Democrats against antifa, BLM, CRT and trans dominance


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
For the last last 5yrs or so, these groups, and probably a few more, have been in the 24/7 news cycle so much, that it's become "common" to discuss these things in forums and on social media. Hardly a week goes by that some new "leftist" drama isn't coming up. Even if they have to just make it up.
From BLM lying about how many "innocent" blacks were killed by white cops. To antifa taking over the city of Portland, and freeing criminals. Then there's the boys & men in dresses beating on girls and women. All of these things seem to be fine and dandy by the extremist democratic voters in this country.
At least on media, social media and political forums like this.
But it's been my experience that when you talk to normal everyday democrats, one's who aren't constantly on social media, and don't really care for political forums, the attitudes and beliefs are somewhat different.
One of my best friends, a middle aged black man, told me straight up, "They making things worse," (talking about BLM). An elderly white democrat (one of my customers) told me that should just round up all those antifa people and send to Cuba. (apparently she remembers when Cuba sent us all it's bad people).
In the news sometimes, you can read or hear about a real female teenagers, and her family, who are filing a lawsuit against their school, for allowing a boy in a dress on the female team. And how it ruins the real girls chances of a scholarship, and how it's completely unfair.
Then you have weirdo parents who are chemically altering their 9 to 11yr old boys puberty. Many common-folk democrats see this as child abuse, the same as their republican friends. So I'm thinking, this issue isn't so much of a right vs left thing. It's a common sense thing. It's a don't play god thing. Leave the children alone thing.
When a black person comes out against CRT, BLM or any other extremist leftist ideology, the leftist extremist go into "cancelling mode" and try to discredit these normal people, who just happen to believe differently. For instance, Ty Smith, the black man against CRT who states "White people didn't oppress me. I got 2 degrees to prove it." (Or something to that effect.

So here's my issue. Have the normal democrats been told to STFU by the leftist extremist? Or is it the media that's squelching the voice of the normal democrats? And are there any normal democrats willing to stand up against all these extremist leftist before they force a landslide victory in 2022 and 2024 for the GOP?

FYI, I'm not a Republican. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that Republican was more of a libertarian, and a full blown actual conservative. (unlike Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell)
For the last last 5yrs or so, these groups, and probably a few more, have been in the 24/7 news cycle so much, that it's become "common" to discuss these things in forums and on social media. Hardly a week goes by that some new "leftist" drama isn't coming up. Even if they have to just make it up.
From BLM lying about how many "innocent" blacks were killed by white cops. To antifa taking over the city of Portland, and freeing criminals. Then there's the boys & men in dresses beating on girls and women. All of these things seem to be fine and dandy by the extremist democratic voters in this country.
At least on media, social media and political forums like this.
But it's been my experience that when you talk to normal everyday democrats, one's who aren't constantly on social media, and don't really care for political forums, the attitudes and beliefs are somewhat different.
One of my best friends, a middle aged black man, told me straight up, "They making things worse," (talking about BLM). An elderly white democrat (one of my customers) told me that should just round up all those antifa people and send to Cuba. (apparently she remembers when Cuba sent us all it's bad people).
In the news sometimes, you can read or hear about a real female teenagers, and her family, who are filing a lawsuit against their school, for allowing a boy in a dress on the female team. And how it ruins the real girls chances of a scholarship, and how it's completely unfair.
Then you have weirdo parents who are chemically altering their 9 to 11yr old boys puberty. Many common-folk democrats see this as child abuse, the same as their republican friends. So I'm thinking, this issue isn't so much of a right vs left thing. It's a common sense thing. It's a don't play god thing. Leave the children alone thing.
When a black person comes out against CRT, BLM or any other extremist leftist ideology, the leftist extremist go into "cancelling mode" and try to discredit these normal people, who just happen to believe differently. For instance, Ty Smith, the black man against CRT who states "White people didn't oppress me. I got 2 degrees to prove it." (Or something to that effect.

So here's my issue. Have the normal democrats been told to STFU by the leftist extremist? Or is it the media that's squelching the voice of the normal democrats? And are there any normal democrats willing to stand up against all these extremist leftist before they force a landslide victory in 2022 and 2024 for the GOP?

FYI, I'm not a Republican. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that Republican was more of a libertarian, and a full blown actual conservative. (unlike Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell)
That "making it worse" is intentional.
I don't think BLM is complain about cops killing "innocent" blacks so much as "unarmed" blacks.
When someone tries to grab a cop's gun, they're probably gonna get shot.

A lot of the dead were just big men over 6 foot and 200 pounds. If they were 5'2" and 110 pounds they'd still alive. No reason a cop can't call for backup when dealing with a giant.
A lot of the dead were just big men over 6 foot and 200 pounds. If they were 5'2" and 110 pounds they'd still alive. No reason a cop can't call for backup when dealing with a giant.
So being 6 foot and 200 pounds gives you the right to resist arrest? Since when?
It's similar to the days of KKK vigilantes. The Democrats deny any connection to the violence. Nothing has really changed in the Democrat party regarding violence.

In the "hay days" of the KKK, the democrats were the ones who populated the organization. They still do, except the labels have change from KKK to BLM and antifa.
I don't think BLM is complain about cops killing "innocent" blacks so much as "unarmed" blacks.

There was so few "unarmed" blacks getting shot, that it was really not the epidemic that BLM, through the media, portrayed. Out of like 1000 people, black and white, less than 20 were unarmed. 20 out of 1,000 is hardly an epidemic. Discount the white people involve in that, and it's even less than an epidemic.
Especially when you throw in the fact that people like Michael Brown was had just committed no only a crime. But had just fought with a cop, trying to get his weapon and high as a kite on something.

But are the decent normal democrats going to stand up to this? That is what this thread is about. Not democrats who want to take up for all these organizations. Especially the violent ones like BLM and antifa.
I don't think BLM is complain about cops killing "innocent" blacks so much as "unarmed" blacks.
The BLM movement is a publicly admitted Marxist (Communist) movement, whose goal is to "burn down the system."
The BLM movement doesn't care about blacks. Their objection is that law enforcement arrests blacks that commit crimes, while claiming that it's about cops shooting "unarmed" blacks, which only involves a small number of arrest attempts. They have publicly told blacks to "resist arrests."
That stupidity only escalates an already negative situation and many blacks don't support the BLM movement.
The bottom line is that they are pro-crime, anti-society, garbage.
The BLM movement is a publicly admitted Marxist (Communist) movement, whose goal is to "burn down the system."
The BLM movement doesn't care about blacks. Their objection is that law enforcement arrests blacks that commit crimes, while claiming that it's about cops shooting "unarmed" blacks, which only involves a small number of arrest attempts. They have publicly told blacks to "resist arrests."
That stupidity only escalates an already negative situation and many blacks don't support the BLM movement.
The bottom line is that they are pro-crime, anti-society, garbage.

This thread is not for the right, and their reasons for bashing BLM. It's for the normal decent democrats. It's their chance to try to convince the extremist on the left to that they've gone too far. And how they're actions are destroying the Democrats chances of keep their majority in the next two election cycles.
This thread is not for the right, and their reasons for bashing BLM. It's for the normal decent democrats. It's their chance to try to convince the extremist on the left to that they've gone too far. And how they're actions are destroying the Democrats chances of keep their majority in the next two election cycles.
No party, right or left, should be consistently in charge. That's like having a One-Party government and those always become evil. One Party governments always lead to authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, tyranny and murder. Having a good mixture of different parties, while messy, keeps things in balance.
Conservative democrat here and once party activist. I and others warned about these types in the past and were ignored. Marxist and Nazis have taken the spotlight in the party not all in the party support them. It will only take them losing in the primaries to get rid of them.Educating the party faithful as to what these folks really are and organizing inside the party to oust them from positions of elected office and seats within the party is the only way to rid them of the party.
No party, right or left, should be consistently in charge. That's like having a One-Party government and those always become evil. One Party governments always lead to authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, tyranny and murder. Having a good mixture of different parties, while messy, keeps things in balance.
I have got to disagree. There is simply no good reason to allow the party that's bent on destroying this country to ever be in charge. Look at the disaster they have causes in the first 9 months of the Biden administration.
No party, right or left, should be consistently in charge. That's like having a One-Party government and those always become evil. One Party governments always lead to authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, tyranny and murder. Having a good mixture of different parties, while messy, keeps things in balance.

It's just my opinion, we only have one party. Some just identify themselves as a different party, with a different name. But the end result is usually the same.
As in Trump, a supposed pro-life conservative who approved the spending bill that included funding for Planned Parenthood.
Or the democrats who suddenly because anti border security.

Over the last 2 or 3 decades, the right and the left have flip flopped on so many issues, that it's hard to keep up anymore.

But the question remains, with so many extremist on the left, when are the real democrats going to stand up and say enough is enough? I'm sure at least some of them realize how the extremist in their own party is destroying so much. As in the Trans-movement destroying all the work the left went in to women's rights, now being undone in favor of men in dresses.
All the work that the democrats put into helping the police get a grip on crime & drugs, now being unraveled in favor of criminals and druggies. None of which do any good for this country or the decent citizens.

The kind of democrat that voted against Trump, vs the kind that voted for Hillary and Biden.
No party, right or left, should be consistently in charge. That's like having a One-Party government and those always become evil. One Party governments always lead to authoritarianism, oppression, persecution, tyranny and murder. Having a good mixture of different parties, while messy, keeps things in balance.

I used to be a huge supporter of the Libertarians. But even I knew that they'd last maybe 10 years before they began to be corrupted.
I was a supporter of the original 2007 Tea Party. But in just 2 years, the GOP had destroyed everything we stood for.
So, you have a valid point. So what did us original Tea Party and actual conservatives do about it? We voted LP or stayed home.
Which is what the decent democrats are going to do in 2022 and 2024. And the cycle will repeat itself. The GOP will get the majority, their voters will see how bad the GOP is, and vote the democrats in probably in 2026 and 2028.
The road goes on forever and the party never ends. Because too many Americans are influenced by the lying news and lying politicians. IE Biden, Trump, Obama, W, Bill Clinton, Reagan etc etc etc
Every decent democrat (Tulsi Gabbard) and every decent conservative republican (Ron Paul) get's thrown under the bus. And so we get smooth talkers who tow the party line, with every single administration.
For the last last 5yrs or so, these groups, and probably a few more, have been in the 24/7 news cycle so much, that it's become "common" to discuss these things in forums and on social media. Hardly a week goes by that some new "leftist" drama isn't coming up. Even if they have to just make it up.
From BLM lying about how many "innocent" blacks were killed by white cops. To antifa taking over the city of Portland, and freeing criminals. Then there's the boys & men in dresses beating on girls and women. All of these things seem to be fine and dandy by the extremist democratic voters in this country.
At least on media, social media and political forums like this.
But it's been my experience that when you talk to normal everyday democrats, one's who aren't constantly on social media, and don't really care for political forums, the attitudes and beliefs are somewhat different.
One of my best friends, a middle aged black man, told me straight up, "They making things worse," (talking about BLM). An elderly white democrat (one of my customers) told me that should just round up all those antifa people and send to Cuba. (apparently she remembers when Cuba sent us all it's bad people).
In the news sometimes, you can read or hear about a real female teenagers, and her family, who are filing a lawsuit against their school, for allowing a boy in a dress on the female team. And how it ruins the real girls chances of a scholarship, and how it's completely unfair.
Then you have weirdo parents who are chemically altering their 9 to 11yr old boys puberty. Many common-folk democrats see this as child abuse, the same as their republican friends. So I'm thinking, this issue isn't so much of a right vs left thing. It's a common sense thing. It's a don't play god thing. Leave the children alone thing.
When a black person comes out against CRT, BLM or any other extremist leftist ideology, the leftist extremist go into "cancelling mode" and try to discredit these normal people, who just happen to believe differently. For instance, Ty Smith, the black man against CRT who states "White people didn't oppress me. I got 2 degrees to prove it." (Or something to that effect.

So here's my issue. Have the normal democrats been told to STFU by the leftist extremist? Or is it the media that's squelching the voice of the normal democrats? And are there any normal democrats willing to stand up against all these extremist leftist before they force a landslide victory in 2022 and 2024 for the GOP?

FYI, I'm not a Republican. I haven't voted for a republican since 2012. And that Republican was more of a libertarian, and a full blown actual conservative. (unlike Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell)
It's like this.......

Democrats hooked on virtue signaling and live in fear of not following "the team"...


Serious Democrats who have refused to get sucked into the madness....

I have got to disagree. There is simply no good reason to allow the party that's bent on destroying this country to ever be in charge. Look at the disaster they have causes in the first 9 months of the Biden administration.
The bottom line is that this nation should never be consistently run by only one political party as it always ends badly.

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