Democrat Zombie Vote

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
It happens all the time..:lol:

[ame=]Bob Hope Zombie Democrats - YouTube[/ame]

A study conducted by the Florida Sun Sentinel in late October 2008 found:

More than 65,000 ineligible and duplicate voters on Florida's registration rolls.
600 dead people on the list. (Check your State at the link..)

Dead people voting - Ballotpedia
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Oh yea, amazing how dead people are filling out those ballots and getting counted. Obama managed to get OVER 100% of the eligible votes in Ohio and other states, yet the left continues to claim there is no voter fraud. Odd that the people who see a crisis around every corner insist that no one cheats when it comes to voting or welfare. Even if confronted with solid evidence that there was cheating to get their guy elected, they'd still be okay with it because the ends always justifies the means when it comes to their liberal claptrap.
Oh yea, amazing how dead people are filling out those ballots and getting counted. Obama managed to get OVER 100% of the eligible votes in Ohio and other states, yet the left continues to claim there is no voter fraud. Odd that the people who see a crisis around every corner insist that no one cheats when it comes to voting or welfare. Even if confronted with solid evidence that there was cheating to get their guy elected, they'd still be okay with it because the ends always justifies the means when it comes to their liberal claptrap.

Really? Would you care to provide a link that proves this out? I say you're a liar.
Of course she's lying. That's pretty much all she does.
[ame=]Stress Relief - YouTube[/ame]
There is photographic proof that gay zombies turned out to vote for Obama :)

Those figures are real eye openers, at least for those who want the truth.

Some districts bragged about having 100% or more of the eligible votes going for Obama. It's impossible to even get 100%, let alone going above that. When you realize how many absentee ballots go out to dead people, non-existent people (and all get returned), you realize just how easy it is to cheat. Dishonest poll workers and cheaters know that no one will question ballots and they get used. Simple as that. The only people that get caught are the ones who vote twice. Others who use the ballots of dead people, those that just don't show up to vote or unverified ballots will not get caught, mainly because there is no system in place to catch them. Only showing ID to vote will stop illegals and people who like to vote often.

All of the election results were public and some still ask for links. So tired of the same formula used to try and impugn those against the regime.

Always goes the same way.

You post something that doesn't support Obama and it goes like this:

Lib: Prove it.
You: Here's a link.
Lib: I do not approve of source, therefore it's false.
You: Here's a link to a leftie site and a video link, now you can't ignore it.
Lib: Fuck you, you racist.
You: Wrong again, turd brain.
Lib: I'm reporting you to AttackWatch.

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