tax withheld from their paycheck depending on their tax rate and their number of dependents. When you start a new job, you fill out a W-4 form so your employer can calculate how much money to withhold. If you overpay, you can get a refund and if you underpay, you'll owe money on Tax Day.
  • Social Security taxes: These taxes support the Social Security retirement system as well as the Social Security Disability Insurance system. Social Security taxes, along with Medicare taxes, are authorized under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and are sometimes referred to as FICA taxes. Your Social Security tax equals 12.4% of your income but you pay half and your employer pays the other half. This means you and your employer each pay 6.2% of your wages. Social Security taxes are paid only on wages up to the annual wage base limit, which is $132,900 in 2019. So, you and your employer only pay this tax on your first $132,900 in wages.
  • Medicare taxes: These taxes support Medicare, which provides health insurance to Americans who are 65 and older, as well as to some qualifying disabled Americans. Medicare taxes equal 2.9% of your total wages, 1.45% of which you pay and 1.45% of which your employer pays. Medicare taxes are due on all your earnings; there's no wage base limit. In fact, there's an Additional Medicare Tax of .9% imposed on married couples filing jointly with incomes of $250,000 or higher or on other tax filers with incomes of $200,000 or higher. Employers must start withholding this additional tax on all wages paid over $200,000 in a calendar year, regardless of your tax filing status.

Wait, what? Payroll taxes don't cost you a thing....they take them for free.
sure thing lol
The country could not withstand the elimination of SS and Medicare. Talk about chaos.
no one said anything about the elimination of SS and Medicare you have been misinformed get a job and you'll understand what income tax does not affect social security.
Well it depends? Is Trump suspending Income tax or payroll tax? Pay roll tax will effect social security since THAT is the tax that collects it half from the worker half from the employer.
I've heard him say income tax

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