Democrat Senators to be obstructionist???


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
I seriously doubt it.

Trump won Missouri by 19 points. Senator McCaskill (D-MO) is up for reelection in 2018. So are 25 other Democrat U.S. Senators. That's over half the seats they hold in the Senate. 13 are from states Trump won or narrowly lost. Republicans only defend 8 seats in 2018.

One of three things is going to happen. Trump is a lousy President (which I doubt, but time will tell), Democrats in red states capitulate and hope it's enough to get reelected...or they obstruct President Trump, and we get a filibuster proof majority in the Senate in 2019. Win/Win for Republicans if Trump makes good decisions as President.

Several Democrats facing 2018 re-election are from states Trump carried
Despite near-instant media prognostications the GOP could lose its slim majority in the U.S. Senate come the 2018 midterm elections, it is actually Democrats who face an uphill climb.

An unfavorable map in 2018 could all but guarantee Democrats remain shut out from government for at least four years. In 2018, Democrats will have to defend at least six highly endangered incumbents in red to red-leaning states.

The high number of likely endangered Democrats in 2018 also will give the Trump administration a powerful tool. The administration can put enormous pressure on these Democrats to back certain agenda items, like new approval of the Keystone XL pipeline and the repeal of Obamacare, lest they face angry conservative voters at home.

Read more...Midterm Senate Map a Democrat Nightmare

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