Democrat slogans for 2012

Got rights?
Cash for votes
We're just going to skip elections in '12
Whoa! Redo
I'm tight with Rev. Wright
Mo' change
It's still Bush's fault
Obama's got your mama (no really, and we'll shoot her if you don't vote right.)
How about..."Vote for me or the republicans will be in charge again"


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We can call it Bush's fault
for 4 more years
so vote Democratic
Liberals, illegals and queers!
We can call it Bush's fault
for 4 more years
so vote Democratic
Liberals, illegals and queers!

My brother sent me this. He saw it on his wanderings around the net. No link it was just someone's posting.

"George W. Bush inherited a recession. He also inherited the Iraq no-fly zones, a Middle East boiling after the failed last-minute Clintonian rush for an imposed peace, an intelligence community wedded to the notion of Saddam's WMD proliferation, a Congress on record supporting "regime change" in Iraq, a WMD program in Libya, a Syrian occupation of Lebanon, Osama bin Laden enjoying free rein in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, a renegade Pakistan that had gone nuclear on Clinton's watch with Dr. Khan in full export mode, and a pattern of appeasing radical Islam after its serial attacks (on the World Trade Center, the Khobar Towers, U.S. embassies, and the U.S.S. Cole).
In other words, Bush inherited the regular "stuff" that confronts most presidents when they take office. What is strange is that Obama has established a narrative that he, supposedly unlike any other president, inherited a mess."
So many little time

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse

Keep Hope and Change alive!!!

You're gonna love this! Or go to's your choice.

Health Reform was just the beginning...wait til Income Reform gets passed!
OBAMA: Ignore the was just a phase.

OBAMA: He needs more time to finish his masterpiece of shit.

OBAMA: Cuz we dig the White House homie!

OBAMA: Robert Gibbs can't take the rejection.

OBAMA: We can fix it...just pretend like this never happened.
Obama remix '12 sort of like Presidentlite, 50% of the IQ of regular Presidents.
10 months into moron Bush's residency, he was at close too 90%, do you think it may be a tad too early to call this one, probally not, SArah, sarah , sarah LOL
hey save where would have "W " been on that list without daddies money, even Harvard and Yale don'rtwant to claim that moron, but grandpa did have a lot of NAZI money, what do ya think
"Fooled you once! Fool you again?"
"We'll deliver on that change stuff this time, promise!"
"Now with 30% more lobbyist influence!"
"20% less abuse of executive power!"
"Why vote for a party with backbone?"
"We promise to spy on you a little less than the other guys!"
"Read my lips: no real progress!"
"Hope! Hey, it worked last time!"
"Vote Republican! We don't care, Goldman Sachs runs the place either way!"
"4 More Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan!"
We can call it Bush's fault
for 4 more years
so vote Democratic
Liberals, illegals and queers!

My brother sent me this. He saw it on his wanderings around the net. No link it was just someone's posting.

"George W. Bush inherited a recession. He also inherited the Iraq no-fly zones, a Middle East boiling after the failed last-minute Clintonian rush for an imposed peace, an intelligence community wedded to the notion of Saddam's WMD proliferation, a Congress on record supporting "regime change" in Iraq, a WMD program in Libya, a Syrian occupation of Lebanon, Osama bin Laden enjoying free rein in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan, a renegade Pakistan that had gone nuclear on Clinton's watch with Dr. Khan in full export mode, and a pattern of appeasing radical Islam after its serial attacks (on the World Trade Center, the Khobar Towers, U.S. embassies, and the U.S.S. Cole).
In other words, Bush inherited the regular "stuff" that confronts most presidents when they take office. What is strange is that Obama has established a narrative that he, supposedly unlike any other president, inherited a mess."

Oops, you forgot some stuff. Let me help out.

Bush also inherited a "surplus".

-----an intelligence community wedded to the notion of Saddam's WMD proliferation

So it was the intelligence community that lied. Ok, I got it. Bush was duped.

------a Congress on record supporting "regime change" in Iraq

Oh, it was it "congress"?

------Osama bin Laden enjoying free rein in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan

How can Bin Laden have "free rein" if the Taliban controlled Afghanistan?

-------a renegade Pakistan that had gone nuclear

Renegade? Pakistan?

--------a pattern of appeasing radical Islam after its serial attacks (on the World Trade Center, the Khobar Towers, U.S. embassies, and the U.S.S. Cole)

You know that, unlike Bin Laden, most of those perpetrators are serving life sentences in American Maximum security prisons?

--------Obama has established a narrative that he, supposedly unlike any other president, inherited a mess

Actually, Obama didn't inherit a "mess", but, rather, many disasters. There wasn't a branch of government that Bush and the Republicans didn't rape after the last eight years. From the Justice Department to the EPA to the Surgeon Generals office.
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