Democratic Senator threatens to "punch" Bush for daring to blame local authorities


Senior Member
May 11, 2004
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Madison, WI

Seriously. Everytime I think there is no frickn' way a Democrat can be more irresponsible, vapid, whiny, and banal, they continue to astound.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Why won't people fix my problem! It's not my fault! I just signed up for the entourage, book deals, and 150-or-so grand a year! It's Bush's fault! It's all his fault! I hate him I hate him I hate him! I WANT A COOKIE NOWWWWWW!!"
theim said:

Seriously. Everytime I think there is no frickn' way a Democrat can be more irresponsible, vapid, whiny, and banal, they continue to astound.

"Waaaaaaaaaaaa! Why won't people fix my problem! It's not my fault! I just signed up for the entourage, book deals, and 150-or-so grand a year! It's Bush's fault! It's all his fault! I hate him I hate him I hate him! I WANT A COOKIE NOWWWWWW!!"

Yeah, heaven forbid we question the people directly in charge of things... you know like her. As their representative she has been very quite. Heaven forbid that people exercise their guarenteed speech rights to critisize a woman who is part of the problem.
This must be what the democratic handbook look's like!!

1===Throw the blame on someone else, first and formost a Republican, and for sure that cowboy of a President, Bush, who stole our election's TWICE...


and if one and two don't work!

3===Threaten violence....

I swear, watching some of these Democrat's go off the deep end, I feel like I'm watching a looney toon..
I am still absolutely amazed at the gaul of these people.

You had hundreds of thousands of people left in a city that you supposedly had ordered to be evacuated. The vast majority of these people had no way to get out...and your state, Senator, did NOTHING to give them a way out. You crammed them into a confined space with NO security whatsoever because you had NO PLAN.

Now...CONGRESS might be at fault for not funding your project, choosing instead to fund others....HOWEVER

If you are sitting in a city below sea level with a levee that can only survive a level 3 hurricane...and you have a level 5 hurricane barrelling towards you and you have ALMOST A WEEK to make a decision....what do you do???

Organize busses, get security guards to monitor the Superdome???? just sit it out and then blame Bush.

I am so saddened by Katrina and her aftermath....but I am absolutely sickened by the LO officials and how fast they are playing the CoverYourAss game.
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