Democrat rep. IIhan Omar can't stop bashing Jews blames Jewish billionaire for backlash

WOW! Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Can't Stop Bashing Jews - Blames Jewish Billionaire for Backlash

Anti-Jew Democrat lawmaker Ilhan Omar continued her string of anti-Semitic tweets on Monday morning following a night of controversial statements.

The people there lmdao!! If they vote this anti american pos in again well you deserve whatever anti american chit you are dealt.

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Anti-Semitic Democrat Lawmaker Ilhan Omar Blamed the US for Deadly Islamist Mall Attack

This bitch is all about shredding the US and our CONSTITUTION you IDIOTS BETTER PAY ATTENTION MORONS or you will find yourselves living in little Europe you know where women are told they can't wear shorts, or bathing suites because it OFFENDS THE FKN MUSLIM!!! LMFAO


HOLY CRAP! MN Democrat Ilhan Omar Posts Another Anti-Semitic Tweet and Follows It Up with a “Hook-Nosed” Jewish Retweet

The controversy over Ilhan Omar and AIPAC money, explained

"Beyond its involvement in encouraging campaign contributions, AIPAC also spends a lot of money on lobbying.

"The $3.5 million AIPAC spent lobbying in 2018 is trivial compared to what business groups spend (the National Association of Realtors took the cake with $543 million in spending and mostly lost the argument over the home mortgage tax deduction anyway), but very large relative to the world of foreign policy.

"The No. 2 foreign policy donor, UNICEF USA, spent just $744,000, and its activities are orthogonal to AIPAC’s interests anyway.

"The next-largest group lobbying on Israel, J Street, which advocates a pro-Israel, pro-peace agenda, spent less than 10 percent of AIPAC’s lobbying budget.

"It actually got outspent by a second, smaller hawkish Israel policy group, the Israeli-American Coalition for Action."

AIPAC funds expense paid trips for US congress members through an affiliated nonprofit that isn't required to divulge its donors.

The week-long excursions for members of congress and their families cost upward of $12,000 per person.

How many Benjamin$ is that about?
It should be noted that Omar DID NOT bash any Jews. The only Jew that was bashed is the Jew whom she retweeted, by the wirter’s of the OP’s hack article. Surprise.
It should be noted that you're full of shit willing to make any excuse for the fucking raghead bitch.
What I said is absolutely true. You can go fuck yourself.

Wrong, little inbred. You keep failing in this thread. Just walk away.
this lady is my hero.she is a patriot who cares about the fact the zionist lobby of Israel controls congress.Jimmy Carter now that he is no longer in office,has come out and told the truth that if you dont support Israel and say anything negative about them,you wont last long in washington as a politician,hense WHY most politicians are criminals. just ask Kennedy down below if he regrets his decision to cut off aide to them.:abgg2q.jpg:

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