Democrat Once Again Using Racism To Win Support


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The days of complaining about Affirmative Action seem to be over with.....and the folks that benefit from it don't seem to mind anymore.

That's because the Democrats have given them a new issue to think about.

Katrina isn't all that important anymore. Can't complain about a lack of help for New Orleans when your President is black. The Dems had to find another horse to beat...yet another Strawman to focus blame on.

So now they have the Tea-party. Those gun toatin racists bastards.
The USAToday used pictures of an pro-gun rally 4 days later to imply that the Tea-party members were carrying their guns with them to their rallies....which is an outright lie. Bill Clinton tried to say that words were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing when in fact the murders of men, women, and children by the Clinton Administration at Waco Tx was the cause.
Did anyone know that the bombing was on the one year anniversary of Waco?


Notice the timing folks. They use Oklahoma City and the Tea-party rallies on April 15th to push anti-gun legislation. What gun was used in the bombing? What Tea-party members brought their guns to the rallies? Answer:

So....I wonder if folks will ever get wise to this.

I can answer that...probably never...because it's easier to be pissed off then to actually think.
If the tpers don't want to be seen as racists, they need to tell the people who show up with racist signs to leave.

How very democratic of you. :lol::lol: "Tell them to leave"? Is it no longer a free country with the right of assembly? Do we now silence those we disagree with? Hmm. Well, good to know how the ObamaNation will be.

Thing is.... the TEA Partiers do ask people to remove racist signs. They do point out the 'infiltrators'... they do it with humor and patience. No violence. If the TEA Partiers are a bunch of gun totin' whackjobs - why did USAToday have to fake photos?

If the TEA Partiers are so stupid, why do people have to photoshop images to make them look dumb?
I don't see how you got racist out of a picture of people bringing guns to a rally. :confused:

Sounds to me that you are the one using racism.
I don't see how you got racist out of a picture of people bringing guns to a rally. :confused:

Sounds to me that you are the one using racism.

I guess you haven't heard anyone claim that Tea-party members are "Gun-toatin...Bible-banging RACISTS"?

Where have you been?

Since you can't see the underlying implications that most Democrat supporters can clearly see.....let me be specific.

White Middle Age Men carrying guns are according to the media and Hollywood a bunch of Red-necks.

And everyone knows that Red-necks are usually a bunch of Southern Boys or Archie Bunker types.

And everyone knows that Southern Boys fly the Confederate flag or are sheet wearing KKK members, or members of a militia that CNN has been constantly harping about since the health care bill was passed. All of those scared Democrats in Washington fearing for their lives from the "Violence" of the right.

So getting back to my original point.....the reasonable conclusion is that any fat white guy carrying a gun at a rally must be a racist.

At least that's what the media wants you to believe.

And talking about the Tea-party, Oklahoma City, and guns in the same sentence tends to imply similarities.

I know it sounds silly but that is the angle they're going for. And funny thing seems to be working.
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I don't see how you got racist out of a picture of people bringing guns to a rally. :confused:

Sounds to me that you are the one using racism.

I guess you haven't heard anyone claim that Tea-party members are "Gun-toatin...Bible-banging RACISTS"?

Where have you been?

Since you can't see the underlying implications that most Democrat supporters can clearly see.....let me be specific.

White Middle Age Men carrying guns are according to the media and Hollywood a bunch of Red-necks.

And everyone knows that Red-necks are usually a bunch of Southern Boys or Archie Bunker types.

And everyone knows that Southern Boys fly the Confederate flag or are sheet wearing KKK members, or members of a militia that CNN has been constantly harping about since the health care bill was passed. All of those scared Democrats in Washington fearing for their lives from the "Violence" of the right.

So getting back to my original point.....the reasonable conclusion is that any fat white guy carrying a gun at a rally must be a racist.

At least that's what the media wants you to believe.

And talking about the Tea-party, Oklahoma City, and guns in the same sentence tends to imply similarities.

I know it sounds silly but that is the angle they're going for. And funny thing seems to be working.
:cuckoo: That's your me where the media has called people at the gun rallies racists or admit that you just played the race card.
I don't see how you got racist out of a picture of people bringing guns to a rally. :confused:

Sounds to me that you are the one using racism.

I guess you haven't heard anyone claim that Tea-party members are "Gun-toatin...Bible-banging RACISTS"?

Where have you been?

Since you can't see the underlying implications that most Democrat supporters can clearly see.....let me be specific.

White Middle Age Men carrying guns are according to the media and Hollywood a bunch of Red-necks.

And everyone knows that Red-necks are usually a bunch of Southern Boys or Archie Bunker types.

And everyone knows that Southern Boys fly the Confederate flag or are sheet wearing KKK members, or members of a militia that CNN has been constantly harping about since the health care bill was passed. All of those scared Democrats in Washington fearing for their lives from the "Violence" of the right.

So getting back to my original point.....the reasonable conclusion is that any fat white guy carrying a gun at a rally must be a racist.

At least that's what the media wants you to believe.

And talking about the Tea-party, Oklahoma City, and guns in the same sentence tends to imply similarities.

I know it sounds silly but that is the angle they're going for. And funny thing seems to be working.
:cuckoo: That's your me where the media has called people at the gun rallies racists or admit that you just played the race card.

Go back and read my OP. They aren't outright stating it as a fact. They're implying it.

With some people that's all it takes is a false implication.

Your claiming they didn't say it is no defense.

I think that's why you support these lying fucks.

You can't read between the lies.
I guess you haven't heard anyone claim that Tea-party members are "Gun-toatin...Bible-banging RACISTS"?

Where have you been?

Since you can't see the underlying implications that most Democrat supporters can clearly see.....let me be specific.

White Middle Age Men carrying guns are according to the media and Hollywood a bunch of Red-necks.

And everyone knows that Red-necks are usually a bunch of Southern Boys or Archie Bunker types.

And everyone knows that Southern Boys fly the Confederate flag or are sheet wearing KKK members, or members of a militia that CNN has been constantly harping about since the health care bill was passed. All of those scared Democrats in Washington fearing for their lives from the "Violence" of the right.

So getting back to my original point.....the reasonable conclusion is that any fat white guy carrying a gun at a rally must be a racist.

At least that's what the media wants you to believe.

And talking about the Tea-party, Oklahoma City, and guns in the same sentence tends to imply similarities.

I know it sounds silly but that is the angle they're going for. And funny thing seems to be working.
:cuckoo: That's your me where the media has called people at the gun rallies racists or admit that you just played the race card.

Go back and read my OP. They aren't outright stating it as a fact. They're implying it.

With some people that's all it takes is a false implication.

Your claiming they didn't say it is no defense.

I think that's why you support these lying fucks.

You can't read between the lies.
I read your is anyone implying anything racial?
btw, I like this First of all, no one is proposing taking away anyone's guns.


That's because the people pictured are at a pro-gun rally one would assume.

Notice the racist implications. "Go ahead Barry....take our guns Muzzle First"
How is that racist? You really are out on a limb are the one calling these protesters
Democrats don't need to use racism to "gain support".


Because Republicans use racism to drive it away.
Democrats don't need to use racism to "gain support".


Because Republicans use racism to drive it away.

So, 'splain to me why the MSM and lefties keep calling TEA Party supports racists? That is using racism to gain support.
btw, I like this First of all, no one is proposing taking away anyone's guns.


That's because the people pictured are at a pro-gun rally one would assume.

Notice the racist implications. "Go ahead Barry....take our guns Muzzle First"
How is that racist? You really are out on a limb are the one calling these protesters

Look...miss clueless.....every time we're critical of an Obama proposal it's because ether implied or outright stated we're racists.....just because the guy is black.

A white man wanting to shoot Obama is automatically assumed to be a racist.

What you're trying to say is unless they're screaming racism the implications aren't there. I'm not about to spend the time posting several of their false accusations of racism since Obama started running for President.

Jesus H. Christ....Quit playing dumb.
Democrats don't need to use racism to "gain support".


Because Republicans use racism to drive it away.

So the lies have worked on you.

Democrats fought against the Civil Rights movement at it's inception. If it weren't for the GOP it may never had become a reality.

Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation?

A Republican.

Somehow the Dems have used various wedge-issues to co-opt the minority vote. All they have to do is propose a new law that favors a particular race or class over everyone else, something that is obviously unfair, and the person who fights against it is branded a racist.

Best way to get a group on your side is give them something they normally wouldn't get or normally shouldn't putting them first in line for jobs or favor them over whites when it comes to acceptance in colleges. How about special grants that favor them over "rich" white applicants. That's most likely how Obama got his education. His family isn't rich but somehow he got into Harvard.
Democrats don't need to use racism to "gain support".


Because Republicans use racism to drive it away.

So the lies have worked on you.

Democrats fought against the Civil Rights movement at it's inception. If it weren't for the GOP it may never had become a reality.

Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation?

A Republican.

Somehow the Dems have used various wedge-issues to co-opt the minority vote. All they have to do is propose a new law that favors a particular race or class over everyone else, something that is obviously unfair, and the person who fights against it is branded a racist.

Best way to get a group on your side is give them something they normally wouldn't get or normally shouldn't putting them first in line for jobs or favor them over whites when it comes to acceptance in colleges. How about special grants that favor them over "rich" white applicants. That's most likely how Obama got his education. His family isn't rich but somehow he got into Harvard.

Personally, I'm not inclined to beat the Dems or the GOP for historic actions.... I am more interested in what they do now than who did what to whom in the past.... we need to learn from history but not use it as a weapon.

Having said that, I find the Dems attitude towards minorities to be a major part of the problem with racism. They pander to minorities, treating them as 'special' and constantly remind them how hard done by they have been. Well, yea, they have been. But they aren't now. We really must stop using race as a weapon, we need to treat people equally - give everyone the same opportunities. What individuals choose to do with that opportunity is up to them. No one should succeed or fail on their skin color, religion or anything else.

It is, mainly, the left that single out minorities as a cause. They should stop. They should stop playing the race card for political gain and stop manipulating minorities.
Democrats don't need to use racism to "gain support".


Because Republicans use racism to drive it away.

So the lies have worked on you.

Democrats fought against the Civil Rights movement at it's inception. If it weren't for the GOP it may never had become a reality.

Who signed the Emancipation Proclamation?

A Republican.

Somehow the Dems have used various wedge-issues to co-opt the minority vote. All they have to do is propose a new law that favors a particular race or class over everyone else, something that is obviously unfair, and the person who fights against it is branded a racist.

Best way to get a group on your side is give them something they normally wouldn't get or normally shouldn't putting them first in line for jobs or favor them over whites when it comes to acceptance in colleges. How about special grants that favor them over "rich" white applicants. That's most likely how Obama got his education. His family isn't rich but somehow he got into Harvard.

Personally, I'm not inclined to beat the Dems or the GOP for historic actions.... I am more interested in what they do now than who did what to whom in the past.... we need to learn from history but not use it as a weapon.

Having said that, I find the Dems attitude towards minorities to be a major part of the problem with racism. They pander to minorities, treating them as 'special' and constantly remind them how hard done by they have been. Well, yea, they have been. But they aren't now. We really must stop using race as a weapon, we need to treat people equally - give everyone the same opportunities. What individuals choose to do with that opportunity is up to them. No one should succeed or fail on their skin color, religion or anything else.

It is, mainly, the left that single out minorities as a cause. They should stop. They should stop playing the race card for political gain and stop manipulating minorities.

I'm merely pointing out a pattern that has worked for them for over 50 years

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