Democrat Ticket Approval Situation

Do the Delegates vote on the Ticket of Biden/Harris OR would Harris have to be approved seperately? If the latter what if they reject her?
It appears you're ignorant of something very to use Google to find information on a topic of interest! Try that on finding the details of your main slur too you fucking idiot! All you have to lose is your rep of being the perpetual fool!

This is all well known information.
At least for those of us who pay attention.
This is all well known information.
At least for those of us who pay attention.
It's also, "well known information" that the Orange Clown watched Muslims dancing in the streets of New Jersey from his townhouse in NYC on 9/11! Your post is as valid as the Clown's with just as much hard proof displayed, ya fucking straw gripper! After all, the Clown-in-Chief said it was so!

Stop trying to change the subject.
Stop trying to change the subject.
I didn't try to change the subject dummy! I used a metaphor to compare one lie, the unprovable kinship rumor, to an outright Trumpian lie!! Too bad you couldn't distinguish it as such. Now run off home and eat a nice bowl of Trumpian Yo Sem Ites!

You changed the subject.
And I gave you a link...suck it.
You changed the subject.
And I gave you a link...suck it.
No subject change...look up the definition of a metaphor, you fucking IDIOT!

I don't see any link in this sub-thread we have going. Perhaps you're confused and... however, there is a link of yours elsewhere, yeah the dateline on your link is ~14 years after 9/11 and 19 years in the past with the source a NJ cop! What a dunce you prove out to be! Fucking pathetic thing!

You sound triggered.
Harris also has the problem that her family were literally Slave Owners in Jamaica, this is totally INCREDIBLE considering all the Leftists are on the rampage in America demanding statues be pulled down, buildings named after Slave Owners renamed and babbling incoherently about Reparations etc
It's not a problem for BLM and their supporters. You're assuming these people have some sort of consistent philosophy. They dont
Kamala Harris isn't well liked in the African American community.
When she was a DA prosecutor. Harris sent a lot of black men to prison with very long sentences.
So I doubt she is going to pull in the negro vote like Biden hoped. ... :cool:
I hear she's got the black vote locked up...
I'm not bending to the lefts constant tactic of demanding a link for every fucken thing under the sun.
As if a link somehow makes everything legitimate.

They demand links to shit that is common knowledge.
You could tell these people the sky was blue and they'd demand a link.
Here is an all purpose link that can be most useful.


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