democrat Representative Imprisoned For Woman Beating


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I can do this all day....

Mass Dem Rep Defends Woman-Beating Colleague: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”…


The Rep sent to the slammer, Carlos Henriquez, made news when he wore a hoodie to the State House in support of St. Skittles.

House members who arrived on Beacon Hill Wednesday for their first substantive session of 2014 were distracted first by a political meeting at a nearby hotel and then by the news that one of their colleagues was led away from a Medford courtroom in handcuffs and is headed to jail.

A standard pre-session caucus of House Democrats, usually an opportunity to be briefed on bills expected to emerge for floor votes, was canceled as some members were milling about the State House corridors.

The cancellation came as news broke about the conviction of Rep. Carlos Henriquez (D-Dorchester) on two assault and battery charges and his sentencing to 2.5 years in jail, with six months to be served. [...]

Massachusetts Republican Party Chair Kirsten Hughes issued the following statement: “The MassGOP calls on the state’s leading Democrat, Governor Deval Patrick to immediately demand the resignation of Representative Carlos Henriquez. If the resignation is not tendered right away, there may not be adequate time for a special election and thus robbing the good people of Dorchester representation on Beacon Hill.”

One House Democrat, who did not want to be identified, said, “If he was not a rep, he never would have been found guilty.”


Granny Warren was a big Henriquez fan prior to his arrest for beating up his girlfriend because she didn’t want to have sex with him:

Yeah, sometimes Republican representatives say things they should have thought through a little better, but democraps?

They just beat the woman if she doesn't want to have sex with him.

There's always some dimocrap dirtbag being sent to prison for something.

I can fill the front page with them.
False: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”… He goin' to jail no matter what.

TRUE: If he wasn't black and a Dem, Edgetho wouldn't be posting this story.
False: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”… He goin' to jail no matter what.

TRUE: If he wasn't black and a Dem, Edgetho wouldn't be posting this story.

And how are his partisan posts any different than yours?
False: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”… He goin' to jail no matter what.

TRUE: If he wasn't black and a Dem, Edgetho wouldn't be posting this story.
Hypocrite much?

HazlNUT is certifiable. He has proven he is disconnected from reality in many posts, as well as his bizarre sig lines.

Anyway, yeah Republicans have affairs or something. Democrats commit actual crimes. But to them it's all sex. It's like there's no difference between adultery and rape.
C'mon guys.. since we get on the lefty trolls for the same behavior in mirror image, why is it that the party affiliation has to come into it?? Abuse knows no bounds of political party or affiliation.. they are all scum
False: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”… He goin' to jail no matter what.

TRUE: If he wasn't black and a Dem, Edgetho wouldn't be posting this story.

I have no doubt Edge would have posted it regardless.

And you've seriously got some issues if you think you can complain about anyone being a paritsan.
False: “If He Wasn’t A Rep, He Would Never Have Been Found Guilty”… He goin' to jail no matter what.

TRUE: If he wasn't black and a Dem, Edgetho wouldn't be posting this story.

And how are his partisan posts any different than yours?

I'm not partisan.

I couldn't give a shit less about the Republican Party.

I just hate, with all my heart and soul, with every fiber of my being, with every breath I take, dimocrap scum.

I seriously do.

I could deal with communists, Nazis, Fascists, socialists, Imperialists or anybody else that wants to be honest about what they are.

But dimocraps? Lyingest scum that ever walked the Earth.

They seriously are. And I'm talking about ALL of them. Top to bottom, inside-out, front to back....... dimocraps lie, they cheat, they steal, they're corrupt, dishonest, untrustworthy, sick, diseased, murdering deviant scum.

And those are their better qualities.

I am NOT partisan. I really don't care about the Republican Party and I'm not all that crazy about Republicans.

I just hate dimocraps.

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